Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1549 Director Baima’s speculation

"Boss, I just received a piece of information about Black Sakura. The information has been sent to the old place. Please be sure to take a look at it when you have time." The other person replied.

"Oh? Information about Black Sakura?" Director Baima's eyes flashed: "Since I called here specifically, this information should be quite important."

"But I don't remember any big actions you have taken recently. Where did you get this information?"

"[No. 4] gave it to me." The other person replied.

"Number 4?" Director Baima's mind immediately flashed into a middle-aged man with a mustache who often appears in the media.

"Maoli? It came from him..." Director Baima was surprised and asked: "Did [No. 4] say how he obtained these information?"

"He doesn't know the source of this information either." The other person said, "According to him, it was a USB flash drive that he found in his mailbox last night to store information."

"There was also a note attached to the USB flash drive, and the note was marked [Thank you gift]. [No. 4] immediately handed it over to me after briefly checking the USB flash drive."

"We have made a hand-typed copy of all the data in the USB flash drive and sent it to you. There will definitely be no problem with the security."

"Is that so..." Director Baima's thoughts changed and he replied: "I understand, I will take a look and contact you later if there is nothing else."

Director Baima hung up the phone after getting another "yes" response from the other party.

"Interesting!" He muttered, Director Baima moved his chair and turned on the computer on his desk.

Not long after, he logged into a link on the Metropolitan Police Department's intranet, obtained a string of passwords, and used this string of passwords to log in to an email on the intranet.

This is his exclusive mailbox for receiving secret emails. The mailbox is highly hidden on the intranet and can only be seen with the authority of the police director.

The password for logging in to the email address is not fixed and changes every day. You need to enter a link that is also visible only with the authority of the police director to get today's password.

At this time, there was an unread email lying quietly in the mailbox.

Director Baima opened the email and found a compressed package inside.

Director Baima first checked the compressed package with a detection program specially installed in the computer. After confirming that there were no abnormalities, he decompressed the compressed package.

Documents appeared one after another, and Director Baima clicked on them one by one to check them out.

after an hour……

Director Baima rubbed his forehead tiredly: "What a great gift..."

He had already mastered some of the information in it before, but not others, such as the real names of some senior executives, and the criminal evidence of some [legitimate enterprises], which they did not know.

Of course, he couldn't be sure that the unknown information was true, but some known information could be matched one-to-one, which made the information that needed to be confirmed much more credible.

What interests Director Baima is who provided this information?

It is definitely not an ordinary person to be able to obtain such detailed information about Black Sakura.

What's even more interesting is that the other party finally chose to hand over the information to the police, through the channel of Mouri Kogoro.

Is it a mistake? Thinking that Kogoro Mouri is a famous detective and has connections with the police, so he handed the USB flash drive to him and used his identity to make the police pay attention to the USB flash drive?

Director Baima didn’t think it was the case.

It is impossible that the other party does not know the value of this information. If the USB flash drive is handed over to a detective, even if it is a famous detective, the variables involved are still very large.

For example, before Mouri Kogoro discovered it, the USB flash drive was taken away by a passing advertising deliveryman, or simply a wandering thief.

There is no shortage of habitual criminals on the streets of Tokyo who pry open mailboxes and steal valuable items or letters.

Also, even if Kogoro Mouri discovers the USB flash drive, it is still unclear whether he will hand it over to the police in the end.

It is not ruled out that Mouri Kogoro thought that the matter was too involved, pretended that he had not seen the USB flash drive, and disposed of the USB flash drive on his own.

Instead of sending a USB flash drive to Kogoro Mori, it would be better to send a USB flash drive to a senior police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, all police officers who have reached the police rank know what the black cherry blossoms mean, and even some police departments know the pros and cons.

Rather than giving the USB flash drive to a detective, it is obviously more direct and safer to send it to these police officers.

For those who can find out this information, it is not easy to find out the whereabouts or residence of those police officers.

But they chose Mouri Kogoro. Director Hakuba had to suspect that they probably knew the hidden identity behind Mouri Kogoro, and knew that Mouri Kogoro could definitely make good use of the information about the black cherry blossoms!

In addition, the timing of the information sent by the other party was also quite coincidental.

Last night, the police happened to launch an operation against Morikawa Pharmaceutical, which belongs to Black Sakura...

Director Baima suddenly recalled the report given by his subordinate on the phone just now.

"Thank you for the gift, thank you for the gift...could it be said!?" An idea flashed in Director Baima's mind, and various clues gradually connected together.

"Could it be that the person who rescued Belmod is the same as the person who sent the USB flash drive?"

The more Director Baima thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

The other party took away Belmod with the help of the police, but the other party's behavior clearly did not want to conflict with the police.

Therefore, while taking advantage of the situation, they also prepared a "thank you gift".

Director Baima suddenly frowned. Why did he feel... something familiar?

Knowing the identity of Kogoro Mori, and having such intelligence capabilities and operational capabilities...

"Is it them!?" The [mysterious force] that had established a "cooperative relationship" with him flashed through Director Baima's mind.

Bringing them into the whole thing, the whole logic instantly became much smoother and seemed extremely reasonable.

Powerful intelligence capabilities; superb electronic intrusion technology; an obviously limited number of operatives; astonishing individual action capabilities; a relatively mild acting style... and the full motive to take away Belmod, a senior member of the black organization!

It’s a perfect fit!

"By handing the USB flash drive to Mori, I'm afraid they are also implying that Morikawa Pharmaceutical's actions are related to them, right?" Director Hakuba thought to himself.

They couldn't help but know that after handing over the USB flash drive, the information would eventually be gathered to him.

When the time comes, with all the clues gathered, there is a good chance that suspicion will be placed on them.

Especially the [Thank You] note attached to the USB flash drive is an important clue connecting the events of Morikawa Pharmaceutical and the USB flash drive!

Although it was just speculation and there was no concrete evidence, Director Bai Mao had a vague feeling in his heart that this might be the truth!

Thinking of this, Director Baima shook his head slightly and sighed softly: "These guys have clearly given clues, but they still make such twists and turns... They still like to play riddles as always!"


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