Akira Hanomiya and Conan returned to Yoneka Town.

They went together, Conan went back to Maori's house, and Yumiya Akira went home to meet Mengyu.

Hanomiya Detective Agency.

After some disguise, Akira Hanomiya dialed Mouri Kogoro's phone number.

Soon, the call was answered.

"Hey! Who is this?" Mouri Kogoro said first.

"Mr. Mouri, it's me." Min'ou Hanomiya still used his usual strong and strong male voice.

"Oh! It's you! What's the matter?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Haha, your police put on quite a show this time!" Yu Gongming chuckled.

"Huh? Big drama?" Mouri Kogoro seemed to be even more confused, and his tone was full of confusion: "Did you make a mistake? I don't understand at all."

Akira Hanomiya said in a meaningful tone: "Oh? Really? Since Mr. Mori doesn't know, can you convey a message to the director for me?"

"What are you talking about?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"We have also made great efforts to arrest Gin. If the police get any key information from Gin, don't be alone!" Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro was silent for two seconds before replying: "Although I don't know what you mean, I will convey your words."

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Mouri." Hanemiya Ming said with a smile.

"No trouble, do you have anything else to do?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"No, Mr. Maori, please help yourself." After Akira Hagong said, he hung up the phone.

"The rest depends on Director Hakuba's reaction." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Then what if he doesn't have any feedback?" Mengyu asked.

"That in itself is a kind of feedback." Yu Gongming explained:

"I asked Uncle Maori to pass on such an ambiguous statement. If the police really didn't know anything about this matter, they would be surprised. After all, Gin is apparently dead."

"Then, after receiving this sentence, the uninformed Director Hakuba should ask Uncle Mori to convey his concerns, or reveal to us the news that Gin is [dead]."

"And if he knows about it, Uncle Maoli will probably relay the content of the call with me to him. He will definitely understand what I mean. Choosing to remain silent is in itself an expression of attitude."

"That's it!" Mengyu suddenly realized, and then couldn't help but laugh: "You are really getting more and more skilled at this kind of twists and turns now!"

Yu Gongming shrugged: "Who makes these big shots seem to like this?"

Mengyu nodded gently: "Then let's just wait for the feedback from the other side. Hmm... I wonder if Conan can gain anything?"

"I'm looking forward to it too." Yu Gongming smiled.


In the alley near the Mori Detective Agency.

Mouri Kogoro put down his cell phone and looked at Conan in front of him, his eyebrows trembling: "Boy! It's very impolite to follow others casually and disturb other people's work!"

Conan chuckled: "If uncle doesn't want me to follow him, he will be stopped when I leave the office, right?"

Gu Cai

"Hmph!" Mouri Kogoro snorted coldly and looked at Conan with a somewhat unkind expression: "So, kid, what's the reason for you coming here?"

"It's because of the news this morning." Conan suppressed his smile and said calmly: "A criminal gang armed with guns robbed a villa in Cupido Town and kidnapped a hostage."

"In the end, although the police pursued them with all their strength, they still allowed the suspect to escape, and the hostage was unfortunately killed by the bomb that the suspect detonated when he escaped."

After recounting the general content of the news, Conan's eyes suddenly condensed: "I asked Hanomiya to help check and found that the villa is an FBI safe house."

"Gun-toting gang, kidnapping hostages, FBI safe house." Conan's tone became more solemn: "Who was the kidnapped [hostage]...?"

Mouri Kogoro frowned: "Why do you think I know about this?"

Conan pushed up his glasses and smiled: "I just accidentally glanced at the caller number and found that the sequence of the number was obviously different from the normal one. My uncle left the office immediately after answering the call."

"This situation is very similar to the last time. I wonder if your superior has assigned you another task or conveyed some news?"

"So, I followed."

Mouri Kogoro looked at him meaningfully: "You kid don't want to let go of any clues about that organization!"

"Of course!" Conan's voice rose slightly: "Only when that organization is completely destroyed, can I truly return to the sunshine and return to Xiaolan's side!"

Mouri Kogoro stared at Conan, was silent for a while, and then said: "Your guess is not wrong. This phone call may be related to that organization."

"Maybe?" Conan was startled.

"This call was from one of my informants. He said some inexplicable words to me and then hung up." Mouri Kogoro replied.

"What?" Conan asked immediately.

Mouri Kogoro hesitated for a while, but decided to tell Conan the content of the call.

Although the mysterious person on the other end of the phone can be regarded as a partner of the police, everything about them has always been hidden in the fog, which always makes people feel unreliable.

Conan, on the other hand, is a junior who knows the ins and outs, and his wisdom is quite extraordinary. If he reveals the information about the mysterious group of people to Conan, he might be able to find some clues.

So, Kogoro Mouri relayed the contents of the call to Conan.

Conan naturally knew what Hanomiya Akira was doing. Listening to Mouri Kogoro's story, a subtle emotion arose in his heart.

But after experiencing so many things, Conan has grown a lot after all. The emotions in his heart are not revealed at all, but he looks like he is frowning and thinking.

After listening to Mouri Kogoro's report, Conan's eyes flashed slightly and asked: "Uncle, I want to confirm first, is the person who was kidnapped and finally killed by the explosion Gin?"

Mouri Kogoro shook his head: "I don't know that either. I don't know much more than you about what happened last night."

"Uncle, can you ask the police about the specific situation?" Conan asked.

"That's no problem. I originally wanted to ask about some information over there." Mouri Kogoro said cheerfully.

After all, he and Conan had already revealed their cards, so he didn't mind giving this junior a little help directly.

"Thank you, uncle!" Conan thanked him sincerely.

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand: "Okay, kid, please go back first. I will tell you if there is any news!"

"Yes!" Conan agreed, turned around and left very neatly.

Mouri Kogoro didn't look back until Conan was no longer visible.

He walked deeper into the alley, then picked up his phone and dialed a number.

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