Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1383 The Invaded Apartment

Hearing this, Conan nodded lightly.

If he was alone, he might still feel a little pressure when faced with Wakasa whose purpose was unclear, but he was not alone now.

Akira Hanomiya, Mengyu, Uncle Mouri, Doctor, Haibara, Mr. Subaru, Mr. Amuro...

With so many capable companions helping her, it will not be easy for Rumi Wakasa to achieve her goals!

"Apart from Wakasa, the Kuroda administrator is also a bit concerning." Xiao Ai said.

"He seems to know Ruo Sa..." Meng Yu said lightly.

Akira Hanomiya touched his chin: "I think he may not know [Wakasa Rumi]."

Conan nodded: "Wakasa Rumi's identity is probably disguised, and Manager Kuroda speculated from some clues that she may be one of his [old friends]."

"Judging from the communication between Teacher Wakasa and him, his purpose in coming to the camp seems to be Teacher Wakasa from the beginning." Mengyu analyzed, and then showed a trace of doubt:

"But how did he know that Rumi Wakasa would camp here? Even if he had sent people to monitor Wakasa's residence, he probably wouldn't have known that she would go camping with us today, right?"

"We didn't find any suspicious vehicles following us along the way, right?"

"I have considered this." Conan said: "In addition to everyone who is together this time, the only person who knows about our camping plan is Teacher Xiaolin."

"I remember Teacher Xiaolin said that she was originally going to come with Officer Shiratori, but later it seemed that Officer Shiratori changed her mind. Maybe she wanted to live in another place for two people, right?"

Conan had already mentioned this, so Hanamiya Akira naturally understood what he meant: "Do you think it was Officer Shiratori who accidentally revealed this matter to him?"

"Yes!" Conan nodded: "Teacher Wakasa was on the news a few days ago. Counting the time, the report on that case should have been submitted to the management officer, right?"

"Ha! Things are really getting more and more interesting now!" Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "Kaneori Wakida suddenly approached us, and there was also someone who had been in Teidan for a while and seemed very interested in Conan. Wakasa, and Kuroda Bei, who seems to be very interested in Wakasa..."

"What's even more coincidental is that all three of them are one-eyed!"

Conan was startled when he heard this: "It is indeed a coincidence, but one of the three of them must be Rum!"

"I feel the same way." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile. If you choose one of Conan's standard three options, you will definitely not be able to escape!

"Except for Wakida who has no clue yet, Kuroda and Wakasa seem to have an unknown connection." Meng Yu also said.

Conan pushed up his glasses: "You can ask your uncle Kuroda. Maybe you can get some feedback from the director. As for Mr. Wakasa..."

He raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Gongming and Meng Yu: "I hope I can gain something later."

"Oh? Have you already launched an operation against Wakasa?" Xiao Ai showed an interested expression.

Yu Gongming smiled: "You will know later!"

Xiao Ai raised her eyebrows, but Yu Gongming said that she would know later, so she didn't need to ask further.

While the few people were talking, Akira Hanomiya had already driven the SUV back to Miwa Town 2-chome.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of Dr. Ali's house.

After everyone got out of the car, Xiao Ai took out the keys from her bag.

But before that, a figure had opened the door and walked into the yard, walking straight towards the door.

Xiao Ai stopped taking out the keys.

The one who walked out was not the Doctor, but... Subaru Okiya!



Rumi Wakasa opened the door and walked into her apartment.

She looked around subconsciously, observing whether there were any signs of intrusion in her home.

"There is nothing unusual in the living room..."

Drawing a conclusion in her mind, she stepped to the balcony.

Focusing on the balcony railing, Rumi Wakasa's expression changed slightly!

Since Wakasa Rumi moved in, she had not deliberately cleaned the balcony, which caused a rather thick layer of dust to accumulate on the balcony.

Rumi Wakasa is happy to see this happen. Anyway, she usually doesn't go to the balcony except to hang clothes, and the place where she hangs clothes is also some distance away from the balcony railing, so it won't have any impact.

On the contrary, the use of these dusts can also play a certain warning role.

So every time she came back, she would come to the balcony to check if there were any abnormal changes in the dust.

And now, she discovered something unusual!

The dust on the railing on the left side of the balcony seemed a little unnatural than before.

Rumi Wakasa would observe the dust on the balcony every time she came back, and she was very familiar with the distribution of dust.

Even though the unnaturalness was just a hint, she still caught it.

She looked closely.

"The dust was wiped away, but it was restored..."

A cold light flashed in Wakasa Rumei's eyes, and her expression gradually turned cold.

She immediately returned to the house and began to inspect the house.

Living room - nothing unusual.

Kitchen - nothing unusual.

Storage Room - No abnormalities.

Finally, she stopped in front of her bedroom door.

The bedroom door was closed and no sound came out.

Rumi Wakasa narrowed her eyes slightly, and then suddenly opened the bedroom door!


The open door stirred up a strong gust of wind, causing the curtains in the bedroom to sway.

There was no one in the bedroom.

Her bedroom is quite simple. In addition to a bed close to the floor, there is only a computer desk and a small wardrobe that is no larger than an adult's thigh.

There is no place to hide an adult, and even a child would have trouble hiding there.

But to be cautious, Wakasa Rumi still conducted an almost carpet-like inspection of the bedroom.

About fifteen minutes later.

She sat on the chair and looked intently at the laptop on the computer table in front of her.

The computer was closed and in the same position as when she went out.

Her eyes flickered slightly, she opened the laptop and pressed the power button.

The system started normally and soon jumped to the power-on password interface.

Rumi Wakasa expertly entered the password on the keyboard.

【wrong password】

Wakasa Rumi's pupils suddenly shrank!

She entered her password again.

【wrong password】

It might have been a mistake once, but she had carefully checked every button the second time, and she would never make a mistake again!

Combined with the abnormality on the balcony, Wakasa easily came to a conclusion.

Someone sneaked into your home while you were out and tried to hack into your computer!

Moreover, the other party should have succeeded!

If the other party fails to crack the password and enters incorrectly three times in a row, you will not be allowed to enter it again within 48 hours.

It has not been 48 hours since she left home, and she can enter the password normally.

Obviously, after the other party successfully opened her computer, he also changed the original password!

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