Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1550 Questioning!

Director Baima went through his thoughts again and nodded slightly: "Sure enough, they are the most likely to do it!"

He lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled slightly and said to himself: "After we finish the attack on Black Sakura and the black organization, let Maori contact them to confirm."

"If it's really them who did it, then I just have a [return gift] to give them."

The smile on the corner of Director Baima's mouth became more and more meaningful, and then he gradually calmed down his expression and began to deal with other matters.

The police have been dealing with an unusually large number of things recently. Although most of them have been assigned to subordinates, his workload still cannot be underestimated.

Director Baima sighed in his heart: "Oh~ I hope all those troublemakers in the dark will come out soon..."


Hanomiya Detective Agency.

"Have you done it? Okay, thank you, uncle. I'll treat you another day and take your family out for a big meal... Don't worry, I won't forget to order some good wine for you... Okay, bye!"

Yu Gongming put down the phone and looked towards Meng Yu, who was cleaning up the housework not far away, but silently paying attention here, and said with a smile: "Uncle has handed over the things. How to use this information next depends on what the other party wants. "

The expression on Meng Yu's face suddenly relaxed a lot, and she also smiled: "That's good, now things are finally ending smoothly!"

Yu Gongming nodded lightly: "Yes, but we can't relax too much next. There are some things we have to continue to pay attention to."

"Hmm!" Mengyu tilted her head and thought for two seconds, then asked tentatively: "You mean Mr. Amuro's side?"

"That's right!" Yu Gongming confirmed Meng Yu's guess: "From the information we gathered, the organization BOSS arranged for Belmod and Bourbon to jointly handle organizational affairs in Tokyo."

"But after going through these things, it's hard to say whether Belmod will still be willing to work. Therefore, the main work undoubtedly falls into the hands of Mr. Amuro."

"What we are concerned about is not the kind of small adjustments from time to time, such as personnel transfers, finding safe bases, etc. We don't need to intervene. After all, Mr. Amuro is an undercover police officer. Some of his arrangements may hide the police's plans. We can't Intervene rashly.”

"However, we cannot miss some important actions, such as... regarding the disposal of rum!"

Meng Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "When you said that, I remembered it. It seems that Toru Amuro has taken on a mission to monitor Councilor Gao, right?"

Yumiya Mingyi snapped his fingers: "This is it!"

He paused for a moment: "It was mentioned in the conversation between Bermod and Mr. Amuro that Takaichi Pingcang had colluded with the organization, and under the instruction of the organization's BOSS, it would facilitate the rescue of Rum."

"Mr. Amuro's mission is to investigate and monitor him, and understand his actions in order to make timely responses."

"Assuming that Gao Shiliang has no other thoughts and honestly facilitates the rescue of Rum, the organization will take action."

"And Mr. Amuro is an important channel for us to understand the organization's action plan!"

Meng Yu nodded with deep understanding: "Indeed! The organization should be quite low-key recently, and Belmode's current situation is a bit delicate. The only channel through which we can understand the organization's trends is Mr. Amuro."

Yu Gongming smiled: "So, please pay attention to it later. If there is any important information, he will definitely report it to his superiors."

Mengyu made an OK gesture: "I know what to do."

With the experience last time, Mengyu was quite confident if he wanted to explore the contact between Toru Amuro and his superiors.

"Then let's do it!" Yu Gongming stretched out: "It's time to go downstairs to open the business!"

"Go on, I'll go shopping with Xiaolan and Yuanzi later after I finish here." Mengyu said, and the movements of her hands suddenly became much more agile.

Yu Gongming waved his hand: "Okay, I'll prepare dinner, have fun!"

With that said, the person was already walking downstairs.


Tottori Prefecture, in a European-style castle.

A middle-aged butler in a crisp suit quickly came to the room at the end of the corridor and rang the doorbell.

"Come in," was the short response as always.

The middle-aged butler pushed the door open and walked into the room. He faced the figure sitting in front of him on a high-backed chair with his back to him and could only see one hand. He said respectfully, "Your Excellency Heiying hopes to speak to you again."

"Huh? What's wrong with him? Isn't the handover of those companies going very smoothly? I have already acquiesced to Black Sakura's actions towards her. What else is he dissatisfied with?" The old voice said with a hint of dissatisfaction. A hint of dissatisfaction.

"Hei Ying didn't tell you the specific situation, but he doesn't seem to be in a good mood. You see..." the middle-aged housekeeper asked cautiously.

The old voice was silent for a while, then said calmly: "Answer."

"Yes!" The middle-aged housekeeper skillfully took out the tablet and turned on the power.

Not long after, Black Sakura hidden in the shadows appeared on the screen.

"You're well, old crow!" Black Sakura greeted him rudely when he saw her face.

"Ha! How angry!" the old voice shouted back.

Heiying snorted coldly: "You should know why I am so angry!"

The old voice deepened: "Oh? I would like to hear what made our Lord Black Shadow so angry?"

"Did you do what happened to Morikawa Pharmaceutical?" Kuro Sakura asked coldly.

"Morikawa Pharmaceutical?" The old man murmured in confusion at first, and then said in a sudden tone: "I remember, that seems to be your place, right? What? Something happened there?"

"You know what you're asking!" Hei Ying said with a hint of gritted teeth.

The old voice was slightly silent, and then said: "I think there must be some misunderstanding. You'd better stop playing riddles and explain the matter clearly!"

Black Sakura sneered: "Okay! Then let's talk about it! Just last night..."

He recounted a series of things that happened to Morikawa Pharmaceutical.

A dagger appeared in his hand at some point. The blade of the dagger was shining and cold. He said coldly: "Don't tell me, these things have nothing to do with you!"

"The sudden arrival of the police is definitely not a coincidence, it was obviously planned in advance!"

"Our arrest operation was absolutely secretive and did not alert anyone. It is absolutely impossible for others to accomplish these things in a few days!"

"And besides us, the only ones who know the inside story are you! Tell me, if you didn't do it, who did it?"

The more Kuro Sakura spoke, the angrier he became: "I finally understand. You handed over Belmod to us on purpose, right? Let us send more manpower to strengthen the security of the research institute."

"And you secretly tell the police about Morikawa Pharmaceutical, let the police raid Morikawa Pharmaceutical, let a large number of our people be arrested by the police, and use the police to attack our power in Tokyo!"

"Thanks to you, our Black Sakura power in Tokyo has almost been lost! Old Crow, you must give me an explanation!"


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