Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1519 Temptation and Tasks

Not long after, the waiter pushed the dining cart into the private room, brought all the dishes to the table, and respectfully stepped out, closing the door slowly.

When the waiter closed the door, behind her, a very cute little girl was holding a drink and walking briskly past.

The waiter glanced at the little girl and was still impressed by her. Just when she was pushing the dining cart over, the little girl asked her where she could get drinks.

Judging from her appearance, she must have returned from the drinks machine.

The waiter looked away when he thought of this, pushed the dining cart towards the kitchen, and soon passed the little girl.

The two people in the box had told them that no one could enter the box again unless they came out, and she had to pass this on.

Behind her, the little girl entered Box 4 as if nothing had happened.

As the door of Box 4 closed, the little girl's expression suddenly became serious.

"She" quickly came to the dining table and sat down, and said, "It's been confirmed, Belmod has hung her bag behind the chair, and it doesn't look like there's anything stuffed in the pocket of her jeans."

Hearing this, Yu Gongming showed a satisfied look: "Very good! In this way, all the conditions are met."

He looked at Mengyu: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Leave it to me!" Mengyu replied with a confident smile. …

In box 2.

After the waiter left, Belmode took out a half-palm-sized device similar to a walkie-talkie from his pocket and began to scan the box.

Toru Amuro smiled slightly: "Are you so cautious?"

Belmod shrugged: "The Rum incident has told us how bad our intelligence work is."

"Until now, we still don't know exactly how the plan was leaked, so we can only take precautions."

While speaking, she had already scanned the entire box. According to feedback, there were no bugs, pinhole cameras or other surveillance equipment in the box.

Belmode believes that this result is quite credible. This is anti-reconnaissance equipment that the organization has spent great efforts to obtain. Even if it is the world's top surveillance equipment, it cannot be said that it can definitely avoid detection.

Hearing this, Toru Amuro raised his eyebrows slightly and replied: "Is the recent big police action really related to Rum? What exactly is going on?"

Belmode looked at him slightly surprised: "Don't you know?"

Toru Amuro secretly said something difficult, but shrugged on his face and replied: "Rum hasn't contacted me recently. I only know that he seems to be planning a plan, but the specific details are not clear."

"I see. I'll explain the details to you later."

While speaking, Belmode had returned to the dining table and sat down, opened a bottle of Bordeaux wine on the table, poured some into the goblet in front of him, and then raised the glass:

"How about a drink first?"

"With pleasure." Toru Amuro replied with a smile, and also took the wine and poured himself half a glass.


The wine glasses collide and they are separated at the first touch.

Then, the two of them drank the red wine in the glass almost in order.

The reason why it was almost was because although Toru Amuro had raised his glass, the wine only touched his lips and did not enter his mouth. It was not until he saw that Belmod had actually drank the red wine that he allowed the red wine to enter his mouth.

Looking at the two empty wine glasses, Belmode curled his lips and said, "How about chatting while we eat?"

"Okay." Toru Amuro nodded.

Afterwards, the two began to enjoy the dishes on the table.

Belmode swallowed a mouthful of steak and said leisurely: "I think you have a lot of questions about this meeting, right?"

Toru Amuro nodded calmly: "Yes, to be honest, I thought I could have some leisure time."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Belmode said with a smile: "This meeting is to inform you that BOSS plans to let you and I temporarily take charge of Tokyo affairs."

Amuro Toru was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't deliberately control it, and let the surprise show through his face: "You and me? What about Rum?"

Belmode shook his head slightly: "Rum was arrested by the Japanese police and is currently in a bad situation."

The surprise on Toru Amuro's face became even stronger, but this time he was deliberately pretending: "Rum was arrested? What happened?"

"Here's what happened..." Belmode roughly explained Rum's plan and the final result.

Toru Amuro listened patiently and asked some questions from time to time. Belmode also told everything he knew and responded to all Toru Amuro's questions.

Five minutes later, Belmod finished narrating.

Amuro looked thoughtful: "So, now that the person in charge of Tokyo is vacant again, who will let us take over?"

"Yes!" Belmode looked helpless: "To be honest, I have no interest in this kind of thing at all, but this is the order from that person, so I can only accept it."

Amuro Toru's eyes flashed slightly: "You just said temporary replacement, which means that the organization will send a new person in charge later, or has it already started to rescue Rum?"

Belmod spread his hands and said, "I don't know about that."

Toru Amuro nodded lightly, and did not continue to ask, "So, can you tell me what the situation is in Tokyo now?"

Belmode replied: "The police are currently attacking the organization's personnel and industry based on the intelligence provided by the captured prisoners. Although BOSS has arranged for the transfer of relevant personnel and materials and the destruction of relevant evidence, Black Sakura is also there to share the pressure. , but the losses still cannot be underestimated.”

"Therefore, Tokyo will be temporarily dormant in the near future, and we don't need to do much. The most we can do is try to get some funds to maintain the basic operation of the Tokyo organization."

Toru Amuro frowned: "Since we have to go into hibernation, do we still have to solve the problem of activity funds by ourselves?"

"There is nothing we can do about this." Belmod sighed: "Many of the organization's industries have already been targeted by the police. If we send more funds to the organization, it will be tantamount to providing evidence to the police."

"Therefore, BOSS decided to temporarily interrupt the supply of funds for the operation of the organization in Tokyo, and then gradually resume it after the storm has passed. Therefore, if there is any action in the future, we need to solve the funding problem ourselves."

"This is really...not good news!" Amuro Toru's face became a little solemn.

After a pause, he continued: "However, the organization should not take any action in the near future. The existing funds should be able to sustain it for a while, right?"

Belmod gently shook his finger: "That's not necessarily the case. Not to mention it's far away. There is a task at the BOSS that we need to complete right now."

"Huh?" Toru Amuro suddenly cast a doubtful look.

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