Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1538 Escape in Progress

Time moves forward slightly.

Under the leadership of the Fukuoka police officer, all the special police in the warehouse rushed into the passage.

Silence returned to the warehouse.

However, a few seconds later, the door to the underground research institute slowly opened.

Two figures quickly rushed into the warehouse.

It's none other than Akira Hanomiya and Belmode!

At this time, Yu Gongming had changed his outfit. He was no longer wearing the uniform of a nurse in the research institute, but a special police uniform.

Jackets, pants, shoes, helmets, special tactical belts, and even walkie-talkies are all available.

At first glance, there are almost no flaws.

I was able to obtain this set of clothes thanks to the help of Kogoro Mori, a police insider.

He informed the police about the clothing company that provided the police with special police uniforms. Because it had a long-term contract with the police, the company had a lot of stock in its warehouse.

Yu Gongming sneaked in quietly with the help of Meng Yu and took away a set of clothes.

They weren't too worried about being discovered soon.

The particularity of the profession determines that the clothes made for special police officers have strict standards.

But there will always be some substandard products during production.

These substandard products will be disposed of after being stored in the warehouse for a period of time, and no one usually pays much attention to these defective products.

And Akira Hanomiya was originally just disguising when necessary, so naturally he didn't mind whether the clothes were up to standard, as long as they were wearable.

This is where this outfit comes from.

On the other side, Belmod put on Hanomiya Akira's original [Nursing Worker] uniform.

"There is not much time. Act according to the plan I told you before." Yu Gongming said calmly to Belmode.

After a pause, he looked slightly stern: "If there is a conflict later, I hope you know what to do."

Belmode smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my memory is not that bad."

Just before Yu Gongming came up, he had already informed Belmod of the subsequent action plan.

After explaining the plan, he solemnly warned Belmod that if there was a conflict with the police, he could fight back, but he had to aim at escaping and never kill anyone. At most, he could only cause minor injuries to the police.

He didn't ask Belmod to do no harm to anyone at all. In the current situation, doing so was almost tantamount to tying one's own hands, and it would be troublesome for them to be entangled by the police.

If an unfortunate conflict does occur and harms the police officers, Akira Hanomiya can only say sorry in his heart.

However, in the process of escaping, he will still try his best to avoid a head-on conflict with the police and get rid of the police in the gentlest way possible.

The two quickly moved to the entrance to the ground. Akira Hanomiya twitched her ears slightly, and after confirming that there were no police officers outside, she and Bermod pushed the door open and walked out.

Outside is a corridor about ten meters long. If Yumiya Akira remembers correctly, the corner at the end of the corridor is the stairs going up.

Yu Gongming winked at Belmode, and then leaned forward slightly.

Belmode nodded slightly to him, then came behind Yu Gongming and climbed on his back.

Afterwards, Akira Hanomiya carried Belmod all the way to the end of the corridor and turned towards the upward stairs.

When he reached the corner in the middle of the stairs, two figures in police uniforms appeared in his sight.

One on the left and one on the right, they guarded the entrance to the ground.

After seeing Yu Gongming, their expressions tightened at first, and then they relaxed again, probably after seeing the police uniform on Yu Gongming.

With a natural expression, Yu Gongming panted and ran to the two police officers.

"Brother, what's going on? Aren't you going down below to control the situation?" one of the police officers asked.

Akira Hanomiya took a few breaths and replied in a suppressed voice: "That's it. When we went down, we happened to see those guys preparing to kill people and silence them. Fortunately, we arrived in time, but some people were still seriously injured. The Fukuoka Police Department asked me Bring the injured up first.”

Just as he finished speaking, one of the police officers' intercom rang.

"I am Fukuoka. If you see my men bringing the wounded up, let him pass." The voice of the Fukuoka Police Department came over the intercom.

"Yes!" The police officer responded, then glanced at Belmode on Yu Gongming's back.

The person dressed as a caregiver seemed to be unconscious, and obvious blood stains could be seen on the clothes on his back.

The two police officers no longer had any doubts in their minds and immediately stepped aside to let Yu Gongming pass.

"Be careful on the road, brother!" a police officer said warmly as he bid farewell.

Yu Gongming didn't respond, silently carrying Belmod and walking forward quickly, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

The [Fukuoka Police Department] who just contacted the two police officers was naturally not the one chasing Kuro Sakura underground.

Instead, Mengyu connected to the police communication channel, and then asked Conan to use the voice changer to create an illusion.

Facts have proved that the effect is quite good, and the two police officers did not have the slightest suspicion.

Of course, this method can only deceive ordinary police officers. For masters like Toru Amuro and Subaru Okiya, this level is far from enough.

The entrance to the underground is in a room inside the Morikawa Pharmaceutical building.

Akira Hanomiya carried Bellmod out of the room, and after confirming that no one was around, he put Bellmod down.

"Follow closely!" Yu Gongming warned in a low voice, and then under the guidance of Meng Yu, while the police patrol outside, he and Belmod climbed out of the window and jumped out of the building, landing on a lawn.

Connecting the lawn is a cement road about ten meters wide, and beyond that is a high wall that surrounds the entire Morikawa Pharmaceutical.

Belmode raised his eyes slightly, looked at the barbed wire on the high wall, and frowned: "With our skills, it's not difficult to climb the wall, but the barbed wire above is not easy!"

Yu Gongming's expression remained calm: "Don't worry, we have been prepared."

Then, he led Belmod and ran straight to the high wall in front.

After a while, the two came to the wall. Yu Gongming took out a stone from his backpack and threw it towards the wall.


The stone hit the barbed wire fence. The seemingly intricate and tough barbed wire fence actually made a big gap under the impact!

Bellmore was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized: "So that's it, it's you as expected!"

"It's not too late to praise us after we really leave. Can you go up by yourself?" Yu Gongming asked.

Belmod chuckled: "Don't underestimate me!"

Yu Gongming made a gesture of invitation.

Belmode was not polite, retreated slightly, and after a short run-up, jumped suddenly!

In mid-air, she put her palms on the wall, and then she exerted force suddenly, causing her body that was almost stagnant to stand taller to rise again. When she reached up with her other hand, she had already grasped the top of the wall.

The next thing was simple. Belmode used this as a fulcrum and soon sent his entire body to the wall.


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