Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1437 The wavering number one

There was a brief silence in the basement.

The man in black robe placed the five-color card and the opened notepad in front of Curacao without saying a word.

Curacao, on the other hand, looked at the two things in front of him that almost hit his face, and said nothing.

After a long time, Curacao spoke first.

She asked weakly: "What...are you doing?"

Number 1 still remained silent, but quietly took back the five-color card and notepad.

He stood up and said calmly: "It seems that you have just woken up and are still emotionally unstable. We will come back later."

Then, he waved No. 3 out of the basement.


The basement door was closed.

"No. 1, what's going on..." No. 3 hesitated to speak.

"Go back to the living room first." No. 1 said calmly.

The two quickly returned to the living room.

"Huh? No. 1 and No. 3, why did you come out so quickly?" No. 2 and No. 4, who were wandering around the living room, noticed the return of the two at the same time.

No. 5 also turned his attention from the computer screen and asked with the same surprise: "Didn't the interrogation go smoothly?"

No. 1 came to No. 5 and said: "Calling up the surveillance from the time we entered the basement to the time we left."

"Oh, okay!" Although he was a little confused, No. 5 still faithfully carried out the order.

Soon, the basement surveillance from that period was retrieved.

Number 1 immediately came over to the computer, took the mouse from Number 5, and began to look at the video carefully. Number 3 also came over.

The two of them watched very carefully, rewinding and slowing down the progress bar from time to time. Especially the clip after No. 1 opened his mouth was particularly focused on.

Twenty minutes later.

Number 1 took a deep breath and looked at Number 3: "What do you think?"

"According to my experience, her behavior and expression since we entered the basement are consistent with the reaction of an amnesiac. Even after we completely left the basement, her expression did not appear abnormal."

Number 1 was silent for two seconds and said softly: "It is consistent with my judgment."

"Did an accident happen?" Number 5 finally couldn't help but ask, and Numbers 2 and 4 also looked over.

No. 1 did not hide anything and recounted the exchange between himself and No. 3 in the basement and Curaçao.

After several people listened quietly to No. 1's narration, No. 2 spoke first: "Even No. 1 and No. 3, the two interrogation experts, didn't see the flaw. Is she really amnesiac?"

No. 1 didn't answer, and he was a little unsure now.

At first, he firmly believed that Curaçao had no amnesia at all, and that he was just avoiding the interrogation and delaying the trial.

So he started testing.

The first is to point out the specific identity of Curacao.

Assuming that the other party is lucky that they don't know their identity, and hears their specific identity being named, their reaction will definitely be different from that of the amnesiac.

Then there are five-color cards and notepads.

According to the intelligence, Curacao uses five-color cards to achieve super memory storage capabilities, which shows that she should be relatively sensitive to five-color cards.

Of course, the five-color card alone is not safe, and No. 1 also took out a notepad that recorded the information.

What’s on the notepad is not random information, but the undercover list that Curacao has stolen!

If Curaçao didn't have amnesia and had the five-color card to cooperate, after seeing that list, she would definitely know that this was the goal of her mission.

If you are an amnesiac and suddenly see this information appearing in front of you, your reaction should be first to be frightened, then to identify the information, and then to be confused.

But if the other party has no amnesia, then her reaction may be more surprised than frightened, and then she will realize that her expression is abnormal and try her best to control her expression.

What No. 1 is best at is seizing moments like this.

However, Curacao's response disappointed him.

So, he conducted one final test.

He deliberately showed a non-stern attitude and left the basement with No. 3.

If the other party is really pretending, then to achieve such a level of performance, one must always tighten one's nerves.

When the "audience" leaves, the tense heartstrings relax suddenly, and there will be feedback from the expression to the physical state.

However, Curacao’s reaction remains “normal”.

So No. 1 finally wavered.

How can a person who has just woken up face such intense temptations be so flawless?

No. 1 has also interrogated many people, many of whom were well-trained spies, but this was the first time that he failed to catch even a single flaw under repeated tests.

"Why don't we just stop worrying about whether she has amnesia?" No. 4 suggested: "Let's just take action. Once she knows it's in pain, she will naturally tell her."

No. 1 immediately shook his head: "Although our work is of a special nature, it is different from those people who work underground. Unless it is absolutely necessary, do not resort to torture to extract confessions."

"Furthermore, even if she is resorted to, if she really loses her memory, then she will not be able to tell us the information we want no matter what."

"Then what should we do now?" Number Three asked.

No. 1 snorted: "It can't be fake, and it can't be true. If she is pretending, if she can avoid showing her flaws once, then she will do it twice, three times, and the time will continue to increase!"

"I don't believe she can keep pretending that everything is spotless!"

He looked at No. 3: "Let's go! Let's go to the basement again and have a heart-to-heart talk with the [amnesia patient]!"


In Rum's villa.

The housekeeper stood respectfully in front of Rum and reported: "The details of the operation at that time have been found out. This is the investigation report I compiled."

He handed the stack of documents to Rum.

Rum took the report, flipped it through casually, and said calmly: "Tell me about it, you should know what I care about."

"Yes." The housekeeper replied respectfully: "The reason why Curacao was discovered is because the equipment that stores the database consumes a lot of power. When the public security patrol officers passed by the second floor, they discovered an abnormality in the electric meter, and finally found the Room."

"According to the information heard by the Sea Snake Detective, the patrolman originally thought that someone had forgotten to turn off the equipment. He did not expect that it was an intruder. He was knocked unconscious by Curaçao without preparation."

"As for the list, it has been confirmed that when you received the list, Curacao had already robbed a car and was being chased by the police. Therefore, the list was indeed sent by Curacao himself."

"Regarding the news about the men in black robes, in addition to the men in black robes that Sea Snake saw haunting the construction site, the team led by Belmode was indeed attacked by men in black robes. The shell casings at the scene were the same as the bullets shot by Belmode. Match."

"Not far from the attack, intermittent dripping blood stains were found, as well as fragments of mobile phone screens splashed into the bushes. Belmode must not have lied."

After a pause, the housekeeper said: "Then it's about the whereabouts of Curacao..."

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