Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1511 Toru Amuro’s speculation

Half an hour later, Akira Hanamiya and Toru Amuro appeared at the door of the dessert shop again.

In the hands of Yu Miyang and Ming, they each carried a bag of packaged desserts, which were specially prepared for them as a late-night snack.

"Then Detective Hanomiya, Miss Mengyu, I'll take my leave now. I wish you two a wonderful night!" Toru Amuro said with a smile.

Toru Amuro and Akira Hanomiya came out together, not specifically to say goodbye, but because it happened to be time for him to get off work.

Meng Yu chuckled softly after hearing this: "Mr. Amuro's words can easily be misunderstood!"

Amuro Toru naturally heard the teasing meaning in Meng Yu's words, and smiled slightly: "Based on the relationship between the two lovers, I think my words are not rude. Of course, if you two mind this, then I will forgive you. I took the liberty.”

"Mr. Amuro, you're so polite!" Hanamiya Akira said with a smile: "Of course we understand your good intentions, so I also wish Mr. Amuro a good night."

"Thank you." Amuro smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, he watched Yu Miya and Akira go up the stairs, and did not look back until the two figures disappeared.

He turned around and walked towards his car parked nearby. The smile on his face gradually faded, revealing a look of deep contemplation.

He invited the two of them into the dessert shop to taste the desserts. He originally wanted to make some insinuations to see if he could get some information from the two of them.

However, both Yu Gongming and Akira kept pretending to be confused, and did not respond reciprocally to their temptations hidden in ordinary words.

After doing this several times, Toru Amuro understood that this road might not work.

"Interesting... What happened that made Detective Hanomiya and the others so secretive?"

With doubts, he got into his car, a white Mazda, started the car and drove to his recently changed residence.

Although given his identity and the fact that his previous actions did not leave any traces, he was actually not too worried about the police suddenly coming to his door.

However, the organization knew very well where he lived, and had sent people to monitor him for a long time.

If he did not change his residence while being investigated by the police, Rum's suspicious temperament would probably cast doubt on him again.

It just so happened that he was tired of this house being monitored all day long, so it would be good to change places.

About twenty minutes later, Toru Amuro parked his car under an apartment building.

After getting out of the car, he did not immediately go upstairs to go home. Instead, he walked to a convenience store opposite the apartment and bought some daily necessities.

Toru Amuro entered the elevator carrying a shopping bag.

Looking at the elevator door that was gradually closing, Toru Amuro finally confirmed that no one was following him, and there was no suspicious person watching him nearby.

Normally, he would not be so cautious, but from the few words of Han Gongming, he had already understood that something big had happened, and he was about to learn the corresponding situation from his superiors.

He must ensure absolute safety in the process.

After returning to his room, Toru Amuro checked the house carefully again to confirm that there was nothing abnormal.

After doing all this, he turned on his computer, logged into the secret mailbox he used to communicate with Kuroda, started editing emails, and asked about the corresponding situation.

He already had a plan in mind and expressed his doubts fully and clearly. In less than five minutes, he had confirmed the content of the email and clicked send.

After confirming that the message was sent successfully, Toru Amuro did not wait for a reply in front of the computer. Instead, he closed the mailbox and began to prepare dinner and deal with some trivial matters in life.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, one thing he was sure of was that the police should be very busy right now.

And Yu Gongming asked him to ask his superiors, indicating that his superiors should know a lot of information about the whole matter, and he was even deeply involved in it.

Naturally, his superiors probably won't have much free time now.

That's why he didn't call directly, but sent an email to inquire.

But he probably won't wait too long. As Kuroda's ace, Kuroda always attaches great importance to contact with him. No matter how busy he is, he will check his mailbox every day to see if there is any news from him.

Time gradually passed, and in the blink of an eye it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Toru Amuro turned off the TV and returned to the room, preparing to check his mailbox for the last time. If there was no reply, he would have to rest first and open his mailbox again tomorrow.

Logged into the mailbox skillfully and glanced at the mailbox.

His eyes narrowed slightly!

There are unread emails!

Toru Amuro immediately clicked on it, and a familiar window popped up.

A password is required to view mail.

Toru Amuro quickly entered a password consisting of numbers, different uppercase and lowercase letters, and several special symbols.

As expected, the password is correct!

The email was opened successfully, and a piece of text appeared in Amuro Toru's sight.

[In an early morning operation last night, a total of 53 killers from the Black Organization and Black Sakura were arrested, and Rum was also arrested at another location. If you want to know more details, you should submit a written application]

The content of the email only contained this short paragraph, but the amount of information revealed made Toru Amuro's hand holding the mouse tighten slightly.

The arrest organization and Black Sakura mentioned in the first half of the sentence have a total of 53 killers, which answers one of Toru Amuro's questions, which is why there are so many police cars on the streets today.

It should be the killer who the police interrogated and arrested overnight. They got information about the organization and Black Sakura, so they decided to act quickly and decisively.

The number of arrests is also very concerning. Based on Tohru Amuro's understanding of the organization, the organization's personnel have always been scattered. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to gather more than two digits of members in one place, let alone among the 53 people. Including the people of Black Sakura.

Why did Black Sakura get involved with the people in the organization?

The first thing that Toru Amuro thought of was that there was a friction between the two parties, and then they were arrested by the police.

However, considering the cooperative relationship that Black Sakura has gradually reached with the organization recently, Toru Amuro quickly denied this speculation.

Then, another possibility is that the two parties are still jointly carrying out some operation, and the result is that the police who did not know where they received the information were arrested.

"Perhaps the police source..." Toru Amuro's face flashed through his mind.

If anyone has a motive and the ability to find out the actions of the organization and Black Sakura and tell the police the news, Toru Amuro can only think of the mysterious force that Akira Hanomiya belongs to.

Even combined with the situation he encountered when he went to rescue Curacao, Toru Amuro has reason to suspect that this alliance between Black Sakura and the organization may be to target that mysterious force!

After reasoning about the contents of the first half of the email in his mind, Toru Amuro focused on the second half.

Rum... was arrested!


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