Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1487 Call with [BOSS]

Yu Gongming nodded and said: "This is also my judgment."

In the original book, the organization dispatched an armed helicopter to the Ferris Wheel to meet Curacao.

But now, after some operations by Yu Gongming and others, such a scene is almost impossible to happen.

However, judging from the new batch of [goods] purchased by the organization, Rum seems to be dispatching armed helicopters in the near future, which is very intriguing.

Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu: "Does Rum have any new reaction?"

Mengyu shook her head: "Not yet,"

Yumiya clearly understood that perhaps it was because Rum had not received the news yet, or perhaps he had not yet thought of a countermeasure.

"Continue to pay attention to the developments on Rum's side. If he wants to dispatch armed helicopters, he will probably deal with us."

"Okay!" Mengyu nodded.


Night falls in a luxurious villa in Tokyo.

Rum sat upright on the office chair, with a serious look on his face, looking towards the door from time to time.

"Lord Rum." The butler's voice came from outside the door. Before Rum could respond, the butler opened the door and walked in.

Rum didn't mind this at all. He had already explained in advance that the housekeeper could come in directly.

The butler came to the desk and stood opposite Rum. He respectfully and solemnly handed over a tablet in his hands.

Rum also took the tablet solemnly, and the butler also pressed a button on the tablet at this time.

The tablet screen lights up, and after a while of startup process, the screen suddenly changes!

In the picture, there is a dark room, with a desk facing the center of the picture, and a large office chair on the side of the desk close to the camera.

The office chair is facing away from the camera, and the scene on the other side of the chair cannot be seen clearly. There is only a hand on the armrest on one side of the chair. It is obvious that someone is sitting on the office chair.

"Rum." A voice with a strong mechanical feel sounded.

"Good evening, BOSS

"Rum said with a rare respectful tone.

"You don't have to be so polite, we have been old friends for decades," [BOSS] said. Although the content of his words was gentle, his tone did not fluctuate at all, as if he were a machine without any emotions.

"Yes! What are your instructions for contacting me this time?" Rum asked softly, scorning the so-called old friend in [BOSS]'s mouth.

You know, Pease has only known [BOSS] longer than him, but in the end, he was silenced as soon as he said he was silenced?

Rum, who has followed BOSS for many years, understands very well that, except for the outlier Belmod, if you want to avoid being abandoned by the other party, you must show a value that exceeds the cost of using you.

Rum has been very good at handling things for decades, so he was able to work his way to the second-in-command position in the organization.

However, every time he faced the BOSS, he still walked on thin ice and did not dare to be careless.

Upon hearing Rum's inquiry, [BOSS]'s emotionless mechanical voice sounded: "How is the matter in Curacao being handled?"

Rum's head dropped instantly: "I'm sorry! Something happened..."

Before [BOSS] could reply, Rum quickly informed [BOSS] of the current situation.

He felt like a mirror in his heart. The butler was sent by [BOSS] as an informant to monitor him. The butler was almost fully involved in this matter. Rum didn't believe that he would hide it from [BOSS].

[BOSS] asked this just to see if he would lie to her.

[BOSS] seems to be very keen on this kind of "loyalty test". Although Rum is dissatisfied, he can only cooperate with the other party obediently because of the authority of [BOSS].

After listening to Rum's narration, [BOSS] was silent for a while and asked lightly: "What do you think of your performance in this matter?"

"It's extremely bad!" Rum said without hesitation: "But my subordinates are trying to make up for the losses. Now I have almost caught the tail of that group of mysterious forces. As long as the plan goes well, whoever can catch them will not only be able to figure out who they are." It’s even possible to follow the clues and find the whereabouts of the traitor Shirley!”

"The plan went well?" [BOSS] said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "Your recent plans haven't gone very well!"

Rum quickly promised: "There will definitely be no mistakes this time!"

"What guarantee do you have? Do you know how much loss your mistake caused the organization?" [BOSS] asked coldly.

"I..." Rum was at a loss for words. He really couldn't give any strong words.

After all, the results of the several operations he planned after arriving in Tokyo were not very good. Now it is really difficult for him to say that this plan will be successful.

Seeing Rum's reaction, [BOSS] said calmly: "Although your plan is good, you probably don't have many people at your disposal now, right?"

"Yes! But this time I will dispatch the armed helicopter, I am still certain." Rum replied.

"It's not enough." [BOSS] said coldly: "That group of mysterious forces has become a serious problem for us now. We must not let them continue to run rampant. This time, we must achieve success in one fell swoop!"

Rum's eyes flashed and he asked cautiously: "What do you mean?"

"I have contacted Black Sakura, and they have agreed to send 20 elite operators, including three snipers, to assist our operation."

Rum suddenly looked surprised: "What deal did you reach with them?"

"You don't need to know this. The people over there will contact you later. It's still our side that's leading the action. Don't screw it up again this time!"

"Yes! I will definitely give you a satisfactory result this time!" Rum promised repeatedly.

No matter what deal [BOSS] has reached with Black Sakura, the addition of twenty elite operators will undoubtedly greatly increase the success rate of the plan.

But his acceptance of support is equivalent to issuing a military order. If the final result cannot satisfy [BOSS], then he will undoubtedly bear the wrath of [BOSS].

"We must not fail this time!" Rum secretly thought.


Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Akira Hanomiya is dealing with daily entrusted documents.

After last night's operation, their mission has been completed for the time being, and the subsequent attacks on all aspects of the organization can be completely left to the police.

This is to give Rum an illusion that "mysterious forces have cooperated with the police", so as to easily lure Rum into taking the bait.

After that, it depends on how Rum will react.

Just when he put the documents in the filing cabinet and was about to take a rest, there was a burst of rapid footsteps.

Then the door of the office was pushed open, and Meng Yu hurriedly walked in, shouting: "A Ming, come up here, there's something wrong!"

"Huh?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows, and without asking any more questions, he and Meng Yu came to the third floor.

All the way to the computer, Mengyu said: "Listen to this recording!"

As she spoke, she clicked on an audio file.

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