Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1439 News about Okiya Subaru

Tokyo, in the basement of a villa.

"I've said it many times! I don't know what the black organization is or what rum is!" Curacao said the words with an expression that was about to collapse. He didn't know how many times he said it.

Opposite her, the man in black robe No. 1 tried his best to suppress the irritability in his heart and stared at Curacao calmly: "You should know very well that there is no point in resisting."

"Our actions are very secretive. It is impossible for your companions to find this place. If you don't tell the truth, we may not be able to talk as well as we do now."

Curacao showed a grievance expression, and his eyes were full of tears: "But... I really don't know anything. Even the name Curacao was told to me by you!"

No. 1 stared at her face for a long time, then stood up and said coldly: "Forget it, you asked for this!"

After that, he turned around and left the basement.

Quickly returning to the living room, he immediately asked: "How are you doing, No. 3? Did you find any problems?"

No. 3 shook his head: "Unfortunately, still not."

After hesitating for a while, No. 3 asked softly: "Do you think...she has indeed lost her memory?"

Number 1 was silent.

"How about we call a professional doctor to come over and take a look?" No. 5 suggested.

"Doctor, is that called psychiatry or brain medicine?" No. 4 asked.

"Nonsense! Amnesia is not a mental illness. You must go to a brain department!" No. 2 answered immediately.

No. 3 frowned: "But to check the brain, you need professional instruments. Just calling the doctor over is probably useless, right?"

"I've thought about calling a doctor before, but I really don't want to go to this step if it's not necessary." No. 1 said solemnly.

Everyone looked at him at the same time.

Number 1 continued: "If we really need to conduct a medical examination, we will either have the doctor transport it with the relevant examination instruments, or we will take Curacao to the hospital."

"But no matter which method you use, you will have some contact with the outside world."

"Bringing doctors and related equipment here requires communication with the hospital, and there is no guarantee that no one will be noticed during the process. The black organization should be searching for Curacao now. There is no guarantee that they will not find clues."

“The same goes for taking Curacao out.”

Everyone couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words. What No. 1 said did make sense.

"But, spending so much time is not an option now!" No. 5 scratched his head irritably.

"If it really doesn't work, let's report the situation to the superiors. The specific steps will be decided by the superiors?" No. 3 put forward a new suggestion.

"Eh? That's a good idea!" No. 2 clapped his hands suddenly: "If this continues, we will have to report to the superiors sooner or later, why not report the problem to them now!"

Hearing this, No. 1 pondered for a while and finally made a decision.

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.


"Amnesia?" Hearing the report from his subordinate on the phone, Kuroda Bingwei frowned slightly.

"Yes! At least my subordinates didn't see any flaws in the disguise, and they did find bruises on the back of her head..." Hui No. 1 reported.

Kuroda Bei was silent for a while and asked: "What are your thoughts?"

"To confirm Curacao's status, I'm afraid a medical examination will be required." Number 1 replied.

Kuroda Bingwei's eyes flashed: "You should know that this requires taking certain risks."

"I understand, but this is not the way to go. Locking her in the basement is just a temporary measure after all." Number 1 replied.

Kurodabei was silent again.

Why doesn't he understand what No. 1 said?

In order to keep an eye on Curacao, his capable men were temporarily confined to the villa.

Being able to accept the task of detaining and interrogating Curaçao, these people are not only outstanding in ability, but they are also Kuroda's absolute confidants.

Letting them stay in that villa all the time is really a waste of talent.

And if you continue to guard it like this, it will be easy for the surrounding residents to detect abnormalities in the long run.

Kuroda's thoughts changed in his mind and he said: "I will consider the proposal of medical examination in Curacao and will get back to you later."

"Yes." No. 1 had already said this when he saw Shang Feng, and it was hard to say anything more, so he could only say yes.

The phone hangs up.

Kuroda Bingwei leaned on the back of the chair, lowered his head and fell into deep thought.


Imprisoned in a villa in Curacao.

Number 1’s cell phone rang.

No. 1 suddenly became energetic and quickly took out his cell phone and picked it up: "Hey! Yes, your order...Yes, I know, I promise there will be no mistakes!"

Soon, the call ended and No. 1 put down the phone.

"How about No. 1? What does the above say?" No. 3 asked.

No. 1 said solemnly: "The superiors have decided to take Curaçao to the designated hospital for medical examination, but the operation must be kept secret and safe!"

He scanned the crowd: "No. 2 is going to prepare the anesthetic. No. 4 is going to prepare the transport vehicle. No. 3 and I are going to confirm the situation in Curacao. No. 5 is going to continue to guard the surroundings. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" everyone replied one after another.

Number One waved his hand and everyone took action.

Two hours later.

A blue Volkswagen parked in the front yard of the villa.

Several people worked together to move Curaçao, who had been given anesthesia and fell into a coma and was tied up, into the car.

Not long after, the blue Volkswagen drove out of the villa.

However, none of the men in black robes noticed that a line of sight had quietly fallen on the blue crowd.


Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Akira Hanomiya sat behind his desk, tapping on the keyboard, writing a commission report.

On the sofa, Mengyu was flipping through a novel out of boredom.

Suddenly, she threw the novel away and turned to look at Yu Gongming: "Hey! It's been two days, why is there no news at all?"

Akira Hanamiya paused and replied casually: "Isn't this normal? Curacao is also Rum's confidant after all, so there's nothing strange about being a little tougher, right?"

Meng Yu curled her lips: "I'm afraid they have reviewed a lot of information and are screening the parts to share with us, right?"

Yu Gongming shrugged: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, but there is no point in us speculating here."

Meng Yu was about to reply when a cell phone ring suddenly rang.

Both of them were stunned, and then Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone.

Seeing the caller's number, Akira Yumiya couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and answered the phone: "Hello! Mr. Subaru? What's the matter?"

"The police took Curacao out of the villa." Okiya Subaru said calmly.

"Oh? Left?" Yu Gongming said in surprise.

"Well, I have taken pictures of the car models and license plates they were riding in, as well as the general clothing of those people, and will send them to you now." Subaru Okiya replied.

Akira Hanamiya's face became serious: "I understand, then please ask Mr. Subaru to help us get another car."

"No problem." Okiya Subaru responded immediately.

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