Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1483 Take action!

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Office of the Inspector General of Police.

Director Baima is sitting in the office, dealing with some daily documents.

At this time, a phone rang.

Director Baima quickly figured out that this was not a landline call from the office, but his personal mobile phone. ·

When he is working, no one usually calls his personal mobile phone.

So, he stopped processing the documents, took out his mobile phone and answered the call: "Hello!"

"Boss, it's me." A deep voice came from the other side.

Director Baima instantly recognized the voice on the other side and his expression moved slightly: "It's you! What? Is there any new progress over there?"

"Yes! The plan came together and went smoothly. Curacao has begun to cooperate with our interrogation work." Duanhui reported.

Director Baima's eyes lit up: "Oh? They successfully deceived Curacao?"

"Yes, although I still don't know exactly how they deceived Curacao." The other person replied.

"Don't pay too much attention to the process. If the result is good, it'll be fine." Director Baima didn't care about this.

"Yes! After the interrogation is over, we will hand over the interrogation records to you as quickly as possible." The other person continued.

"Well! But you still can't relax, you must ensure the safety of Curacao!" Director Baima warned.

"I understand! I will live up to your expectations!" The other person responded respectfully.

He also knew that the police had previously captured an important figure in the organization codenamed Pisco, but he was silenced by the organization before the information could be obtained through interrogation.

Even if their whereabouts are now more secretive, the manpower guarding Curacao are all absolute elites, and they cannot be taken lightly.

"Well! Let's do this for now." Director Baima said and hung up the phone.

After putting away his cell phone, he picked up the landline phone on his desk and dialed the number of the Office of the Manager of the First Search Division.

"Hey! Kuroda, come to my office." Director Hakuba said calmly.


The next day, Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu had just finished lunch and were planning to watch TV and take a break.

However, just as he turned on the TV, Yu Gongming's cell phone rang.

Yu Gongming glanced at the caller number and immediately picked up: 'Hello! Uncle Maori? ’

"The director has asked for a lot of information from Curacao. In five minutes, I will send the part you are responsible for. You are ready to receive it and act according to the plan." came the voice of Kogoro Mouri.

Yu Gongming's expression immediately froze and he replied: "Okay, we will prepare immediately."

Mouri Kogoro hummed, hung up the phone without saying anything else.

Yu Gongming informed Meng Yu about the call just now.

"Yeah! I'll disguise my number right away." Mengyu said clearly.

This is the preparation that Mouri Kogoro said, because his contact records with the [mysterious force] must be reported truthfully, so when making contact, Hanomiya Akira naturally has to change the number to the [mysterious force].

This is naturally not difficult for Mengyu, and it will be ready in a short time.

Soon, the five minutes are up.

A message was sent on time.

It contains several different addresses, as well as the general situation of these addresses, including the people there, the matters involved, etc.

Yu Gongming glanced through it roughly and nodded gently: "Okay! Then let's visit these places one by one!"

Meng Yu pulled over, looked at these addresses, and said with some surprise: "Yo? It's less than I thought?"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "Although the number is small, these addresses are of great significance to the organization!"

After a pause, Yu Gongming added: "But we don't have to rush to take action. You can check the general situation of these addresses first and try to minimize the risk."

"Leave it to me! It should be done today." Meng Yu said with a smile.

Yu Gongming nodded: "Yes! I will also go to these places in the afternoon to take a look at them. Then I will decide where to go first based on the information I found."

"OK, pay attention to safety." Mengyu nodded.

Both of them are very capable people. After the plan was decided, Mengyu wrote down the content of the message and returned to his room, while Yu Gongming began to prepare his clothes for going out.


In a certain apartment building in Cupido Town, Tokyo.

Okita Koji walked up the stairs of his apartment building at nine o'clock in the evening.

He was wearing ordinary business attire, holding a nondescript briefcase between his arms. His face was full of exhaustion. To outsiders, he looked like a tired office worker after a long day's work.

In fact, he actually works in an ordinary company, with a monthly salary of about 150,000 yen, and his income can only be considered average.

However, no one would have thought that the suitcase he held under his arm was filled with wads of ten thousand yuan bills!

This box contains a huge amount of 20 million yen!

The money was not temporarily kept by him for the company's business, or he had embezzled the company's money.

In fact, what he was involved in was much more serious than that.

He is the external liaison of a group of underground arms dealers!

His job is to contact buyers on behalf of his [boss] and try to maximize the interests of [boss] while facilitating the transaction.

In Japan, guns are explicitly prohibited, and the underground arms organization he belongs to not only sells powerful guns, but also dangerous chemicals, bombs, military cold weapons, etc. are within their business scope.

The 20 million yen in his hand is the payment for the goods delivered by the customer this time. Later, these payments will be transferred to his [boss], and he himself will receive 10% of the hard work fee, which is approximately Two million yen.

This is no small amount.

Although he had a huge sum of money, Okita had no other thoughts.

On the one hand, he has already handled transactions larger than 20 million yen, and his mentality has long been tempered, so that he will not be shaken by "this little money".

In addition, there is another important reason...he doesn't dare.

He watched with his own eyes how his last contact person was tortured to death by his boss because he embezzled the money for goods and ran away. Such a scene left him with a shadow that was almost like a psychological trauma.

Therefore, he still cherishes his life more than money.

Okita carried his suitcase and came to his door, took out his key and opened the door.

Turning on the light, Okita changed his shoes and walked through the entrance hall to the living room.

After looking around briefly and seeing nothing unusual around him, he walked towards the bedroom, planning to put the money in the bedroom first.


The bedroom door was opened and Yamada turned on the light.

The next moment, his whole body froze suddenly.

In the bedroom that was supposed to be empty, a mysterious man wearing a black robe and a black mask suddenly appeared!


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