Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1404 Analysis of Rum

Nagano Prefecture, in an apartment building.

Zhu Fu Gaoming sat back on the leather armchair in his study room, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

After a busy tone, the phone was connected.

"Manager Kuroda, it's me." Zhufu Gaoming said softly.

"That's brilliant! Is everything over?" Kuroda Bingwei's deep voice sounded.

"Yes! The case was successfully solved." Zhuofu Gaoming replied: "Detective Hanomiya and the others have returned to Tokyo, and the things you told me have been completed."

"Well! That's good. I'll bother you this time." Kuroda Bingwei said slowly.

"No, I should thank the administrator for returning my younger brother's belongings." Zhu Fu Gaoming replied.

Kuroda Bingwei sighed: "I am deeply sorry for the passing of your brother, and sending the relics back is just an apology."

Zhufu Gaoming was silent for a while and asked: "Are you still unwilling to say more about Brother Shi?"

"I'm sorry." Kuroda Bingwei flatly refused: "This matter involves something more far-reaching than you think. It will be harmful to you to get involved hastily."

After a pause, Kuroda Bei continued: "Don't worry, your brother's sacrifice is by no means meaningless. There will be people who will continue along his path until the ultimate goal is achieved!"

Zhu Fu Gaoming held the phone tightly, and after a long time, he whispered back: "I understand."

"Yes!" Kuroda Hei responded, and then said: "I still have things to do, so I'll hang up first."

"Okay! You're busy then. Goodbye." Zhufu Gaoming replied.

Subsequently, the call was hung up.

Zhu Fu Gaoming took back his cell phone and reached out to open the desk drawer.

In the most conspicuous place in the drawer, there was a broken mobile phone lying quietly.

Zhu Fu Gaoming lowered his head and stared at the phone, not looking away for a long time.


After Wakita said goodbye to Hanomiya Akira and others, he walked a few hundred meters and stopped on the side of the road, as if waiting for something.

A moment later, a gray Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of him.

Wakada stepped forward, opened the car door and got in.

The gray Mercedes-Benz started and quickly drove away from the place.

In the Mercedes-Benz, Wakida's originally casual expression calmed down, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

With a swipe of his right hand on his lips, he took out the two extremely eye-catching front teeth, and then lifted them on his head. A wig broke away from his scalp, revealing a shiny bald head.

And this face belongs to the second-in-command of the black organization—Rum!

Rum raised his head slightly and looked at the front passenger passenger, a man in his fifties dressed as a butler, and asked, "How is things going?"

The co-pilot replied respectfully: "Yes! Bourbon's residence has been found. However, according to Lord Rum's instructions, our people did not sneak in rashly, but only set up surveillance points around it."

"Yeah! Very good!" Rum nodded with satisfaction: "Remember, if Bourbon is at his residence, stop all surveillance activities. Unless I take action personally, other surveillance personnel will be discovered by him sooner or later."

"However, once a suspicious person wanders around Bourbon's residence or even enters Bourbon's residence, you must keep an eye on him and report to me immediately!"

"Yes!" the butler responded respectfully.

Rum nodded slightly and continued to ask: "By the way, what has Mouri Kogoro been doing these two days?"

"He was invited by Suzuki Jirokichi, the consultant of the Suzuki Foundation, to the Suzuki Grand Library to compete with Kaitou Kidd to protect the world's largest moonstone - the Memory of the Moon."

"Judging from the current news, Kogoro Mori successfully protected the moonstone, but he still allowed Kaitou Kid to escape successfully."

"Oh? That's it..." Wakida Kanze's eyes flickered, and the suspicion in his heart diminished a little.

This trip to Nagano was brought up by chance when he was listening to the chat between Kogoro Mori and Miss Azusa at Café Poirot.

Especially after hearing that four people were needed to go, he came over and asked Mouri Kogoro to take him with him.

On the one hand, it is to maintain the character he created, and on the other hand, he also wants to observe the little ghost named Conan who lives in Maori's house.

That kid didn't act like a seven-year-old child at all, and seeing his face always gave Rum a sense of déjà vu, as if he had seen him before somewhere.

Although there was no reason for this sense of déjà vu, he did not intend to let go of such an anomaly.

But what I didn't expect was that Mouri Kogoro finally transferred the commission to Hanomiya Akira, and was accompanied by his main target of lurking in disguise this time - Bourbon!

When he saw the blond young man, even though his temperament could not completely control his expression.

But I have to say that compared to going with the Maori family, Hanemiya Akira's team did satisfy him more.

However, he couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart. Was the sudden change in the team a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement?

The relationship between Akira Hanamiya and Kogoro Mouri seems to be unusually good, and they don't look like they are competing peers at all. However, after recent observation, he believes that although Kogoro Mouri seems confused, some details are quite different. It means being wise and foolish.

If these two famous detectives had any suspicion about themselves, they might take action.

But now it seems that Mouri Kogoro turned down the matter because of Suzuki Jirokichi's entrustment.

Comparing the two commissions, one was vague and mysterious, and had to go to a dilapidated church in the mountains of Nagano, while the other only required activities in Tokyo. The client was also very wealthy, and there was no danger in dealing with Kaito Kidd.

Rum thought to himself that even if he had to choose, he would probably choose the latter.

As for how he persuaded Yu Gongming to help, this is unknown.

But this at least shows that Mouri Kogoro didn't deliberately put himself on Hanomiya Akira's side.

After clarifying this point, Rum temporarily put aside the matters concerning Mouri Kogoro and began to think about this long-night execution.

During the entire trip, he deliberately showed some abnormalities, just to test the reactions of Yu Gongming and the others.

And he was not too satisfied with the results of the trial.

Hanemiya Ming remained calm on his face, but he could tell that he seemed to be wary of him, and his girlfriend was even more probing with words.

These reactions are not unexpected, on the contrary, they are normal phenomena in Rum's view.

As a famous detective, it would be strange if he was indifferent to such anomalies as his own.

And his girlfriend directly tried to test him, indicating that the other party may have doubts about him, but he doesn't think he is a particularly worthy person.

This level of suspicion is completely normal for the detective and his assistant.

As for Bourbon, oh, maybe I should call him Toru Amuro, his reaction is more intriguing.

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