Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 156 Nothing good happens with Conan!

This sudden change instantly attracted the attention of the entire bank!

I saw a man in a blue tights and a full-face helmet crashing into the door, knocking open the male employee who was about to open the door!

The male employee staggered for a while, and before he could figure out what was happening, the man in the blue tights gave the male employee another elbow strike, hitting the male employee hard in the face!


After the male employee screamed, he lay down on his back and fell unconscious under these two consecutive blows.

Seeing this, the man in blue tights waved his hand, and a pistol appeared in everyone's sight, with the black muzzle pointed directly at everyone!

"Everyone, raise your hands and stand still. Anyone who dares to move may risk his life!" The man shouted. His voice must have been that of a young man.

With a dark face, Yumiya Akira raised his hands like the others!

"Damn it! Should I say that I really encountered a bank robbery... It's really not good to stay with Conan..."

Yu Gongming murmured in his heart, looking at the robber intentionally or unintentionally, to see if there was any chance to subdue him.

If several robbers join forces to rob a bank, Yu Gongming will have to think carefully about his ideas.

But at present, there is only one robber who robbed the bank, and he was still holding a pistol. As long as the opportunity is right, Yu Gongming believes that he is quite sure that he can subdue the robber without injury.

"Huh? You didn't hear that, did you?" The robber came to the counter and turned his gun on a female clerk who was still sitting.

The female clerk had no choice but to stand up and reveal a large amount of cash on the counter.

"Huh! These are the money deposited for customers, right? Damn it! This world is really unfair!" The robber muttered, and shouted to the employee named Taniguchi who gave Conan throat lozenges:

"You! Put all the money in this bag!" The robber threw a blue snakeskin bag on the banknotes in the counter and pointed the gun at other employees:

"Everyone else, get outside the counter!"

The clerks, under threat of gunpoint, had no choice but to do as they were told, while Taniguchi stayed behind to put the cash into snakeskin bags.


The robber suddenly coughed. He dug into his pocket and took out a lozenge wrapper.

He glanced at the wrapping paper, cut it, and threw the wrapping paper into the trash can nearby.

Then, he continued to point the gun at the clerk with his right hand, but slowly moved his body to sit on the counter chair. His free hand reached behind the chair, as if he was groping for something.

"Huh? What is he doing..." Yu Gongming looked thoughtful at the robber's strange behavior.

At this time, the employee who was knocked unconscious by the robber's two consecutive blows suddenly opened his eyes and struggled to stand up.

He glanced at the man in blue who was sitting at the counter pointing a gun at the employees, and instantly understood the situation.

He quietly came to the wall, picked up a long wooden stick, and slowly approached the robber's back.

Everyone saw this except the robbers.

As the employee continued to approach the robber, the heartstrings of countless people gradually became tense!

The clerk came to a place less than one meter away from the robber, gritted his teeth and raised the wooden stick!

next moment……

Ring ring ring!

The phone suddenly rang!

The robber who was taking out something was shaken all over, and his head turned behind him subconsciously!

"not good!"

Yu Gongming's eyes narrowed, and the power that had been concentrated in his legs exploded instantly, like an arrow from the string, and he rushed towards the counter!

After all, this bank is just a branch, and the interior is not very spacious. The distance from the lounge area to the counter is only three or four meters.

With Yu Gongming's explosive power, it probably only takes about one second to cross the distance of three to four meters!

The robber turned his head and saw the employee holding a wooden stick high...

Yu Gongming was less than two meters away from the counter...,

"Don't move!" the robber shouted at the employee who raised the wooden stick.

Yu Gongming has arrived in front of the counter...

The robber's hand that was grabbing something behind the chair was also pressed against the butt of the gun. The finger of the hand that was originally holding the gun had already been placed on the trigger, as if he would shoot at any time!

Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his right hand like lightning, directly grabbed the robber's right arm, and raised it hard...


Sparks flickered and gunshots were fired!

A bullet was shot upward, and the bullet collided with the ceiling, creating a depression in the ceiling before bouncing back to the ground.


After a crisp sound, the bullet finally exhausted all its kinetic energy and rolled on the ground.

After the gunfire sounded, Yu Gongming didn't hesitate at all. He leaned forward, stretched out his left hand, and grabbed the pistol from the robber's hand with great strength. At the same time, he exerted force with his right hand!

The robber felt a huge pulling force coming from his right arm, and the body sitting on the chair inevitably lost his balance...


The robber fell to the ground!

The robber sat up staggeringly, and when he looked up, a black gun was already pressed against his head.

"Don't move!" Yu Gongming said coldly.

The robber trembled all over and immediately stopped all movements.

Yu Gongming stared at the robber, and his voice sounded faintly:

"Mengyu, come here and help me."


Meng Yu forcibly suppressed the emotions stirred up by the series of events just now, came to Yu Gongming's side, and knocked the robber unconscious with a knife.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming breathed a sigh of relief and put away the gun.

He turned to look at the branch president Kazuo Ebi, who was still stunned, and said, "President, you can call the police."

"Oh well!"

Ebizawa Kazuo came to his senses, nodded hurriedly, came to the phone, and started dialing the police number.

"By the way, which employee's seat is the chair the robber was sitting on just now?" Yu Gongming suddenly asked.

"Ah! That seat belongs to Mr. Taniguchi." A female staff member replied.

"Then this coat also belongs to Mr. Taniguchi?" Akira Hanomiya asked, pointing to the coat draped on the chair.

"Yes! What's wrong?" the female staff member asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming suddenly pulled out a gun and pointed it at Taniguchi, saying coldly: "Mr. Taniguchi, please raise your hands!"

"You...what are you going to do?" Taniguchi raised his hands in panic.

"Mengyu, bring his cell phone." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows, seeming to realize something, and followed Yu Gongming's instructions very resolutely.

Taniguchi's expression changed again!

Mengyu came to Taniguchi's side, searched his cell phone from his pocket, and then returned to Yu Gongming's side.

Taniguchi seemed to want to resist when Meng Yu was searching him, but Akira Hanomiya, who noticed this, immediately moved the muzzle of his gun forward, instantly extinguishing his thoughts of resistance.

Seeing that the phone had been obtained, Yu Miyazaki put away the gun again.

"This... Sir, what are you doing? Is there any misunderstanding?" Kazuo Ebiwi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked cautiously.

"I hope this is a misunderstanding, but..." Akira Hanamiya stared at the employee named Taniguchi and said coldly:

"Judging from the current situation, Mr. Taniguchi is probably an accomplice of the robber."


Everyone was shocked!

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