Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1438 The miserable undercover

"Huh? Didn't find it?" Rum's face suddenly darkened, and he stared at the housekeeper coldly.

"Yes." The butler's attitude was still respectful, and he did not show any other emotions because of Rum's face and eyes.

"Those black-robed men made such a big noise, how could it be possible that they didn't leave any clues?" Rum asked in a deep voice.

"There are indeed some clues left." The butler replied: "It's just that if you follow these clues, they will be completely broken in the middle."

"As stated in the report, those men in black robes were carefully prepared in advance, and they had paralyzed road monitoring during their actions, making it impossible for the public security and police at the time to pursue them in time."

"The vehicles and license plates they used were all forged. We also investigated many repair shops or underground car dealerships that sold stolen cars, but there was no information about the vehicles used by the men in black robes."

"After the investigation on the vehicle yielded no results, we tried to locate Curacao's mobile phone. However, the other party seemed to be prepared for this. We could no longer find any information about Curacao's mobile phone."

The more Rum listened, the more solemn his expression became.

He rubbed his brows gently: "I'm waiting here specifically not to listen to your excuse for your incompetence! Tell me, you have other ways, right?"

The housekeeper nodded lightly: "Under the current situation, there are probably only two ways to find Curacao."

"First, Curacao escaped on its own and reconnected with us; second, we kept an eye on the public security and used their power to find Curacao. As an official organization, they can dispatch more people to search."

Rum frowned slightly: "No matter which way we go, we are too passive."

"Yes! But other than that, there is no other way at the moment." The housekeeper replied: "Under the current situation, we can't use too many people."

Rum's eyes flashed slightly, and then he nodded gently: "You are right, I am a little impatient."

"As long as you understand." the butler replied.

Rum took a puff of his cigar and continued to ask: "How's the undercover thing going?"

The steward replied: "Most of the people on the list have been brought under control, but two people seemed to have received the message in advance and had already evacuated when our people arrived."

Rum snorted: "The reaction was so quick, maybe it was someone from the police?"

"Your guess is correct, they are indeed members of the police," the steward said.

Rum raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? How did you determine that?"

"After the first miss, I had someone speed up and blocked another guy."

"At that time, the man was about to leave the rented apartment and was intercepted by us. He had another companion who should have been there to pick him up."

"After a firefight, his companions eventually escaped, and he shot himself after realizing he was cornered."

"It can be seen from the documents in his car that were not destroyed in time that he was a member of an action team organized by the public security infiltration organization, and the two people who escaped were his colleagues."

"Their team has been lurking within the organization for many years. During this period, they also secretly instigated some downlines. Based on the documents, we also controlled these downlines."

"In addition, other people on the list have also partially disclosed their identities. Some are from official intelligence agencies, and some are from other underground forces. So far, there have been no problems with the list."

"Well..." Rum pondered for a while, with a ruthless look in his eyes: "Very good! Then there is no need to delay any more. Let's deal with all the guys who are under control!"

"Yes!" The butler made no objection.

Rum waved his hand: "Okay, you go down, continue to investigate the whereabouts of Curacao and the man in black robe, and report to me immediately if you have any news!"

The butler responded respectfully, bowed and exited the room.


The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department searched the office of the 1st Section Administrator.

Kurodabei was looking down at his daily documents.

At this time, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller's number. His expression moved slightly and he immediately answered the call.

"Hello! I'm Kuroda."

"Report, the mission has been completed." A cold and steady male voice came.

"Is everything going well?" Kuroda asked.

"Yes! Everything is according to plan." The male voice replied; "Everyone else has evacuated safely. I arrived at Windmill's residence ahead of schedule, solved the problem myself, and used the recording to create the illusion of his suicide in front of those guys. "

"Well done!" Kuroda praised.

"It's my duty at this time," the male voice replied respectfully.

"That's it for now. I'll contact you again if there's a mission later." After Kuroda said that, he hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, a smile appeared on his lips: "In this way, our [loss] should be enough to win Rum's trust."

In order for Rum to believe in the authenticity of the list, they, the police, must also make "sacrifice."

However, he could not really put himself in danger, so Kuroda used a special chess piece - the windmill.

This windmill was ostensibly an undercover agent of the police to infiltrate the black organization, but Kuroda knew that he was actually a spy of the underworld organization, the Sumiyoshi Kai, to infiltrate the police.

The Sumiyoshi Association is one of the top [societies] in Japan. The social relations are intricate and there are no small interests behind it.

Due to various considerations, the public security did not rashly use this undercover agent, but sent him to lurk in the black organization to serve as a double agent.

In this way, even if he dies while lurking, the Sumiyoshi Society will make a mark on the black organization no matter what.

The police are also happy to see this kind of dog-eat-dog drama.

I just didn't expect that this guy was so slippery. He had been lurking in the organization for so long. Not only was he not killed, but he also did well. Not only did he pass on a lot of valuable information to the police, but he also developed a lot of downlines.

When the police took a look, hey! This undercover work is so active, it seems that the goal is not small!

Therefore, in order to mobilize Fengchao's enthusiasm for work, the police would occasionally improve his police rank and salary, and reveal some seemingly confidential information that was actually insignificant.

This trick worked really well, and Fengchao worked harder, even harder than many of his "own people."

Kuroda couldn't help but sigh, how wonderful it would be if this guy wasn't an undercover agent sent by another family...

Unfortunately there is no if.

Therefore, since you are not truly yours, there is no need to hesitate when it’s time to abandon them.

He does have a certain working ability and has made some achievements, but compared to Curacao, who is likely to have more of the organization's core secrets, and the public security's own ace, Jiang Guling, his achievements are not as good as those of Curaçao. It's just not enough.

As a result, he became a "victim" to win Rum's trust.

As for the downlines he developed, they were all members of the organization, so it would be even less painful to abandon them.

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