The leading police officer rushed into the warehouse first.

The police officer scanned the surroundings very skillfully, and finally met Yamaguchi's gaze.

With just one look, both of them were sure that the other party was definitely not mediocre!

The next moment, the two of them saw the scene behind each other at the same time.

The police officers are naturally well-trained special police officers with all kinds of sophisticated equipment.

On the mountain pass side, there is a man in black who has not run far yet.


Yamaguchi made a quick decision and slammed the alloy door shut!

"Not good!" The police officer's expression changed, and he quickly called a group of special police officers to the alloy gate.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground. Maybe the other party had left in a hurry and hadn't turned off the lighting yet, so he could still see many details clearly.

"There should have been quite a few people staying here just now. There was probably their secret passage behind the door... Damn it! Have all their people escaped from here?"

Then, the police officer looked at the closed alloy door in front of him.

Looking at the combination lock on the door, he suddenly frowned.

This alloy door can be seen to be very strong visually, and as the entrance to the secret passage, it is impossible for the other party to pretend to be here.

To break open this door, you either have to crack the combination lock or use high explosives to try to break open violently.

The first method is that their special police officers do not have corresponding equipment, but as forward commandos, they do not carry such equipment.

By the time the equipment is in place and the password is cracked, the other party may not even know how far they have traveled.

The second method also faces similar difficulties. Determining the appropriate yield, placing explosives, evacuating personnel to avoid accidental injuries, and blowing open the door are all processes that also take a long time.

"Damn it! If that doesn't work, we can only dispatch more police to conduct a large-scale search. The exit of the secret passage should not be too far from here..."

Just as he turned away from this thought, a sound of "di-di-di-di" suddenly came from the alloy door.

Under everyone's gaze, the alloy door slowly opened.

The police officer's expression changed and he shouted quickly: "Defense!"

The SWAT officers sprang into action. Some raised their explosion-proof shields to protect their vitals, while others tumbled and hid behind nearby containers.

The police officer also hid behind a container smoothly and looked at the opened alloy door warily.

He was worried that the other party would suddenly respond and catch them off guard.

However, when the door opened, nothing happened.

No one rushed out, there was only a dark passage, and footsteps that could still be heard but gradually faded away.

The police officer rolled his eyes slightly, then waved his hand: "Let's go! Turn on the strong flashlight, advance the array, and follow me in!"

A group of special police officers immediately took the order, led by a team of special police officers holding explosion-proof shields, and followed the police officers into the passage.

The police officer made this decision naturally not on the spur of the moment, but on a rational judgment based on the available intelligence.

When they broke into the warehouse just now, he saw the short-haired man who finally closed the door.

The other party closed the door immediately after seeing him, and his movements were quite hasty.

But now the door reopened in less than a few seconds, and you could even hear the other party's footsteps walking away. It didn't look like he was trying to ambush himself and the others.

Moreover, rather than ambush themselves, wouldn't it be better for them to just close the door and let this tough alloy door block the police?

Once the ambush fails to achieve the desired effect and they get into trouble with the police, they run the risk of being entangled.

Therefore, the police officer is more likely to think that the other party's gate is malfunctioning than that the other party is cheating.

Maybe the other party closed the door too quickly just now and didn't close it completely?

Putting these speculations aside for the time being, the police officer focused on the task at hand.

Although the judgment was the opponent's mistake, he will pursue it with 120% vigilance.

After all, this is the opponent's escape passage, and the passage is dark. There is no guarantee that the opponent will not take a chance and shoot back a few times.

That's why he sent special police officers with shields in front to deal with emergencies.

Those who can carry out this mission are all true elites. Even if they are holding heavy explosion-proof shields, the impact on their speed is almost negligible.

They clung to the footsteps in front of them, and after running for a certain distance, a corner appeared in the field of vision of the bright flashlight.

"Be careful of sneak attacks!" the police officer warned in a deep voice.

The shield-wielding SWAT officer in front immediately slowed down when he heard the sound, and slightly adjusted the position of his shield to ensure that his vital parts were covered.

Then, they entered the corner in an orderly manner, using their shields and bodies to form a protective wall around the corner, while several other SWAT sharpshooters rolled and hid behind the shield-wielding SWAT officers.

Bang bang bang!

Ding ding ding!

Facts have proved that their caution was very wise. Gunshots shook the entire passage, and several bullets hit the explosion shield.

Several figures of men in black also appeared in the bright flashlight.

"Fight back!" the police officer yelled.

The sharpshooters hiding behind the explosion-proof shields immediately launched a counterattack!

Bang bang bang!

Continuous gunshots instantly resounded throughout the passage.

However, the exchange of fire ended quickly.

One side was covered by a human wall and had strong flashlights for visual interference, while the other side only had the advantage of an initial sneak attack, which was carefully resolved by the special police.

With such a huge gap between advantages and disadvantages, the results of the exchange of fire can be imagined.

The special police officers holding shields stepped over several men in black who had fallen to the ground. The special police officers at the rear stopped temporarily, and after confirming the status of the men in black, they confiscated the weapons of those who were still alive.

Yes, in the firefight just now, some men in black had turned into cold corpses.

Before the operation, the special police had been given the power to kill resisters if necessary, so the special police dared to use it freely.

As for the living people, being shot is already uncomfortable. As long as the weapons are confiscated, it won't be a problem for colleagues who arrive later to deal with them.

Because of the attack just now, the SWAT police moved forward more cautiously. The SWAT police who lagged behind quickly followed up at full speed, and the group continued to pursue them.

The police officer was watching the front while reporting the situation to the top via the walkie-talkie.

"Fukuoka, you must bite their tail tightly and confirm the location of the exit of that passage. Reinforcements will arrive soon." The latest instructions came from the walkie-talkie.

"Understood!" the police officer known as Fukuoka replied solemnly.

The pursuit continues.

After that, there were some sporadically blocked attacks, but the intensity was not too severe. The men in black seemed to understand that they would never be the opponents of the police, so they always fired two shots at the corner and ran away decisively.

Although the delay was limited and no damage was caused, it was a bit disgusting.

"Why do these guys (Japanese slang) make the secret tunnel so winding and winding? Isn't it better to go through it in a straight line? It saves costs and makes it easier to escape. It's really (unusual Japanese slang)!" Fukuoka couldn't help cursing in his heart.


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