Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1418 Yu Gongming’s Conditions

At twelve o'clock at midnight, the living room on the third floor of Yu Gongzhai.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were sitting at the dining table, with several plates of snacks placed on the dining table.

Yu Gongming casually took a piece of red bean cake and took a bite. He glanced at the time on his phone: "The agreed time has arrived."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu.

Meng Yu lowered her head to look at the screen of her mobile phone. After a few seconds, she nodded slightly to Yu Gongming.

Yu Gongming immediately stood up, came to the door and opened it.

Outside the door, there was a blond Western beauty with a beautiful face.

"You came on time, please come in." Yu Gongming smiled, raised his hand sideways, and motioned for Belmode to enter the house.

Belmode was not polite and walked straight in.

"Do you need me to change into slippers?" Belmode asked casually.

"The slippers prepared for the guests are over there, pick a pair for yourself." Akira Yumiya pointed to the upper level of the shoe rack next to the door.

Belmod glanced at it and saw that there was nothing special about the style of the slippers. They were unisex styles.

She didn't bother her master, so she put on her slippers, and then followed Yu Gongming to the dining table and sat down.

"Try the snacks I made?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Belmode smiled slightly: "Then I'm not welcome!"

As she said that, she picked up a piece of cake on the plate and put it into her mouth.

Feeling the sweetness escaping from his mouth, Belmode's eyes lit up: "It's such a surprising taste. Even the pastries in some high-end Western restaurants may not be of such a standard!"

The smile at the corner of Meng Yu's mouth became a little stronger: "Thank you for the compliment. If you like it, I can pack some for you later."

"Thank you very much!" Belmode smiled.

After a pause, her smile faded slightly: "I accepted your hospitality, then, can we talk about business?"

"Of course!" Yu Gongming smiled and said, "You must get that key back, right?"

"Yeah~" Belmode showed a distressed look: "Who told me that I was not good at learning and was deceived by you?"

She looked at Meng Yu: "Your performance is a true inheritance from your mother. I can't believe that you can capture the expression and tone of Curacao, an agent who has been involved in darkness for a long time, so vividly. Even I can't believe it." No flaws were seen.”

Meng Yu smiled slightly: "I'm not as good as you said. In fact, I could only manage my expression well at that time. The person talking to you was actually Conan."

When Belmode heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face at first, and then he suddenly said: "So that's it, just like [Sleeping Kogoro]?"

"That's right!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Belmod's eyes flashed with confusion, and he said with confusion: "If Conan was hiding in the dark and talking to me, how did he answer the questions I asked?"

"You were the one who saw the brochure at that time. I have been paying attention to the area around the rooftop. Even if he really hid it from me and hid nearby, he would not be able to memorize the entire brochure in such a short period of time."

"Also, how do you know that Curacao was almost killed by me? Do you even know the details of that year?"

Yu Gongming chuckled and shook his head: "There seems to be no point in exploring these now, right? What matters is the result."

Belmode was startled, then smiled helplessly: "Yes! No matter how you did it, the key finally fell into your hands."

After a pause, her smile became somewhat meaningful: "Speaking of which, I should actually breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that it was not Rum who called me this morning, but you."

Yu Gongming laughed: "This is also the reason why Mengyu took the initiative to expose his identity in the end. After achieving the goal, we don't want to add extra trouble to you."

Belmode snorted softly: "I'm afraid it's more than that, right? You worked so hard to get the key and then asked me to meet you. You can't let me take the key away in vain, right?"

"I like talking to smart people!" Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "You should be involved in the operation to infiltrate the police station in Curacao and the subsequent elimination operations after obtaining the undercover list, right?"

Belmode looked at Yu Gongming with a searching look: "I'm really curious, how on earth do you know so much information?"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "Don't forget, I am a detective. Isn't a detective good at reasoning and analyzing complex information to finally get the part he wants?"

"Just reasoning and analysis?" There was obvious disbelief in Belmode's tone.

Yu Gongming shrugged: "If you think there are other reasons, then I can't help it."

Belmod looked deeply at Yu Gongming again, and then changed the topic: "Then what are you going to do to return the key to me?"

"Then what price do you think you should pay to get this key back?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

Belmode frowned slightly, and then asked tentatively: "You should want to interfere with the police department's affairs, right?"

Yu Gongming said calmly: "We are interested in anything that can damage the organization."

Meng Yu chuckled: "It's not the first time anyway, so let's help us again this time~"

When Belmod heard this, he glared at Mengyu with some annoyance: "Have you forgotten that I am the top of the organization, not your undercover agent who broke into the organization?"

Yu Gongming smiled: "Don't worry, what we want you to help with is not a troublesome matter."

Belmod became interested: "Oh? Let's talk about it."

Yumiya Ming said: "After you get the key from us, you should give it to the real Curacao, right?"

"That's right!" Belmode replied: "The timing of your action was very coincidental. I had just received the key and information in the morning, and I received your call."

"So until now, I haven't told Rum about getting the key."

"I see." Yu Gongming nodded lightly: "Then, when you go to see Curacao, can you let us follow you?"

"Let you follow?" Belmod looked surprised, and then suddenly realized: "Do you want to follow Curacao and find Rum's whereabouts?"

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded: "Don't worry, we won't act rashly, we are just confirming the location."

Belmod suddenly frowned: "Rum's foothold is surrounded by the organization's eyeliners. Once a suspicious person approaches, he is likely to be noticed."

"We know this." Yu Gongming smiled and said: "We will naturally make corresponding disguises and make different responses according to different situations."

"Whether Rum lives in an ordinary apartment, a villa, a suburb or something else, we have already made corresponding plans."

He looked directly at Belmode and said in a deep voice: "Give me an accurate answer. Will you help me with this favor or not?"

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