Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1481 Curacao’s decision!

All Belmod's movements stopped instantly.

With so many guns pointed at him and limited space to move around, it was almost impossible to dodge all the bullets.

What's more, she just knocked the pistol away and didn't have time to pick it up. It was too late to take out the spare pistol at this time.

Belmod looked at Curaçao, his eyes slightly cold: "Was this a trap from the beginning?"

Curacao was silent for a while, then suddenly grinned: "Yes! This is a trap!"

When Belmod heard this, his eyes became colder: "Originally, Rum couldn't believe it, but now it seems that you have indeed betrayed the organization. After knowing this, I think Rum will not have any psychological burden. "

Curacao couldn't help but sneered: "Psychological burden? Can a person like him feel guilty? You have already come here to kill me, why bother to show off?"

She glanced at the group of men in black who gradually surrounded Belmod, and sneered: "What's more, you will soon become a prisoner!"

"Belmod, I advise you not to make any unnecessary resistance and surrender immediately, otherwise we will have to make you suffer!" shouted one of the men in black who seemed to be the commander.

Belmode glanced around and suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha! You don't really think that I don't know that you deliberately let out the news about Curacao, do you?"

Curacao frowned when he heard this.

"What do you mean?" the man in black asked in a deep voice.


A gunshot suddenly rang out in everyone's ears!

"Uh!" Curacao snorted with a painful expression.

And there was a gaping hole in the clothes on her chest!

The leading man in black suddenly exclaimed: "Not good!"

At the same time, Belmode took out a pair of sunglasses from somewhere and put them on.

Before the men in black could react, a grenade was accurately thrown at their feet.


After a burst of explosions, the originally dark basement was instantly filled with dazzling light!

Both Curaçao and the men in black were so stimulated that they quickly closed their eyes. However, the men in black were still well-trained after all and moved their positions to avoid possible sneak attacks.

Curacao is worthy of being a top agent, and her reaction is also not slow. Although her hands are cuffed and her feet are fixed on the chair, her body can still move.

So, she immediately curled up her upper body, bent at a 90-degree angle, and hid her head and body behind the interrogation table.

After a few seconds, the bright light gradually dissipated.

The men in black immediately observed their surroundings after regaining their vision.

There was no sign of Belmod in the basement.

However, everyone could still hear the rapid footsteps gradually moving away.

When the man in black saw this, he immediately took out his walkie-talkie and said urgently: "Peripheral patrol team! Intercept Belmode immediately! Be careful, she may have an accomplice!"

"Yes!" came the response from the intercom.

The leading man in black put away the walkie-talkie and said to the companions around him: "Leave three people to guard Curacao and close the basement. It must not be opened without my permission. The others will follow me!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded loudly, and then quickly divided into two groups. The first group of three people stayed in the basement, while the leading man in black led the remaining men in black to hunt down Belmode.

In the basement, the man in black who was attacked by Belmod seemed to have regained some strength, stood up from the corner, and came to Curaçao.

"Hey! Are you okay?" he asked.

Curacao also sat up again at this time.

She lowered her head and glanced at the tear in the clothes on her chest, and replied with some fear: "Fortunately, the bulletproof vest has eliminated most of the power of the bullet, so it should be fine."

The three men in black who were left behind also walked over and glanced at Curacao's chest. One of them nodded slightly: "As long as you don't have any heart disease, it shouldn't be anything serious."

Curacao shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not have this disease.

The man in black who was attacked by Belmod raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck: "Damn it! I didn't expect that guy to have accomplices. We must catch them, otherwise wouldn't my suffering be in vain?"

"Didn't the boss grant you three days of leave? Just be satisfied!" Another man in black replied unhappily.

"Okay! Just stop saying a few words." Another man in black glanced at Curacao: "Is it fun to let others laugh?"

Hearing this, the two companions stopped talking.

Curacao watched this scene silently, with no intention of talking to him.

She recalled all the details of the incident.

The voice and demeanor were indeed the same as the one she remembered from Bellmod. The gun used was also the Browning pocket pistol that Bellmod often used.

What's more important is what the other party said [That's how I almost killed you, if Rum hadn't arrived...]

She was indeed almost killed by Belmod back then, and Belmod indeed put the muzzle of his gun against her chest like this.

Apart from the two of them, the only one present at that time was Rum who suddenly appeared.

In other words, apart from themselves, they are the only two people who can know the details of that year.

Therefore, even if Belmode did not show her face, her identity would probably not be false.

"It's really...the consistent style of the organization!" Curacao sighed secretly.

After sighing, anger gradually rose in her heart: "Since you have all reached this point, then don't blame me!"

She has decided to reveal all the information she has about the organization and make the organization pay the price for her cold-blooded ruthlessness!


The first floor of a residential building.

[Belmod] opened the door and walked out.

Behind her were several other men in black.

[Belmod] turned to look at a few people, and an indistinguishable male and female voice sounded: "Just send it here, or do you really want to arrest me?"

The leading man in black shook his head slightly: "Of course not."

"Then, it's time for us to leave." Amidst a roar, a motorcycle stopped in front of the house. In the driver's seat, a figure also wearing black clothes and a full-face helmet said lightly, with the same voice. Disguised.

"Excuse me, you two." The leading man in black made a gesture of invitation.

[Belmode] waved goodbye to the men in black and got on the motorcycle.

The motorcycle started and roared away.

Someone looked at the leading man in black and said, "Should we follow him quietly and take a look?"

The leading man in black glanced at him and said calmly: "Don't do unnecessary things."

"Yes!" The person who asked the question responded respectfully and said no more.

The leading man in black closed the door again and turned to look at his companions: "Get ready, it's time for us to change places."


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