Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1510 Toru Amuro’s temptation

Kudo House, 2-chome, Yoneka-cho.

Akira Hanomiya, Mengyu, Conan, and Kogoro Mouri came here to visit Subaru Okiya, who had also just returned.

"All traces have been dealt with." Okiya Subaru said: "Although Mr. Mori is here, this may be a bit unnecessary."

Mouri Kogoro shook his head slightly: "You can't say that. It's impossible for me to know all the arrangements above. Although as far as I know, the above will not conduct any investigation on the [mysterious force], but whether there will be any actions taken secretly, I'm not sure either."

Okiya Subaru pushed up his glasses slightly: "The Metropolitan Police Department is quite trustworthy. When I came back, I walked around in a circle and didn't find anyone following me. Besides, I don't think the police can spare any manpower to deal with it now. us."

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "It should be quite lively outside now, right?"

"That's true." Okiya Subaru nodded: "I met many police cars along the way, and even saw the police breaking into a certain apartment, and gunshots could be heard inside the house."

"With the efficiency of the police operating at full capacity, one night is enough to interrogate enough information from the captured suspects. There is nothing surprising about launching operations at this time." Mouri Kogoro replied, with a hint of pride in his tone.

As a policeman working for the Metropolitan Police Department, even if his identity cannot be made public for the time being, he is still extremely proud of his identity and the Metropolitan Police Department where he works.

Okiya Subaru smiled, not minding the pride in Mouri Kogoro's tone.

As someone who has personally fought alongside those in black robes, he has a clearer understanding of those in black robes.

Although there is no one who can compare with him, the qualities displayed by the best among them are no less than those of some of the FBI's ace investigators.

Subaru Okiya, who originally didn't have a high regard for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department because he often came into contact with Officer Megure and others, actually stopped feeling some contempt after this experience.

"Dozens of people were arrested this time, and even Rum was arrested. I'm afraid the organization will be really hurt this time!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"If we can get information about the organization's BOSS from Rum, we will be one step closer to eliminating the organization!" Conan's tone was also full of excitement.

"Don't be too happy too soon." Mouri Kogoro's expression became serious: "According to the information I gathered, Rum has many concealed identities, including well-known entrepreneurs."

"An entrepreneur like this can not only hire the best team of lawyers to serve him, but his own connections cannot be underestimated. Unless he completely loses hope, it may not be that easy to obtain information from him."

Akira Hanomiya frowned: "The order to capture Rum was personally issued by Director White Horse. The Director should have responded to this, right?"

"There should be." Mouri Kogoro was also unsure: "But it is still unclear how far the other party can achieve it."

He stared at Yumiya Ming and others, his eyes gradually becoming sharper: "However, no matter what the final result is, you should not interfere with this matter anymore,"

"Uncle, don't worry, we know what we should do." Yu Gongming solemnly replied.

"Yeah!" Mouri Kogoro nodded gently and said no more.

If it were Conan, he might have to say a few more words, but Akira Hanomiya always acted steadily, and it was enough for him to remind him to this point.

"By the way, uncle." Conan seemed to have thought of something and said, "There will be important information about the organization in the future. Uncle, don't forget to share it with us. This is also what we have agreed with Director Baima."

Mouri Kogoro snorted: "You don't need to tell me, you brat, if there is really information about the organization, I will definitely not hide it from you!"

However, he secretly murmured in his heart that when he really got the information, he would first tell Yu Gongming and Meng Yu. Conan was too easy to fall for. Let Yu Gongming and the others decide whether to tell him the corresponding information.

Conan naturally didn't know what Mouri Kogoro was thinking. At this time, his eyes were extremely bright, and he was expecting the police to ask Rum for key information about the organization as soon as possible - especially about [BOSS].

Xiao Ai has always been secretive about [BOSS], and Conan has always been very concerned about it.

He really wanted to know what kind of guy could make Xiao Ai so scared that he didn't even dare to mention it!

Afterwards, several people conducted a brief review of the actions in the early morning. After confirming that there were no mistakes, Hanomiya Akira and others bid farewell to Subaru Okiya and left the Kudo residence.

Hanemiya Akira and Mengyu said goodbye to Moori Kogoro and Conan at the Sanchome intersection, and headed towards the Hamiya residence.

When they came downstairs, a voice stopped them.

"Detective Yumiya, Miss Mengyu, are you back from a date?"

The two looked around and saw Toru Amuro walking out of the dessert shop.

With a ceremonial smile on his lips, Yu Gongming replied: "I just went to handle a commission."

"I see!" Toru Amuro said with a smile, "Is this a big case? I heard from the home delivery person who delivered lunches today that he saw a lot of police patrol cars today!"

Both Yu Gongming and Yu Ming's expressions changed when they heard this.

Okay! It turned out that they were waiting for them here!

They had found it strange before that although it was already evening, it was still some time before the dessert shop got off work. Toru Amuro didn't have anything in his hand, and there seemed to be no need to leave the dessert shop.

Sure enough, I came to them on purpose!

Yu Gongming thought in his mind and replied calmly: "It's just an ordinary commission. I also saw the patrol car, but I don't know the specific reason."

"I think only people within the police know what's going on, right?"

When Toru Amuro heard this, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he nodded with a smile: "That's right!"

He believed that Yu Gongming must have understood the meaning of his words, and his response was also hidden in the seemingly ordinary answer.

"Only people within the police know...Does this mean I should ask my superiors?"

Because he was suspected before, he had not contacted his superiors during this period, which also led to his lack of intelligence sources, so he came to ask Yu Gongming.

He instinctively thought that Akira Hanomiya would know something.

And Yu Gongming should also be well aware of this.

But Yu Gongming asked him to take the initiative to contact his superiors to ask... This has already revealed a lot of information.

Thoughts were spinning in her heart, and Toru Amuro showed a warm smile: "Then Detective Hanomiya must have had a hard time handling the commission. Would you like to come in and try some desserts? Our store has launched a new mille-feuille today!"

Yu Gongming cast a questioning look at Meng Yu. After she nodded slightly, he smiled at Amuro and said, "Then we are more respectful than obeying orders!"


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