Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1417 How to deceive Belmode

When faced with the same situation, Belmod would usually choose to draw his gun and shoot directly, destroying the opponent's mobility, or even killing the opponent directly.

But facing Mengyu, it was impossible for her to really shoot at Mengyu.

And with the ability of Dream Talk, shooting as a deterrent would not have any effect at all.

Therefore, she could only choose to rush over and try to snatch the key from Mengyu's hand with close combat.

But she also knew in her heart that the chance of success might not be too high.

The opponent is a karate master, so he may not be her opponent in close combat.

As far as Belmode knew, Mengwu never acted alone.

Maybe in the secret, Conan, Akira Hanomiya, or even someone else are staring at him.

If the other party comes prepared and you respond hastily and have some scruples, how can you succeed?

But even though he knew it might just be a useless effort, Belmode still wanted to give it one last try.

However, just as she thought, since Meng Yu took the initiative to reveal his identity, he was naturally ready to evacuate.


A dazzling flash of light suddenly burst out in front of Belmod's eyes!

"Damn it! Flashbang!" Belmod had no choice but to close his eyes, block his ears, and turn around to avoid the light source as much as possible.

Once you are dazzled by a flash bomb and your line of sight is disturbed, there is no possibility of continuing to pursue you.

After a few seconds, he felt that the flash of light had disappeared, and Belmode turned around again.

Although she reacted quickly enough, she was still somewhat affected by the flash of light in the dark night.

Her eyes were dazed for a while, and she finally saw the scene in front of her clearly.

As expected, Meng Yu's figure has long since disappeared.

Seeing this, Belmode hesitated for a while, and finally did not continue the pursuit.

Suddenly, a smile of unknown meaning appeared at the corner of her mouth: "I didn't expect that you little guys gave me a surprise again!"

Then, she turned around, cleaned up the traces, and left the rooftop.


Mengyu still walked in a hurry with Curaçao's face on her face, choosing the path first to avoid the crowd, and soon she came to a gray Honda car parked nearby.

She reached out to open the rear door, sat in quickly, and quickly closed the door.

The gray Honda quickly started up and drove away from the spot.

In the car, in the driver's seat, Dr. Ali was operating the steering wheel with focused eyes. The co-pilot next to him was Xiao Ai, who was holding a tablet.

In the back row, Yu Gongming helped Meng Yu take off her disguise and gently rubbed her head: "Well done!"

Meng Yu didn't mind Yu Gongming's actions at all, and said with a smile: "Thanks to you for supporting me behind the scenes. If not for everyone's concerted efforts, it would be impossible to deceive Belmode!"

Conan, who was sitting next to Yumiya Akira, pushed up his glasses and looked at Yumiya Akira with a hint of amazement in his eyes: "It's a shame that Yumiya could come up with this plan!"

Hanemiya Akira's plan for tonight's meeting is to have Mengyu disguise himself as Curaçao to defraud Belmode of information.

The content of the plan is brief, but it involves many details and problems that need to be solved.

The first point is how to successfully disguise yourself as Curacao.

If you want to deceive a master of disguise like Belmode, even under the cover of night, if the disguise is not completed well enough, you may still be seen through by the opponent.

As for the disguises that could deceive Belmod, Hanomiya Akira knew of only two people.

One is Kudo Yukiko, who is from the same school as Belmod, and the other is Kaitou Kid.

Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku are abroad and cannot come back in a short time. They have to meet at eight o'clock in the evening. It is obviously too late to find Yukiko.

Therefore, they can only find Kaitou Kidd.

It just so happened that Kaitou Kidd owed them a favor not long ago, so it shouldn't be a big problem to ask him to help with the disguise.

Later, Hanemiya Akira and Meng Yu found Kuroba Kaito at the Blue Parrot Billiards Bar, and put forward their requests straight to the point.

Since he owed a favor and it was not a dangerous matter, Kuroba Kaito agreed without much hesitation.

As for the face, there are photos that have been processed to clarify the dream language, so it is not difficult for Kuroba Kaito to disguise himself.

In terms of body shape, Mengyu's height is not much different from Curacao, and Curacao wears high heels. If you put some work on the heels, it should be enough to look real in the night.

There are also other body details. Thanks to both Akira and Karate masters, they will subconsciously pay attention to other people's body details.

After careful recall, I also adjusted to a state that is quite close to Curacao.

Just like that, with the help of Kuroba Kaito, the first step of disguise was completed!

However, this is not enough.

Yumiya clearly understood that Belmod must have had suspicions, and testing after the meeting was essential.

The rest is easy to say, but Curacao has super memory storage ability. If Belmode wants to verify this ability, how should he deal with it?

This troubled Yu Gongming for a while, but after discussing with everyone, he finally came up with a solution.

If Belmod wants to verify his memory ability, he must let Mengyu browse a large amount of information in a short period of time.

This information is definitely not something that can be memorized at a glance.

But what if information could be stored permanently, like in Curacao?

Although they don't have the brains of Curaçao, they have other alternatives.

So, they hid two miniature cameras on Mengyu's body and connected them to several tablets to record the information they saw and store it in the computer.

If Belmode asks for the content, they can just retrieve it on the computer.

Moreover, in order not to make Belmode suspicious, Curacao's voice was not produced by Dream Talk using a voice changer, but came from a speaker hidden in her back collar, with Conan dubbing it.

Yu Gongming, Xiao Ai, and the doctor are jointly responsible for extracting the corresponding content and presenting it in front of Conan, who will directly narrate it.

Through such a set of operations, Curacao's super memory ability was finally realized.

Just like when he was on the rooftop, Mengyu turned the page every few seconds. On the surface, he was memorizing, but in fact, it was time to record information for the team behind him.

She would turn to the next page only after receiving the information that the recording was completed through the communicator hidden in her ear.

After flipping through the entire booklet, I chatted a few more words with Bellmode, just to give Akira Hanomiya and others time to sort out the information.

Coupled with the information that Yu Gongming learned from the original work, he finally deceived Belmod and got the key from her.

As for why he took the initiative to reveal his identity in the end...

On the one hand, it was to test Belmod's reaction to see if she had been deceived and given the real key.

Judging from the way she rushed over immediately, the key she gave should be real.

On the other hand, it also pave the way for the next plan.

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