Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1547 Police Judgment

After hearing Director Hakuba's inquiry, the two senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department exchanged glances with each other. Finally, Fujiwara Hiroaki from the Organized Crime Countermeasures Department spoke:

"According to the confession we obtained during the surprise interrogation last night, when the police stormed the institute, an [experimental subject] who was captured for human experimentation was missing."

"The information about that [experimental subject] has a high level of confidentiality. The person who is speaking out currently does not seem to know the details and may need to wait for further interrogation."

“However, according to the description of the suspect who provided the information, the [experimental subject] was under very strict supervision in the institute. The [experimental subject] was completely confined in a small room and only provided with the most basic necessities of life. ]’s body is relatively weak.”

"And every time they enter that room for [research], the researchers will be accompanied by Black Sakura's killers. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for the [experimental subject] to escape."

"So, do you think someone helped her?" Director Baima interjected.

"Yes." Fujiwara Hiroaki nodded: "At that time, we originally wanted to send people to secretly sneak into the research institute to investigate, but the gunfire that suddenly occurred to us disrupted our plan."

"But we asked the arrested members of Black Sakura, and they claimed that they were not the ones who fired the gun, and that there were no one of theirs where the gun was fired."

"Based on their description, we searched the area near where the gunshots were fired, and finally found several loudspeakers in corners, trash cans and other places."

"These loudspeakers should be the source of the gunfire. Someone installed these loudspeakers in advance and played the sound of gunfire when needed."

"The purpose is also quite clear. One is to attract the attention of our police, and the other is to put pressure on the Black Sakura members in the institute and force them to take action."

Fujiwara Hiroaki's face looked a little ugly when he said this.

After this shot, it was almost impossible for the police to pretend to investigate economic crimes.

Because it is impossible for the police to ignore the gunfire, otherwise it will inevitably arouse Black Sakura's suspicion.

And once you follow the sound of gunfire, you have to contact the underground research institute with great fanfare.

No matter what the situation is, there is a high probability that the Black Sakura members in the underground research institute will take action.

Organizing the evacuation of personnel; delaying the police by force or other means; destroying all criminal evidence... all of these are results that the police do not want to see.

Therefore, Fujiwara Hiroaki, who was in charge of the commander-in-chief of this operation, decisively changed his plan and directly attacked the underground research institute with force.

What made him slightly gratified was that the final result was not bad. None of the key members of the Black Sakura in the institute slipped through the net. Although one or two other small fish and shrimps escaped, it was not harmful.

With his thoughts turning around, Fujiwara Hiroaki continued: "The other party obviously planned carefully. Someone's confession mentioned that in response to the police's actions, the person in charge of the Black Sakura of the underground research institute had already started the evacuation process."

"However, the door to the escape passage has been closed, causing a group of research institute personnel who could have evacuated early to be blocked in the warehouse on the first floor underground."

"After the Fukuoka Police Department led the team into the warehouse, the last Black Sakura Killer had already closed the door of the escape passage. Just when the Fukuoka Police Department was worried about how to open the door, the door opened automatically."

"The Fukuoka Police Department had no time to think too much and led people to chase him in."

"Coincidentally, shortly thereafter, officers manning the entrance to the underground encountered two individuals coming up."

"One of them was wearing a special police uniform and was carrying another person on his back. The person wearing the special police uniform claimed that he came up with the injured. The police officer on duty also received confirmation from the Fukuoka Police Department."

"But after the incident, the Fukuoka Police Department denied this, and a few minutes later, the three groups patrolling the perimeter of the Morikawa Pharmaceutical building discovered a suspicious person climbing the wall."

"The suspicious person was also wearing a SWAT uniform, and the four police officers who went to search for him were attacked by unknown persons."

"Another police officer reported seeing two motorcycles speeding past from a distance."

"Assuming that all this was designed by the other party, then I have reason to suspect that the mysterious man in the SWAT uniform, and the gang or organization that may be behind him, knew our police's actions in advance and took advantage of them, eventually leading to Black Sakura’s [Experimental Subject] is gone.”

Having said this, Fujiwara Hiroaki stopped talking.

Director Hakuba looked deeply and nodded slowly: "Yes, Fujiwara, your suspicion is not unreasonable. So, do you think that group of people knew about the investigation of Morikawa Pharmaceutical's economic crimes, or... knew about the entire plan?"

Fujiwara Hiroaki pondered for a while, and his face became more solemn: "I think they... I'm afraid they know the whole plan."

"If they only knew about the investigation of economic crimes, then there are too many factors beyond their control."

"Initially there were not many police personnel investigating economic crimes. Even if they were attracted by the sound of gunfire, if support could not arrive in time, the police force would not be able to put much pressure on the underground research institute."

"Without enough pressure, there will be no chaos in the underground laboratory. Many of their arrangements, such as manipulating the doors of the escape passages, will not be able to achieve the current results."

"At that time, I am afraid that the armed elements in the institute will not stop doing anything and rush out directly to knock down the police officers investigating economic crimes."

"When Black Sakura regains control of Morikawa Pharmaceutical, it will be difficult for the group to take the [experimental subjects] away. They may even get in if they are not careful."

"So, I think they dared to act like this because they knew our overall plan and knew we had backup plans."

Fujiwara Hiroaki stopped talking.

Director Hakuba looked at the Minister of Criminal Affairs Odagiri Toshiro: "What do you think?"

"My view is the same as Minister Fujiwara's." Odagiri Toshiro said solemnly: "The most direct evidence is that the police officer guarding the underground entrance received a communication from the [Fukuoka Police Department]."

"But now we know that this communication was carefully disguised by the group. The technical details are currently unknown, but to do this, we must first hack into the police communication network in advance."

"Now that we've done that, it's not too surprising to know what our plans are."

Director Baima remained calm, but frowned and said softly: "It seems that our police's intelligence confidentiality measures and electronic information protection are still not enough... How many times has this happened?"

The two senior police officials lowered their heads slightly and did not dare to answer.


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