Seeing the reaction of his two subordinates, Director Baima shook his head helplessly: "Well, this kind of thing can't be solved overnight. Let's deal with the current matters first."

"Yes!" Fujiwara Hiroaki and Odagiri Toshiro responded immediately.

At this time, Fujiwara Hiroaki's cell phone suddenly rang.

Fujiwara Hiroaki took out his cell phone, looked at it, and said softly: "It's a call from the interrogation team..."

"Hmm!" Director Hakuba nodded, and Fujiwara Hiroaki answered the phone: "Hey! It's me...oh? Already know the identity of [Experimental Subject]? Hmm! You said..."

A few minutes later...

Fujiwara Hiroaki put down the phone and reported to Director Hakuba: "Director, the identity of the [experimental subject] is known. She is a young Western woman codenamed Belmod!"

"Belmod?" Director Hakuba and Toshiro Odagiri said in surprise at the same time.

"Yes, judging from the suspect's description of the [experimental subject], he should be the one we know."

"It's really her!" Odagiri Toshiro's face became even more surprised.

Director Hakuba looked thoughtful: "Interesting, Black Sakura actually captured her... Aren't they afraid of a complete war with the black organization?"

Director Baima’s speculation is not an exaggeration.

He is very aware of Belmod's special status in the organization. If Black Sakura only targets some of the organization's industries, both parties may still have room for maneuver.

But by attacking Belmod, it would be difficult to ensure that the person behind the scenes of the black organization could remain calm.

Even if Black Sakura wanted to cause trouble for the organization because of what happened some time ago, she probably wouldn't choose this method.

"No matter what Black Sakura planned, it is a fact that they captured Belmod." Odagiri Toshiro analyzed: "Judging from this, the person who planned the rescue of Belmode may be the black organization."

"If it was planned by a black organization, the method would be too mild!" Fujiwara Hiroaki had a different view:

"The latest inquiry transcript mentions that [the experimental subject] successfully escaped from the room after attacking two researchers who entered the room to conduct research and two accompanying elite Black Sakura assassins."

"Given the weak state of the [experimental subject] at that time, he must have received help from the outside."

"If it had been done by associates of the black organization, the researchers and the Black Sakura killer would have been dead bodies at the time of the attack."

"For them, only the dead can keep secrets to the greatest extent possible."

"But in fact, none of the four people suffered any injuries now. At most, they have some bruises on their necks from being hit."

"In addition, when the mysterious man in the SWAT uniform took Belmode away, he encountered the police officers who came to search. Those police officers were also only knocked unconscious and their lives were not in danger."

"In that case, killing those police officers can delay the police pursuit as much as possible. They can plan such a meticulous operation. It is impossible for them not to understand the stakes and the ruthlessness to strike."

"To sum up, judging from the details of these two attacks, it does not appear to be the work of a black organization."

Director Baima nodded lightly: "This does not seem like their style of acting, but if it weren't for them, who would have the motive and ability to rescue Belmode?"

Fujiwara Hiroaki and Odagiri Toshiro fell into deep thought for a while.

"Could it be that other organizations were eyeing the [experimental subject] Belmod, so they planned this operation? Their purpose was not rescue, but also [kidnapping]?" Odagiri Toshiro raised a new possibility.

"It's not impossible!" Fujiwara Hiroaki's eyes lit up: "As for other organizations, their behavior is not inexplicable."

"Then this organization is not simple!" Director Baima said solemnly: "It can know the police's plan in advance, it can detect that Belmode was caught in Morikawa Pharmaceutical's underground research institute, and it can almost control the overall situation between the police and the underworld. Sakura plays with applause..."

"Except us, the police, how many other forces can do this?"

The faces of Fujiwara Hiroaki and Odagiri Toshiro also became more serious.

Fujiwara Hiroaki rolled his eyes slightly, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

Director Hakuba keenly noticed the change in Fujiwara's expression and said, "Fujiwara, what do you think? But it doesn't matter."

Seeing this, Fujiwara stopped hiding and said, "Tell me, is it possible that the police might have done it?"

"Public security?" Director Baima raised his eyebrows.

"Yes!" Fujiwara Hiroaki nodded: "After all, this kind of merciless behavior is not like the behavior of ordinary underground organizations, and the public security side wants to find out the plan of our Metropolitan Police Department... it should be possible Made it happen.”

"Is that so..." Director Baima narrowed his eyes: "If it is really their handiwork, they will disrupt our plan rashly and put our colleagues in danger... I will have to talk to them."

Director Hakuba's tone did not change much, but Fujiwara and Odagiri felt a chill on their backs.

Obviously, once the matter is true, Director Baima will never let it go easily!

Afterwards, Director Baima's expression softened: "I will personally confirm this matter with the police. You don't have to be embarrassed. Of course, we can't conclude that it was the police who did it. There must be no less investigation!"

"I understand!" Fujiwara and Odagiri immediately stood up and responded loudly.

Director Baima waved his hand: "Well! You go and do your work, and report to me later if you have any new situations."

"Yes!" The two then respectfully exited the office.

Director Baima leaned back on the chair again, closed his eyes slightly, and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

"Public security..." Director Baima shook his head gently.

Although, as Fujiwara Hiroaki said, the police did meet the conditions, Director Hakuba believed that the possibility of the police doing so was low.

Although Belmod has an important position in the organization and has high intelligence value, to put it bluntly, he is just a member of an underground organization.

Even if the public security has a secret operation, why should it deliberately conceal it from the police when it is clear that it relies on the power of the police?

There is no conflict between the two parties in terms of their overall stance on dealing with the organization or Black Sakura. If they do this now, once the matter is exposed, the negative impact will be far greater than the benefits.

Based on his understanding of the public security, even if it was an order personally issued by the chief of the police department, he would probably check with himself before taking action.

If it wasn't the police, who could it be?

While Director Baima was deep in thought, a cell phone rang.

Director Baima took out his phone and looked at it, his expression suddenly changed.

He immediately answered the phone: "Hello!"

"Boss, it's me." A familiar voice came from the other side.

Director Baima sat up straight and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"


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