Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1488 Hearing the news

"...Then I wish both of us a happy cooperation." A steady male voice sounded.

"Happy cooperation." Another disguised voice responded.

The recording ends.

Yu Gongming frowned slightly: "Why did Black Sakura's people get involved? Could it be that Rum hired foreign aid?"

Meng Yu also had a solemn look on her face: "Looking at what they said, Black Sakura sent at least twenty elite operators, including three snipers. This is definitely a pretty strong force."

"Indeed, we need to tell Uncle Maori about this immediately. Their main target has been Black Sakura, and they may be able to find out more information." Yu Gongming said immediately.

"Well, I'll notify Uncle Maoli right away!" Mengyu immediately took out her mobile phone.

"Wait a minute!" Yu Gongming stopped talking in his dream: "It's very important, but I might not be able to explain it clearly if I call you."

Meng Yu tilted her head: "Then I ask uncle out?"

Yu Gongming shook his head: "This is not good. This period is quite sensitive. If we suddenly meet with uncle at this time, once someone is aware of it, we may be suspected, and more covert means must be used."

"What do you think?" Meng Yu asked directly. She knew that Yu Gongming had never been someone who only raised questions without providing solutions.

Yu Gongming said calmly: "Tell uncle and ask Conan to come with the bug. We will tell Conan the news and let uncle get the corresponding information through the bug."

Meng Yu's eyes lit up: "Huh? This is a good idea! Conan's identity as a child is very deceptive, and with his relationship with us, even if he is seen by others, it will not arouse any suspicion, so let's do this?"

"Yeah!" Yu Gongming nodded.

Mengyu then continued to dial Maori Kogoro's phone number.

"Hello? Mengyu girl? Why are you looking for me so late?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

Mengyu immediately informed Mouri Kogoro of his findings and Hagong Akira's thoughts.

"Bear? Is it an important situation..." Mouri Kogoro's tone was slightly condensed: "I understand, I will let Conan go there immediately."

"Okay!" Mengyu replied.

call ended.

About ten minutes later, the doorbell rang.

Akira Hanomiya, who had been waiting in the living room, immediately came to the door. He first looked out through the peephole and opened the door after confirming that it was Conan.

Conan walked in quickly, closed the door behind him, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Come with us." Yu Gongming brought Conan to Mengyu's room, where Mengyu was sitting at the computer desk operating the computer.

When she heard the noise, she looked back and said with a smile: "Conan is here? Have you brought everything?"

"I brought it." Conan pointed to a button on his coat.

Yu Gongming recognized it at a glance. It was a bug disguised as a button.

"Can uncle hear it over there?" Mengyu confirmed.

"It should be possible, right?" Conan lowered his head and said to the button-shaped bug: "Uncle! Can you hear me clearly? If you can, send me a text message!"

A few seconds later, Conan's cell phone vibrated in his pocket.

Conan took out his cell phone, took a look at it, and nodded towards Yu Gong and Akira.

"Let's get started, Conan, sit down in front of the computer so you can hear better." Mengyu greeted Conan and stepped away from the computer.

Conan followed the instructions and sat in front of the computer. Mengyu placed the mouse on the audio file and said, "Be prepared, this is a recording of a call between Rum and Black Sakura."

"Rum and black cherry blossoms?" Conan's expression suddenly froze when he heard this, and the expression of Mouri Kogoro, who was listening through the bug on the other side, also changed!

Mengyu waited for a few seconds, guessing that the two of them had digested the information, and then clicked on the audio file.

The next moment, Rum's disguised voice and Black Sakura's deep male voice came from the computer speakers.

Both Conan and Mouri Kogoro were listening to this audio with great concentration.

After about five minutes, the audio ends.

Conan's face was extremely solemn: "Twenty Black Sakura elite killers including three snipers, plus people from the organization, and an armed helicopter that is suspected of being dispatched..."

Conan couldn't help but take a breath: "The organization really spent a lot of money to deal with us!"

"Yes, if we are not fully prepared, we may really fall into a trap and be in danger." Yu Gongming agreed:

"With such equipment and manpower configuration, in the event of a sudden attack, even if we [cooperate] with the police, I'm afraid they will be able to completely control the situation before the police arrive."

"Even if police support arrives, they may not be able to break through with their strength."

Conan's eyes flashed: "It seems that the original plan must be adjusted!"

"This is why we have to notify uncle." Yu Gongming said: "We will send the audio and general situation to uncle in the name of [mysterious force] later. Uncle, please report it to see what the director's arrangements are."

Two seconds later, Conan's mobile phone received a message of "Understanding" from Kogoro Mori.

After chatting for a few more words, Conan said goodbye and left.

Yu Gongming breathed out softly: "Fortunately, we managed to hack into Rum's phone before, otherwise we would be in big trouble this time!"

Mengyu nodded: "Yes! But it's still not safe enough. I will also get Rum's mailbox as soon as possible."

"Well! Thank you for your hard work." Yu Gongming smiled and began to think about the next plan of action.


Metropolitan Police Department, in the Office of the Inspector General of Police.

Director Hakuba listened to the audio transmitted by Mouri Kogoro for the third time, his eyes shining with light.

He didn't expect that Black Sakura would intervene at this time.

And listening to the meaning in the audio, it seems that the organization took the initiative to seek Black Sakura's help.

"What an unexpected surprise!" Director Baima murmured in his heart.

Although Black Sakura's intervention was unexpected, now that he had been informed, it was no longer a thorny issue, but a piece of fat that was delivered to his door!

Twenty elite Black Sakura killers, including three snipers, plus the manpower of the black organization and suspected armed helicopters, this is a veritable feast!

"Then I'm not welcome!" Director Baima raised the corner of his mouth, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Not long after, the call came through: "Hello, boss?"

"Yes!" The director responded lightly and said, "Has Black Sakura done anything unusual recently?"

"Oh! I was about to report to you!" the other person replied: "Some Black Sakura killers dormant in Tokyo have received orders from above to carry out a secret mission. The specific content of the mission is still unknown."

"But according to the news from the hidden stakes, the people carrying out the mission this time are all the elites of Black Sakura, including several snipers. This mission is obviously not simple."

Director Baima understood clearly, and now he could confirm that there was no problem with the information.

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