Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1486 Rum’s response

Rum took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He looked at the housekeeper and asked in a deep voice: "Have you found anything about this matter?"

The housekeeper replied: "There are some clues. According to feedback from informants, before Takeshita was arrested, a mysterious alarm call led the police to the home of a man named Okita Koji."

"And that Okita is Takeshita's confidant - the carrier pigeon."

"The interrogation record of Carrier Pigeon records that he was attacked by two mysterious men in black robes. The other party immediately identified him and asked if any of his clients had organizations with alcoholic names."

A cold light suddenly flashed in Rum's eyes: "It is indeed them!"

Black Robe, asked about the organization with the code name of the wine, the characteristics are really obvious!

The housekeeper was noncommittal and continued: "Afterwards, the police seemed to have found important clues from Okita's home, and soon after, a large number of police forces were dispatched to arrest Takeshita."

"As for the weapons warehouse, the specific details are still under investigation, but judging from the last information sent back by the people guarding the warehouse, they should have been attacked by a mysterious person."

"In the end, the commotion became louder and the police were attracted."

"Hmph! It was probably those guys who did it!" Rum said coldly.

Although there is no evidence, this style of creating trouble and attracting the police is too familiar.

These bastards! How cunning!

Rum couldn't help but curse in his heart. The other party got important information about the organization from Curacao, but instead of taking action personally, he lured the police over.

In this way, they only need to pay a very small price to bring huge trouble to the organization!

The housekeeper glanced at Rum and continued: "As for the companies we control, they are more strange. There is almost no warning before the police take action."

"It seems that the higher-ups of the Metropolitan Police Department suddenly issued an order. It is speculated that some secret information must have been received."

Rum frowned: "Could it be that they have already established a line with the police?"

If the two parties really come into contact, then the original unilateral use of leverage will become cooperation between the two parties. Wouldn't the threat to the organization be even greater?

But the housekeeper said softly: "Maybe this is not all bad for us."

"Huh?" Rum raised his eyebrows and cast a questioning look.

The housekeeper slowly said: "Before, they relied on the intelligence of Curacao to attack us, and then attracted the police. This efficiency is not as high as direct cooperation with the police, but it is very flexible and concealed. It is difficult for us to catch their tail. But if they cooperate with the police..."

The butler did not continue, but Rum's eyes lit up, as if he understood what the butler was thinking.

The housekeeper was right. The men in black robes had been erratic and it was difficult for even the police to find them.

But if they choose to cooperate with the police, the police should be able to grasp some of their movements in advance before taking action.

And if the police have it, it means they have it. When the time comes...

"One of the few good news is that the latest batch of goods we purchased has not had time to be put into the warehouse and has been preserved." The butler's voice sounded again.

"Oh? That's really great!" Rum's expression finally softened a little.

That batch of goods worth 20 million is an important piece of equipment for them to deal with those mysterious men in black robes!

Rum's eyes flashed with cold light, and he said coldly: "The plan remains as usual, this time we must teach those guys who hide their heads and tails a profound lesson!"

"Yes!" the butler replied respectfully.

Rum rolled his eyes, as if he thought of something, and asked, "By the way, what's going on with the Sea Snake now?"

The housekeeper replied: "We delivered the news in time, and the sea snakes successfully evacuated. However, the police seem to have also reacted, and are now searching the city for the whereabouts of the sea snakes."

After Curacao's suspected betrayal, it was only a matter of time before the sea snake who had assisted Curacao in infiltrating the police station was exposed.

Therefore, without Rum's reminder, the steward had already informed the sea snake of the news and asked him to evacuate as soon as possible.

After hearing the butler's report, Rum nodded. Sea Snake's abilities are quite impressive. When he returns to the organization, the organization will have a more independent figure.

"Send someone to pick him up after his next contact." Rum ordered.

"Yes!" The housekeeper nodded slightly to show his understanding, and then asked: "So, those company matters..."

Rum waved his hands impatiently: "Hmph! Find a way to tell them, if they don't want anything to happen to their family, they should know what to say and what not to say!"

"As long as they keep their mouths tighter, I will find a way to fish them out."

"Understood." The butler responded.

"Anything else?" Rum asked.

The housekeeper was silent for two seconds before speaking: "[That person] wants to have a call with you tonight."

Rum's face suddenly froze, and then he replied expressionlessly: "I know."


Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu sat side by side on the sofa, watching the news being broadcast on TV.

"At two o'clock in the morning today, the police launched a large-scale attack and destroyed a criminal gang selling guns and other prohibited dangerous goods. They seized a large number of guns and ammunition, controlled knives, dangerous chemicals and other stolen goods on the spot..."

"The police's swift and decisive action is a powerful response to the recent increasing number of shooting incidents. Police spokesperson Officer Mumu said that the destruction of the gang is of great significance in curbing the underground gun trade..."

Listening to the content of the news, Yu Gongming couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "I didn't expect the police to act so quickly. They took action only a few hours later."

Meng Yu raised her head slightly and said with a smile: "Of course! The evidence I found almost took off their underwear. If the police are still so hesitant, then I will doubt their quality."

Yu Gongming touched his chin: "Yes, my uncle also called this morning. The police operation was quite smooth. The warehouses where the organization's weapons and equipment are stored have been controlled. Several companies that provide funds to the organization have been controlled. It was also investigated.”

Hearing this, Meng Yu's smile became even stronger: "After Curacao, he was really merciless to his old club!"

Akira Hanomiya shrugged: "Just like the most ferocious and fierce charge is often the surrendered pawn who has just surrendered, Curacao has no way out now, so naturally he has to try his best to show his value, but..."

Yu Gongming looked thoughtful: "There is something that worries me a little."

"What's the matter?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"I still remember that Okita said that the organization just purchased a batch of goods, which included ten parachute bags and helicopter maintenance kits."

"But when I asked Uncle Maori today, no helicopters or parachute bags were found in the warehouses where weapons were stored and collapsed."

Meng Yu's expression changed slightly when he heard this: "In other words, the organization still has helicopters in its hands that have not been discovered, and even the batch of weapons that were just purchased are still in the organization's hands!"


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