Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1466 Toru Amuro’s decision

Toru Amuro and other operators drove to the vicinity of the target location.

He sent out two operators who were best at reconnaissance and tracking to investigate the situation near the target point.

Not long after, he received feedback from his subordinates.

"Sir Bourbon, the target building has been monitored by someone. Someone has focused on this place before us."

Toru Amuro was not surprised when he heard this. If he guessed correctly, it should be someone from the Metropolitan Police Department or their police.

However, his face darkened, and he asked in a solemn voice: "Approximately how many people are under surveillance? Can you determine the identity of the other party?"

"I found more than seven people alone. It seems that their methods are somewhat similar to those of the police officers." The subordinate replied.

Toru Amuro said calmly: "I understand, you should come back first and don't disturb them."


After a while, the two men returned.

Toru Amuro took the tablet and called up the satellite images near the target point, and said to the returning men: "Mark the surveillance points you discovered."

The two men did not dare to neglect and immediately pointed out all the surveillance points discovered.

Toru Amuro stared at the marked places for a while, and after asking for some details about those places, he gradually got an idea.

As a top student in the police academy, he is familiar with the surveillance techniques commonly used by the police and public security. Through the existing surveillance points that have been discovered, Amuro Toru has roughly guessed the surveillance strategies used by the other party.

"Tsk! All roads that are close to the house, as well as all entrances and exits of the house, have surveillance personnel arranged. It is very difficult to get close without being noticed, let alone break into the house to [rescue] Curacao..."

While he was thinking, his phone vibrated slightly.

Toru Amuro avoided the crowd for a while, took out his cell phone and saw that it was a message from Rum.

Toru Amuro quickly scanned the content of the message and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are the police planning to take action around twelve o'clock in the morning..."

According to the information sent by Rum, the police discovered through many days of surveillance that a mysterious man in black would come to the residence around 12 am every day and leave around 1 am.

Judging from the reactions of the other two men in black hiding in the house, the man in black who arrived late at night was of quite high status, and he could not rule out the possibility of being the leader.

Therefore, the police planned to take action at twelve o'clock and catch all the men in black when they gathered together.

Amuro Toru thought about the content of this message, rolled his eyes slightly, and gradually started to think about it.

He informed all the operators of this information, and then said: "Now those spies have already monitored the target point one step ahead of us."

"If we want to come from behind, we have to be surprised."

"Lord Bourbon, what do you mean?" a subordinate asked cautiously.

Toru Amuro said calmly: "Everyone, get ready, we will start in half an hour."

Many people looked at him in surprise. Didn't they say they wanted to find out the situation first?

Toru Amuro seemed to have noticed their doubts and explained: "The situation has changed now. Those cops will take action tonight. By then, not only will there be a large number of police personnel near the residences, but the nearby roads will also be blocked and monitored. .”

"At that point, it will be difficult for us to save Curacao from the police."

"Now, in order not to alert people in residential buildings, their surveillance personnel must hide their presence. Not only can they not use too many people, they cannot support each other well. The threat to us is relatively limited."

"As long as we act fast enough, we can rescue Curacao before their support arrives."

"As for those guys hiding in the house, they probably haven't realized the police surveillance, otherwise they should have been transferred long ago. In other words, they are not too vigilant now, let alone think that someone will launch a raid on the residence. "

"So, I judge from this that taking action as soon as possible is our option with the highest success rate."

After a pause, he added: "But after all, this is a temporary emergency, so I give you half an hour to prepare. Do you have any questions?"

All the subordinates looked at each other in confusion, and then they all nodded, and no one raised any questions.

Amuro Toru's analysis does make sense. Although the situation inside the house is unknown, entering now is bound to be accompanied by high risks.

But since the police have already focused their attention on this place, it will be difficult for them to figure out the situation inside if they wait any longer. When the police take action, they will have no chance.

Those who can be sent to carry out this rescue mission have already achieved corresponding awareness. As long as they can complete the mission, they will not be afraid of danger.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Toru Amuro nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's get ready."

"Yes!" Everyone responded loudly.


Inside the residence, in the living room on the second floor.

"Hanomiya, Mr. Amuro seems to be launching some action." Conan's voice came from the communicator.

Based on the location provided by Meng Yu, he quietly came to the area and secretly monitored the actions of Toru Amuro and his party.

"Oh?" Yu Gongming was a little surprised: "Are they planning to take action so soon?"

"Yes!" Conan replied: "They started the car and turned towards the residential area. And many people had already put on body armor and masks."

"Mr. Amuro has just received the news from Rum. He already knows that the police plan to take action tonight." Mengyu's voice also came at this time.

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed slightly, and his heart gradually became clear.

Taking on the role of Toru Amuro, now is indeed a good choice.

He turned his eyes and looked to the side of the living room: "You two, our guests will be arriving soon."

On one side of the living room, two figures also wearing black clothes and masks were leaning silently on the sofa.

Hearing this, one of them chuckled and said: "Together with Bourbon, there are a total of thirteen fully armed gunmen. It seems that they will be able to move around well later."

"It's best not to cause trouble." Another man in black reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm measured." The man in black who spoke first nodded slightly.

Seeing that both of them were aware of the situation, Yu Gongming said no more and contacted Meng Yu: "You should also be prepared on the shore."

"Understood!" Mengyu replied: "I have already prepared it!"

Yu Gongming nodded lightly, stood up from the sofa, and slowly moved his body.

Later, they will give those visiting [guests] a big surprise!


Near a residential area, at a police surveillance point.

"Report! Everything is normal now. No one came out of the house, and no suspicious person approached..." Halfway through the words of the police officer responsible for surveillance, two black cars suddenly appeared in his sight.

And these two black cars were rushing towards the residential houses at an abnormally high speed!


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