"There is no appointment record, and the figure and appearance have been disguised. As expected of Belmod, he is really cautious..." Conan sighed.

"This is not a good thing!" Meng Yu frowned slightly: "I originally thought that if the person didn't arrive, we would find a way to go in and do something. Now that Belmode is in the box, we can't do anything like that. It’s easier,”

"About this, we really need to plan carefully." Yu Gongming nodded.

At this time, the door of the private room was opened again, and the waiter pushed the dining cart and brought several dishes to the table again.

After the waiter left, Conan said, "Should all the dishes be here?"

"Yes, that's all." Yu Gongming replied.

In other words, the waiter will not come in and disturb you again.

"However, let's talk while we eat. It's not appropriate for these dishes to not move at all." Akira Hanamiya said, already picking up the bowl and filling a bowl of vegetable soup for himself and the Kudo siblings.

"Yes, let's talk while eating. Anyway, Mr. Amuro hasn't arrived yet." Mengyu nodded and happily took the vegetable soup handed over by Yu Gongming.

Although Conan was preoccupied with how to find out more information, he also knew that some details should not be ignored, so he took the soup bowl and tasted it.

Of course, they did not forget about business. Yu Gongming asked Meng Yu to synchronize the monitoring at the junction of the public dining area and the private room area to the three people's mobile phones in real time.

On Mengyu's side, Amuro Toru's movements were monitored on a split screen.

About five minutes later.

"Mr. Amuro has entered the building. He has put on a disguise. He now has long black shawl curly hair, a black knitted hat and gold-rimmed glasses. He has a beard around his lips... Really, it was so fancy that I almost lost it. Recognize it!" Mengyuhui reported.

Hearing this, Hanamiya Akira didn't have much surprise on his face and said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Amuro also has doubts about this sudden meeting and continues to monitor."

"Understood!" Mengyu nodded.

Another four minutes later.

"Mr. Amuro has appeared in the corridor on the 15th floor, but he did not go in the direction closest to the restaurant." Meng Yu said.

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed: "Huh? Where is he going?"

Mengyu lowered his head to look at the tablet, and replied after a moment: "He went around to the corridor opposite the restaurant and entered a coffee shop there."

"He probably wanted to observe the situation in the restaurant to prevent it from being a trap by the organization, right?" Conan guessed.

"That's probably it." Yu Gongming also thinks so. This is the most reasonable explanation at the moment.

"This is also a good thing for us." Meng Yu said with a smile: "At least we have more time to think about how to listen to their conversation later."

Conan's face was a little solemn: "Since Belmod is inside, none of us can face her directly. Otherwise, with her skill in disguise, there is no guarantee that she will not recognize us."

"Now that Box 2 is closed, if we want to do anything, our best chance is when the box door opens and closes."

Meng Yu showed a thoughtful look: "That is, when Mr. Amuro comes and when the waiter brings the dishes, according to the most conservative estimate, there are only two chances."

"No, it should be said that there is only one chance. I think that if we try to trick Mr. Amuro together, there is no guarantee that we can hide it from him."

"So, we can only take advantage of the waiter entering the box to serve the food..." Conan pondered.

"This is also not safe." Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "They have been infiltrated by our intelligence so many times, there is no way they have no precautions at all."

"If they really take this meeting seriously, then the safest way is to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the box after the waiter enters the box for the last time, and instruct the waiter not to enter the box again."

"Given that this is an organized industry, it is not difficult to do this. Even with their intelligence, they would not have thought of this method."

Meng Yu frowned: "In that case, can't we just bet that they don't pay that much attention to this meeting?"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "It's not that there is no way."

"Huh?" The Kudo brothers and sisters cast questioning glances at the same time.

"There are still some uncertainties in this method. I need you to help me confirm some things." Yu Gongming motioned for them to come over.

The Kudo siblings looked at each other and then came together.


At 12:05, in front of the Green Field Restaurant.

A man wearing a casual coat and a beard on his lips walked in.

"Hello sir, do you want to have a meal? How many are there?" A waiter came up and asked.

The man smiled slightly and replied in a slightly hoarse voice: "I have made an appointment with someone to meet in Box 2."

"Box No. 2? Please come with me." A strange look flashed in the waiter's eyes, but his movements were unambiguous, leading the man to the box area.

Not long after, the two stopped at the door of Box 2.

The waiter did not open the door to let the man enter the box, but knocked lightly on the door a few times.

Not long after, the door opened, revealing a short-haired middle-aged woman wearing a woolen sweater.

The waiter took the initiative and said: "Madam, this gentleman said that he has made an appointment with you."

The waiter was obviously confirming the situation with the middle-aged woman.

Under normal circumstances, the waiter will not ask like this. Generally, when a guest reports to the private room, the waiter will either point the guest in the direction to go on his own, or lead him there without saying any unnecessary words.

But asking like this now is already implicitly questioning the man's words and identity, which is extremely rude to the guests.

However, neither the middle-aged women nor the bearded men showed any abnormal color on their faces.

The middle-aged woman looked up and down at the bearded man for a while, her lips curled up slightly, and then she nodded gently to the waiter: "Yes, this is the gentleman I agreed to meet with."

"Okay, I'm sorry for being rude." The waiter bowed deeply towards the man and expressed his apology.

The man waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind.

The middle-aged woman continued: "Okay, bring over all the dishes I ordered before."

"Yes." The waiter agreed and immediately walked quickly towards the kitchen.

The middle-aged woman raised her hand towards the bearded man and said with a smile: "Please come in."

The bearded man nodded lightly, stepped into the box, and closed the door.

Afterwards, the two sat opposite each other at the two ends of the dining table.

The middle-aged woman smiled slightly: "Aren't you afraid that I won't recognize you?"

The man chuckled: "If [The Thousand-Faced Witch] can't even see through this disguise, then it's better to retire early."

At this point, Tohru Amuro and Belmod officially met.

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