Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1382 Small meeting and analysis

Half an hour later, Akira Hanomiya and his party arrived in downtown Tokyo.

He first sent Rumi Wakasa back to her apartment, then sent the three little ones home respectively, and declined their parents' invitation to stay as guests.

Finally, only Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, Conan, and Xiao Ai were left in the car.

At this time, Xiao Ai looked away from the window, and Conan also put away his listless look, and his expression became extremely solemn.

"Xiao Ai had a hard time just now, right?" Meng Yu said softly.

Xiao Ai was startled, then nodded slightly: "Well, although it is very light, the uncomfortable aura is still a bit uncomfortable."

Conan suddenly realized: "No wonder you were looking out the window just now. I said that although you are relatively cold, your relationship with those brats is pretty good. Why didn't you talk to them along the way?"

"Both each other." Xiao Ai said calmly: "A certain great detective knows that the other person's target is him, but he still pretends to be indifferent when Meng Yu speaks. You must have a hard time enduring it, right?"

Conan curled his lips: "You know again?"

Xiao Ai shrugged and did not refute.

Seeing this, Conan did not continue to argue with Xiao Ai, but looked at the two people in the front row: "Do you think she saw it?"

"You must have figured it out, right?" Akira Yumiya said calmly: "She went to teach Ayumi and the others how to make dolls last night. Is it just a coincidence?"

"The answer is obvious, right?" Conan chuckled and said, "The skeletons in the old warehouse and the murder case a few days ago were all the results of her deliberate guidance."

"Although this time it should have nothing to do with her, but the timing of making the little doll was so perfect, how could it be unintentional?"

"Then she is really difficult to deal with... She can see through the murderer's tactics earlier than you two famous detectives." Xiao Ai said in a solemn tone.

"I have to admit this." Conan said with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"I don't think her reasoning ability is really better than Conan's." Akira Hanomiya said solemnly.

"Oh? What do you say?" Mengyu asked.

Akira Hanomiya did not respond, but asked: "In addition to police and detectives, do you think there are people who know enough about various murder methods and are sensitive enough to relevant information?"

There was silence in the car for a while, and then the three of them spoke at the same time:


"Yes!" Yu Gongming confirmed the answers of several people and said solemnly: "To a certain extent, compared to detectives and police, perhaps the killer is more sensitive to murder methods."

"The purpose of detectives and police is to catch the murderer. Even if they assume the role of the murderer, there will be a process of perspective switching."

"But the killer's goal is to kill people. When reasoning, his mentality may not be like [how the murderer kills] like us, but direct reasoning [how should I kill]."

"Such a mentality makes them more sensitive to [the murderer's] methods."

When the three people in the car heard this, they all looked thoughtful.

Meng Yu tapped her chin gently with her finger: "Although it is only analyzed at a psychological level, it makes some sense."

"Yeah! And there's another point I don't know if you've noticed." Conan said: "When Administrator Kuroda appeared, Mr. Wakasa kept staring at him."

"It took Ayumi several times to react, and she turned to look at Ayumi, but before looking at Ayumi, her eyes had already passed by Ayumi once, and she seemed to have been searching for a while before finally focusing on her. Ayumi’s location.”

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly: "You are suspicious..."

"Yeah!" Conan nodded: "Before, I thought her reckless behavior and frequent bumping into things were just a simple disguise, but now, I think there may be other reasons."

"Do you think there is something wrong with her eyesight?" Xiao Ai said calmly.

"To be precise, I think she has a vision problem in one eye." Conan corrected, turning to look at Xiao Ai: "Remember? According to rumors, Rum also has a problem with one eye."

Xiao Ai's expression changed slightly, but she quickly regained her composure and replied: "I think she is not Rum."

"Why?" Conan asked confused.

Xiao Ai replied: "Rum is an old man in the organization. She knows what I looked like when I was a child. If Wakasa is Rum, then she should have taken me back long ago."

"But Wakasa is more interested in you than me."

"But it's also abnormal, right?" Conan retorted: "If she is interested in me, she will know about you and me at Didan Elementary School after a little investigation."

"And you show maturity far beyond your peers. She is just targeting me, but she seems completely uninterested in you. Isn't this a little strange?"

"Well..." Xiao Ai was startled when he heard this, and ripples gradually appeared in his eyes.

"There is indeed something fishy." Yu Gongming agreed: "If it is not that she is not interested in Xiao Ai, but the way of investigation is more obscure, it will be more dangerous."

"Indeed, but if this assumption is true, the question arises..." Meng Yu frowned: "Why is there such a difference in her attitudes towards Conan and Xiao Ai?"

"Do you think Wakasa deliberately let Conan see the invoice in her apartment?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Yeah!" Meng Yu nodded: "You should have similar doubts in your hearts, right? Otherwise, why would you ask [did she see it] just now?"

"That's not certain. After all, although someone has a strong reasoning ability, isn't he sometimes reckless?" Xiao Ai said quietly.

"Hey!" Conan immediately turned around and stared at her dissatisfied.

The corner of Xiao Ai's mouth curled up: "What's wrong? I'm talking about someone, why are you reacting so hard?"

Conan's expression froze, and then he let out a "cut" sound in displeasure, and continued without further entanglement with Xiao Ai: "If she did it on purpose, then this should also be a test."

"Maybe it also means to lure us out." Yu Gongming added in a deep voice.

"She really planned it like this. Then we knew there was a problem, but we couldn't let it go. This is a conspiracy!" Meng Yu sighed.

Xiao Ai pursed her lips: "So, is she expecting you to come here this time?"

"It doesn't matter." Yu Gongming said: "We didn't reveal any key information along the way. In the end, Meng Yu was asked to test it just to appear more natural."

"She has already exposed such obvious problems. If there is no reaction at all, it will arouse suspicion."

"Furthermore, it can be seen from the exchange between Mengyu and her just now that she plans to continue pretending and will not show off her cards so soon."

"No matter what her plans are, as long as we are given time, with the power we have now, it's hard to say who plotted who!"

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