Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 157 The case ends, Xiaolan’s thoughts

"Complicit...accomplice? How is this possible? Taniguchi has been working here for almost ten years! And, how are you sure there is an accomplice?" Kazuo Ebisawa said with a look of disbelief.

"Of course I have my basis." Yu Gongming smiled and said:

"First of all, the robbers did not enter the bank through the main entrance, but through the door of the employee's exclusive passage. I'm afraid outsiders can't enter and exit the exclusive passage like this at will, right?"

"Yes, this door can be opened from the inside, but when entering from the outside, you need to swipe the employee's magnetic card." The clerk who opened the door explained.

"In other words, if the robber wants to enter the bank through that door, he must either steal the employee's magnetic card, or rush in like this when an employee opens the door." Hanemiya Ming said.

"So that's it. Do you think it's a coincidence that the robber rushed in just when the employee was opening the door?" Meng Yu's eyes lit up.

"That's right! I suspect that the reason why the robber was able to rush in so coincidentally was probably because someone inside the bank notified him in advance on his mobile phone, telling him that an employee would open the door from that place and let him be prepared."

"One more thing, when the clerk picked up the wooden stick and was about to attack the robber, the phone suddenly rang. Because the phone rang louder, I couldn't tell whether it was the clerk's phone or the robber's. The phone rang."

"However, based on the previous arguments, I strongly suspect that the accomplice pressed the replay button on the phone in desperation, causing the robber's phone to ring!"

"But, even if this is the case, he may not be an employee of our bank. Maybe the accomplice is among the customers who come to withdraw money?" Kazuo Ebisawa questioned.

Kazuo Ebizawa was also helpless. He didn't mean to find trouble with Akira Hanamiya. He was quite grateful to the young man who subdued the robbers and saved the bank from losses.

However, if the robber's accomplice is really Taniguchi, and internal staff colluded with outsiders to rob the bank, even if the robbery fails in the end, he, the person in charge, will still have to bear the responsibility for poor supervision.

Not to mention that this year’s bonus is gone, it may even affect your future career!

Therefore, Hai Laoze and Xiongcai raised questions, hoping that the young man's inference was wrong.

But unfortunately, his expectations were destined to be disappointed.

After Yu Gongming heard his question, his expression remained unchanged and his tone was calm:

"I don't know if you still remember, but while waiting for the cash to be packed into the bag, the robber suddenly coughed violently. Then he took out a piece of throat lozenge wrapper from his pocket, and then threw the wrapper into the trash. bucket."

"I think he wanted to take a piece of throat lozenge to relieve his cough, but unfortunately, he seemed to have finished eating the throat lozenge, and then something interesting happened..."

"You are referring to the way the robber suddenly sat on the chair and then reached behind the chair as if he was looking for something, right?"

A childish voice sounded. Conan put his hands in his pockets and walked over at a leisurely pace, with a see-through smile on his face.

"Yes, he was obviously looking for something in that action. Judging from his previous behavior, he should be looking for throat lozenges to relieve his cough symptoms, and the target is quite clear, it is in the coat behind this chair!"

"But here's the question, how did he know there were throat lozenges there?" Hanemiya asked with a smile.

"The answer is already obvious, right?" Meng Yu chuckled:

"The robber and the owner of the coat knew each other, and they had just met. The owner of the coat saw that the robber had a cough and gave him a throat lozenge, so the robber Think there’s a lozenge in this coat.”

"But it's a pity..." Conan said in a joking tone, half smiling and half sighing:

"I've already eaten that lozenge!"

Taniguchi seemed to remember something, and his face suddenly turned pale!

"It seems that Mr. Taniguchi has remembered..." Conan smiled and took out the throat lozenge wrapper from his pocket.

"The lozenge you gave me was only half. It turned out that the other half was with the robber. This can be easily proven through comparison. And on these two lozenge wrappers... you can definitely be detected. Or the robber’s fingerprints!”

"Conan pushed up his glasses slightly, and the smile on his face made Taniguchi tremble.

"Alternatively, we can press the replay button on your phone to see whose phone this call will go to." Mingyun Yumiya added lightly.

