Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1405 Undercurrent

When he met Bourbon, his reaction was quite normal, just like the habitual scrutiny of a stranger he had just met.

But in the subsequent exchanges, his attitude seemed a little strange.

After he showed some abnormalities, in addition to being vigilant like Akira Hanomiya, he also revealed his exploration of his own identity.

Although this attitude is quite obscure, Rum still sensed it based on his experienced experience.

This caught Rum's attention.

As a senior member of the organization, Bourbon, he had been investigating the whereabouts of the organization's traitor Shirley.

This task has never been completed, and even now it seems to be a bit passive.

Rum can't blame him too much for this. The top management of the organization now basically knows that Shirley has taken refuge in a mysterious force. Even Rum himself has no clue about this mysterious force. Bourbon has not completed the task and is passive and sabotaging. It’s hard to say anything.

But he is still a member of the organization.

On the surface, he was close to Akira Hanamiya. Even if he behaved abnormally, according to normal logic, he would think that he was coming for Akira Hanamiya.

Even Akira Hanomiya only showed vigilance. How could Bourbon, an "unrelated person", be curious about his identity?

Although this attitude does not explain any real problems, it undoubtedly makes Rum more suspicious of Bourbon.

Of course, besides his attitude, there was another thing that concerned him.

In the church, Bourbon received a notice from Yu Gongming and took action to capture Nishino.

At that time, he was using karate grappling techniques. His movements were smooth and smooth, and he subdued Nishino instantly.

But Rum was keenly aware that his set of actions was very [dogmatic].

The movements are quite standard and very consistent with [norms], but they lack variety and spirituality.

As far as Rum knows, Bourbon's fighting level is quite high and should never be limited to this level.

In other words, karate is probably not the fighting technique he is good at, and he is deliberately hiding his clumsiness.

The people present at the time, the unlucky guys from the baseball club who were invited, were not proficient in fighting skills, and Akira Hanamiya and Mengyu, who were proficient in karate, were not present at the time.

Why does he need to hide his clumsiness?

Is this a habit, or...are you being wary of yourself?

In fact, both situations are possible.

Bo himself is the organization's leading operative, so it's not surprising that he has a habit of hiding his own characteristics.

And the second possibility...

A dangerous light flashed in Rum's eyes.

If this is really possible, then the investigation into Bourbon must not stop until a definite conclusion is found.


Toru Amuro said goodbye to Hanomiya Akira and the others, and walked around the area a few times to make sure no one was following him before he got into his car parked nearby.

After checking the car with the device hidden in the bag and confirming that there was nothing extra, Toru Amuro took out his phone and opened the text message interface.

There was an unread message lying quietly there, with the sent time showing five minutes ago.

Information from Akira Hanomiya.

【One inch of time, one inch of gold】

Toru Amuro's expression changed slightly when he saw this message.

He naturally understands the meaning of this proverb.

In layman’s terms – time is money.

And this sentence is something that often appears when Rum and him communicate through text messages or emails. It is similar to a mantra.

【Time is money】

As for this detail, he remembered that he did not tell Yu Gongming.

Amuro Toru closed his eyes slightly and thought quickly in his mind.

"Is it the information revealed by their undercover in the organization? Being able to contact Rum, the status of that undercover is not low... No, that's not right. If it is the information obtained by the organization's undercover, there is no need for him to convert it into proverbs and send it Give it to me, I know this sentence myself..."

"Huh? Wait, this way of expression..."

The Nagano Prefecture police officer with a gentle face and the style of an ancient Confucian scholar suddenly appeared in Toru Amuro's mind, who was also the brother of his late best friend - Morofushi Gaoming.

As far as he knew, Zhufu Gaoming liked to use such proverbs.

"Did he quietly inform Detective Hanomiya of this information when they met?" Toru Amuro couldn't help but guess.

This seems to be the most reasonable explanation.

In that case, it was only Zhufu Gaoming who revealed this information that allowed Hanemiya Akira to choose to tell him the information after the separation.

A gleam flashed in Toru Amuro's eyes: "Are you telling me... that Rum was at the scene at that time?"

Thinking of this, he operated his mobile phone to jump to the call interface and dialed a number.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hey! It's me." Toru Amuro said.

"Is the trip going well?" Kuroda Bei's deep voice sounded.

"Although there were some twists and turns, overall it went smoothly." Toru Amuro replied.

"Yes!" Kuroda Hei responded calmly, paused, and said, "It seems that your worries are not unnecessary."

Amuro's pupils suddenly shrank.

Before leaving Tokyo, he reported the situation to Kuroda Bei and asked Kuroda Bei to arrange for personnel to secretly monitor his residence.

If Rum really targets him, he should take some action after he goes out.

And Kuroda's words just now undoubtedly showed that there was indeed something abnormal in his residence.

On the other side, Kuroda's voice continued: "Some quite interesting people have appeared near your residence in the past two days."

"It's not the cleaners in charge of that area; the new residents who move above you; and the homeless people who suddenly arrive in the abandoned construction site near your apartment and the warehouse where you can see the entrance and exit of the apartment..."

The more Toru Amuro listened, the more solemn his expression became. He couldn't help but ask, "They didn't enter my residence, did they?"

Kuroda Bingwei replied: "No, the other party is just wandering around, mainly for surveillance."

When Toru Amuro heard this, he looked thoughtful, and then said: "Are you sure that these people are really coming for me?"

"It takes time to confirm." Kuroda Bingwei said calmly.

"Okay, then I will cooperate." Toru Amuro replied.

The person on the other side was silent for a while, then said: "The appearance of these people is a very dangerous signal. In an emergency, the mission is allowed to end."

Toru Amuro was startled for a moment, then chuckled: "We haven't reached the last step yet, and I don't want to return without success!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes: "If we really get to the last step, can we try to arrest Rum?"

Hearing this, the other side fell into silence again.

After a long time, Kuroda Bingwei's voice came faintly: "This will take some time."

Amuro Toru raised an eyebrow: "I understand."

"Okay, let's do this for now." Kurodabei said and hung up the phone.

Toru Amuro put down his phone and looked forward, determination gradually appearing in his eyes.

The white Mazda started, and Toru Amuro accelerated and drove towards his residence.

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