Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1536 Breaking the door!

The reason is this, but the method cannot be figured out by just patting the head.

There are only two entrances and exits in the entire underground research institute, one of which is the normal entrance, directly connected to the upper ground.

But now the place is probably under surveillance by the police, and they may even launch a break-in at any time. It will be hellish to get out from there!

Not to mention that he brought so many logistics and researchers, even if the rest were elites from their security department, Yamaguchi had no confidence that he could escape.

The second entrance and exit is the passage behind the alloy door in front of you.

The total length of this passage is nearly one kilometer, and the exit at the other end is hidden in a forest near Morikawa Pharmaceutical.

After going out from there, the people scattered, and with the cover of the woods, tracking was not easy.

However, the door to the passage cannot be opened for unknown reasons. This escape route encountered obstacles at the beginning.

While he was thinking, there was a sound of rapid footsteps.

When Yamaguchi and his men looked over, they saw that the door in the distance was opened, and members of the security department dressed in black escorted a group of logistics and researchers into the warehouse.

The logistics personnel all carried large backpacks half as tall as a person, which contained supplies that needed to be moved.

"Boss!" The subordinate responsible for organizing the evacuation ran over and looked at the alloy door ahead with some confusion: "Is the passage not open yet?"

Yamaguchi told his men about the situation with a gloomy expression.

Hearing this, the crowd suddenly became commotion.

"Quiet!" Yamaguchi shouted coldly, and with his usual power, the crowd suddenly became quiet again.

Yamaguchi looked at his men: "Is everyone here?"

"There is still one person left." The subordinates reported: "One of the logistics personnel is missing."

Yamaguchi's eyes suddenly focused: "What kind of work is the missing logistics person responsible for?"

"Responsible for delivering meals to various departments and cleaning up after meals." His subordinates had obviously already investigated clearly and immediately replied.

A gleam flashed in Yamaguchi's eyes, and the clues in his mind quickly connected.

The logistics person responsible for delivering meals disappeared, Belmode, who was supposed to be unconscious after taking anesthetics, was able to sneak attack on the four people who came to conduct the experiment, and the password lock of the passage inexplicably malfunctioned...

All of this means one thing.

Someone quietly sneaked into the research institute, disguised as the support staff, and helped Belmode escape from the experimental room!

He didn't think the problem was with the support staff himself.

It's probably not a coincidence that the other party happened to take action when the police came to Morikawa Pharmaceutical for a surprise investigation.

He, or they should have known about the police plan in advance and made arrangements accordingly.

And this information is definitely not something that logistics personnel can know in advance.

The logistics staff's food and accommodation are all within the institute, and communication with the outside world is strictly restricted. Every contact needs to go through special equipment.

The content of each contact will be recorded in detail and sent to the Security Department for review to confirm that there is no suspicious information.

Therefore, only outsiders can infiltrate.

Following this train of thought, details that were originally ignored emerged in Yamaguchi's mind.

The experimental subject's room is equipped with surveillance cameras without blind spots, and someone is always monitoring them in real time.

However, he didn't get the news from his men until he was preparing to evacuate.

The person responsible for surveillance did not report any abnormalities!

Even if his subordinates were distracted, how could they not detect such a big movement?

The only explanation is that someone unknowingly hacked into their surveillance system and tampered with the surveillance footage!

The failure of the combination lock should also be caused by the other party.

"Damn it! Don't let me catch those rats that hide their heads and show their tails!" Yamaguchi cursed in his heart.

He could only vent like this.

Maybe the intruder and Belmode are still hiding somewhere on the underground floor, but now they have no time to go back and search.

At this time, the door on another side was opened, and several men in black hurriedly ran in.

Seeing a group of people crowded in front of the escape tunnel door, several men in black looked stunned.

"Boss! Why do you..."

"How is the situation over there?" Yamaguchi interrupted coldly, he had no patience to explain again.

"A team of special police has arrived at the entrance to the underground. I don't know how long the door blocking the entrance can last..." one of his subordinates replied.

Yamaguchi's expression became a little ugly again. The gate at the normal entrance was not very secure...

His eyes moved rapidly, his mind frantically thinking of countermeasures.



There were crashing sounds in everyone's ears. Apparently, the police had started trying to break down the door.

Listening to this voice, Yamaguchi became more and more agitated.

He glanced at the group of research and logistics personnel surrounded by men in black from the Security Department, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

If that doesn't work, just take these people as hostages and let the police take action!

The researchers were immobile, but it didn't matter if a few of the support staff died.

Based on the police's behavior, this method can at least ensure that they reach the ground safely.

Once on the ground, they would have to face police snipers who might already be in position.

At this time, another "bang" sound came.

Then there was a burst of intensive footsteps.

The footsteps finally arrived at the door of the warehouse where they were now.

Yamaguchi glanced at the door. Fortunately, he didn't forget to lock the door when his men came in. This door is slightly more durable than the one outside and should be enough for him to carry out the kidnapping plan.

Just when he was about to give the order, there was suddenly a "didi" sound behind him.

Yamaguchi turned his head slightly and saw that with a "click", the originally closed alloy door slowly opened, revealing the dark passage behind it.

Yamaguchi's pupils shrank slightly!

"At this time..." Yamaguchi murmured in his heart, then suppressed all the distracting thoughts and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, evacuate in an orderly manner!"

Everyone was excited, and then they took action.

First, a group of men in black rushed into the passage with researchers.

Then another group of men in black entered with support staff.

Everyone moved quickly, and in less than half a minute, only Yamaguchi and a few of the most elite members of the security department were left in the warehouse.

The reason why they were at the back was to buy time for the evacuees in front, especially the logistics personnel carrying bulky backpacks, after the police broke in.

But now, things are going surprisingly smoothly, and the police have not broken down the door until now.

It seems they don't need to take any risks.

"Let's retreat too!" Yamaguchi immediately ordered.

Afterwards, they also entered the passage, and the final mountain pass was about to close the alloy gate.

At this moment, with a "bang", the door of the warehouse was broken open.


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