Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1465 Next, let’s wait for the show to begin!

Next to a road near an independent house in Sumida District, Tokyo.

A man and a woman holding hands were walking towards the residential area with an affectionate expression.

To outsiders, they looked like a couple in love.

The beautiful woman leaned gently on the man's shoulder, with a smile on her lips, and leaned slightly closer to the man's ear, as if she wanted to say something private between lovers.

However, what the woman said had nothing to do with love words.

"Takagi, please pay attention, there is someone peeking out on the second floor..."

The woman's warm breath blew on her ears, causing the man named Takagi to blush and stutter a little: "I know...I know, Officer Sato..."

Yes, these two people were Sato and Takagi, two police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Investigation Section 1.

At this time their appearance has been disguised.

Naturally, they didn't come here for a date, but instead received orders from above to monitor an independent residence not far away.

Speaking of which, the two of them are also weird. Although they have already established a relationship, they usually go on dates, go shopping, and watch movies together.

However, Officer Takagi didn't know whether it was because he was about to reach the end of the long-distance race of love that he was slacking off, or whether he was too timid and did not dare to interact too closely with Officer Sato during the date.

As a girl, Officer Sato has expectations in this regard. If Takagi really makes any intimate move, she will not refuse it, but she will definitely not take the initiative under normal circumstances.

Therefore, intimate behaviors such as holding hands, leaning on shoulders, biting ears, etc., more often appear in follow-up operations.

Regarding this phenomenon, Officer Sato's best friend Yumi Miyamoto and Takagi's former competitor Officer Shiratori both complained about this to their faces.

There are even rumors gradually spreading in the Metropolitan Police Department that "acting as a couple with the police is a fun way for the two of them to get along."

Officer Sato didn't mind this at all, but Officer Takagi was not so calm. In the days after hearing this rumor, he always felt that everyone looked at him in a wrong way, which made him uneasy all day long.

In the end, it was only with the "enlightenment" of Officer Sato that he returned to normal.

Officer Sato saw that Officer Takagi's expression was wrong, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but they soon relaxed.

Although she was rough and twitchy, she had been with Takagi for a while, so she didn't even understand why the other party was blushing.

She was just subconsciously worried that Takagi's expression would look unnatural.

But then I thought about it, this kind of reaction should be normal for couples, and there would probably be no problem.

The two of them "acted" as a couple and walked along, gradually passing by the target residence.

The two of them glanced at the residence seemingly unintentionally, and then continued walking forward as if nothing had happened.

Not long after, they came to an intersection not far away, turned to the right, and disappeared.

After walking another ten meters or so, Officer Sato let go of Officer Takagi's hand and breathed out softly: "It should be fine when we get here."

The sudden disappearance of the touch on his arm made Officer Takagi feel a little disappointed for a moment, but he quickly adjusted his mood and took out his walkie-talkie to report: "Report, this is Takagi from Group B. The target has no new actions."

"Copy that, you guys immediately go to location 2 for remote surveillance. Group A is preparing to move from surveillance point 3 to surveillance point 4." The man on the walkie-talkie gave the order.

"Understood!" Takagi and another voice responded at the same time.

Officer Takagi put down the walkie-talkie and smiled at Officer Sato: "Officer Sato, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Officer Sato nodded.

The higher authorities attached great importance to this case. After determining the location of the target, they immediately dispatched a dozen police officers with rich surveillance experience and elites from the public security side to conduct round-the-clock surveillance around the target.

It has been repeatedly emphasized above that it is necessary to find out the number of suspects and their degree of danger, so as to catch all suspects in one go.

Therefore, even if this residential building was discovered the day before yesterday, no one dared to slack off before ordering action without confirming the situation inside.

Fortunately, their actions were thorough and cautious enough, and they have not alerted the suspects in the residence so far. There is no harm in continuing to maintain surveillance.

However, what they don't know is that all their actions are under the control of the people in the room.

Inside the room, Akira Hanomiya, dressed in black and wearing a black mask, tapped the tablet in his hand and said, "This surveillance is really a good job for Officer Takagi!"

"The surveillance personnel of Group A have changed their positions again." The voice of Dream Talk came from the communicator hidden in the ear.

"I know." Yu Gongming was not surprised at all. He had experienced similar transfers countless times in the past two days. He was already used to it.

At this time, his phone vibrated slightly.

Akira Hanomiya took out his phone and saw that it was a text message from Kogoro Mori.

"Oh? Are the police planning to take action in the early morning... Then Mr. Amuro can only choose to take action today." Akira Hanomiya analyzed in his mind.

He believed that Rum would get this news soon, and maybe it had already reached Tohru Amuro by now.

He had just turned around this thought when Meng Yu's voice sounded in his ears: "Mr. Amuro has already led people over there to drive here."

Akira Hanomiya's eyebrows suddenly raised. He didn't expect Toru Amuro to move so quickly.

However, he wasn't too worried. With Toru Amuro's behavior, it was impossible to just rush over and be reckless. He would definitely need to investigate the nearby situation.

I'm afraid the actual time to take action will have to be postponed until evening.

When the police and public security personnel are added in, it will be really lively.

The reason why they were able to grasp Toru Amuro's movements was naturally by using the technology of Dream Talk to locate his location through Toru Amuro's mobile phone.

Mengyu has initially taken control of Rum's mobile phone, and Rum is exchanging text messages with Toru Amuro.

Mengyu just added a little bit of information to Rum's text message when he was editing it, and then successfully established contact with Amuro Toru's mobile phone.

Things will be simple after that.

Turn on positioning, determine the location, and then let Conan in disguise go to investigate the situation on the spot.

Soon, the location, number of people and vehicle configuration of the black organization operatives were all known to Akira Hanomiya.

On the police side, Director Hakuba was the big BOSS, and Maori Kogoro was fully cooperating. The movements of the police and public security were no secret to them.

Nowadays, Yu Gongming feels like he is sitting at home and keeping an eye on the world.

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, and his eyes flickered with anticipation: "Next, let's wait for the show to begin!"


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