Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1482 Review and Effect

A black motorcycle is speeding on the roads of Tokyo.

In the back seat of the motorcycle, Mengyu tapped her phone lightly and said, "They are quite honest. They didn't do anything on the car."

By this time she had regained her original voice.

Akira Hanomiya smoothly manipulated the motorcycle handle and was not surprised by this: "Originally, it was just a precaution. With Uncle Maori here, even if they want to do something, Uncle Maori will not agree."

"Otherwise, our [impersonation] will be easily exposed."

They were the two men in black who had just left the residence.

After playing Curacao, Dream Whisper pretended to be Bellmore again.

As for the purpose, it is naturally to make Curaçao realize that the organization has given up on her and want to get rid of her quickly.

When she realizes this, whether out of self-protection or resentment at the organization for abandoning her, she will most likely cooperate with the interrogation and reveal the organization's intelligence.

In order to win Curacao's trust, Yu Gongming and Mengyu naturally made elaborate plans.

From the time when the man in black told Curaçao the news of Belmod's arrival, to when they finally left with the help of a flash bomb, all the details have been carefully considered.

In order to make everything look natural, they even made a temporary cameo as a director and narrated a scene to the men in black who were guarding the residence.

These men in black must have received orders from above, and they were quite cooperative. Yu Gongming was quite satisfied with the whole scene.

In particular, Dream Talk deliberately reproduced the scene of Curacao's almost being killed to a certain extent, supplemented by verbal stimulation, which has had a considerable impact on Curacao.

Her final admission that [this is a trap] already explains something.

And Akira Hanomiya's last shot was to further strengthen the credibility of the silence. It is a bit abnormal for a top agent like Belmode to not have a plan to deal with emergencies before taking action.

Therefore, Akira Hanomiya, who was hiding in the dark, came forward and implemented this [plan] in front of Curacao.

This not only made the action more natural, but also planted the idea in Curaçao's subconscious that "if it weren't for the body armor they gave me, I would be dead."

And this is in sharp contrast to the "abandonment" of the black organization.

Under such a comparison, the probability of Curacao's complete defection will further increase.

Yu Gongming went over the details just now, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Now, the fake has become real!"

"Yes!" Mengyu also laughed: "Once the official uses Curacao's intelligence to attack the organization, then there will no longer be any doubt about Rum's betrayal of Curacao."

"And the only chance to resolve the misunderstanding is for Curaçao and Belmode to confront each other."

"However, now that Kudu is under our control, it is very difficult to achieve this. Not to mention, as time goes by, when the deal is done, even if both parties know the truth, there will be no turning back!"

"Perhaps Belmod has already guessed something, but I'm afraid she won't be so kind as to tell Rum." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"Sister Bei is quite reliable in this regard." Meng Yu nodded in agreement.

Akira Yunomiya smoothly turned a corner and continued: "Next, it depends on the actions of the director, but we still have to continue to monitor the movements of Rum and know ourselves and the enemy."

"Don't worry! Leave it to me!" Meng Yu said with a smile: "Although Rum has done a good job in keeping his email address confidential, I still caught the clue."

"Oh? Rum's email address?" Yumiya Akira's eyes lit up.

Although Mengyu had hacked into Rum's mobile phone before, Rum's communication method was not only mobile phone, but also emails, real-life meetings, etc.

Therefore, their grasp of rum information is ultimately incomplete.

And if Dream Whisper can hack into Rum's email, the collection of intelligence will become more comprehensive!

Meng Yu nodded lightly: "Yeah! It's hard to say yet, but I'm certain."

After a pause, she further explained: "Speaking of which, thanks to our recent actions, Rum has used a lot of people to find us."

"Although not all, many of the people were mobilized by him directly through mobile phone calls. I followed the numbers he called and hacked into those people's mobile phones."

"Some of them don't have a strong sense of confidentiality. I successfully found their mailboxes along the phone and restored the contents of some deleted emails."

"Through a lot of screening and comparison, I finally locked on a certain mailbox that has a common connection with them, which is the Rum mailbox that I suspected."

"That's it! Thank you for your hard work, well done!" Yu Gongming sincerely praised.

Even though Meng Yu explained the matter in just a few words, Yu Gongming knew that the actual workload was by no means as simple as Meng Yu said.

Not to mention other things, if you can directly contact Rum, no matter how bad your sense of confidentiality is, how bad can it be? There is always some basic confidentiality common sense.

Therefore, whether it is hacking into the other party's mobile phone through Rum's external contact, or following the mobile phone to find the other party's email address, the difficulty is by no means as easy as Meng Yu said.

It is also not an easy task to restore emails from these people's mailboxes and use the information in the emails to lock Rum's mailbox.

Rum's mobile phone is specially issued by the organization and has extremely high confidentiality. How could Rum's email address not have corresponding anti-tracking confidentiality measures?

Therefore, Yu Gongming knew that Meng Yu was able to follow the clues and catch the clues to Rum's mailbox, and he definitely put in a lot of effort.

Meng Yu heard this and smiled: "If you know how hard I worked, then today's dinner..."

"Leave it to me!" Yu Gongming agreed.

"Okay! Then I'm looking forward to your feast!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Okay!" Yu Gongming agreed, and the speed of the motorcycle increased again.


In the suburbs of Tokyo, in front of a certain country villa.

Two black cars stopped, and a group of men in black got out of the car with Curacao and entered the villa as quickly as possible.

The original place caused a lot of commotion because of the "performance", and it was no longer suitable to stay there.

As for the change of place, Curaçao had no doubts. After all, in her opinion, Belmod had already found it and was continuing to stay. Could it be that he was still waiting for the organization to continue to silence him?

As expected from Curacao, this villa indeed has a basement.

"These guys have quite a few safe houses..." Curacao muttered in his heart, and was escorted into the basement by the men in black.

Soon, she was handcuffed to the chair again, with two men in black sitting opposite her.

"Curaçao, after what happened before, I think you should know how to choose, right?" one of them said lightly.

Curacao nodded slightly, his expression unwavering: "What do you want to know? Ask."


The update was completed today, and I went to witness history.


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