Mengyu cooperated with Qi Taniguchi's mobile phone and pressed the replay button...

Ring ring ring!

The phone ringing just now rang again.

Everyone followed the sound and looked...

"Ah! The sound came from the robber!" Xiaolan exclaimed.

"Taniguchi, is it really you!?" Kazuo Ebizawa stared at Taniguchi, with a hint of anger flashing across his face.

At this point, there is irrefutable evidence, and Kazuo Ebisawa has no choice but to believe that Taniguchi is the accomplice of the robber.

In other words, he is destined to miss this year's bonus, and even his future promotions will be affected because of this incident!

How could he not be angry at Taniguchi, who directly caused all this?

"How's it going, Mr. Taniguchi, do you have anything else to say?" Yu Gongming looked at Taniguchi.

Taniguchi was silent for a while, lowered his head dejectedly, and sighed:

"I admit defeat. Everything is as you said. I am Saeichi's accomplice."

"Toru Saeki? Is this the robber?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Yes, he and I met in the casino. We jointly planned this robbery because we borrowed a loan shark and really had no money to repay the debt."

"According to our original plan, I will cooperate with Saeki to enter the bank, and after Saeki snatches away the cash, we will meet to divide the cash..."

Taniguchi glanced at Hanemiya Akira with complicated eyes, and said in a tone that was half pity, half admiration:

"I just didn't expect that Maejima would wake up and try to attack Saeki. I had no choice but to call him to remind him. Who knew that with just a moment of negligence, he would have been subdued by you and even reasoned in an instant? Assuming my identity as an accomplice, he is worthy of being a famous detective of Hanomiya, I am convinced that I have lost!"

There was a sudden commotion in the bank.

"So he is the famous detective Hanomiya? No wonder he has such skill and reasoning ability!"

"Today we finally met a real person. Thanks to him, we were able to turn the crisis around!"

"Yes, it really lives up to its reputation!"


Akira Hanamiya was already accustomed to similar words and didn't pay much attention to it. He just said to Taniguchi:

"For the sake of giving you Conan's throat lozenges, when the police arrive, I will give you a chance to surrender. If you take the initiative to confess your crime to the police, you may be able to receive leniency."

Taniguchi smiled bitterly and nodded: "Then thank you Detective Hanomiya for giving me this opportunity."

Soon, the police arrived at the scene. Taniguchi voluntarily surrendered to the police. He and Saeichi were also handcuffed.


Six o'clock in the evening.

Several people bought Conan cold medicine and were wandering on the street.

"Another case has been solved! This time it's all thanks to Senior Hanomiya, otherwise someone would have been injured!" Xiaolan sighed.

"Hanomiya-senpai was so cool when he subdued the robbers back then!" Sonoko exclaimed.

"He is indeed handsome, but he is still quite dangerous. I only took action when I had a certain degree of confidence." Yu Gongming shook his head.

"You also know the danger? Can you tell me before you do something similar next time, so that I can help you!" Meng Yu's tone was concerned with a hint of complaint.

"Sorry, sorry, there will be no next time!" Yu Gongming quickly assured.

"Hanomiya-senpai and Mengyu also cooperated very well at the crime scene. It would be great if I could help Shinichi like Mengyu..." Xiaolan said in a complicated tone.

"Take good care of yourself, live happily every day, and let your brother not have to worry about you when he is out investigating cases. This is also helping your brother!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"But, I want to do more things for Shinichi!" Xiaolan's eyes flashed with unexplainable light.

Conan's heart trembled, and he lowered his head slightly to prevent others from seeing his expression.

"That's enough for you!" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly shouted:

"Forget it about Senior Yumiya and Meng Yuxiu, Xiaolan and your Shinichi are not around, how can you still show affection? Please consider how I feel as a single person, okay?"

"You are single based on your ability, why do you want us to take care of your feelings?" Meng Yu teased.

"Ah! Mengyu, what do you mean by this? What does it mean to be single based on strength? Please explain it clearly to me!" Lingmu Yuanzi rushed towards Mengyu with a [ferocious] look on her face!

""Xiaolan, help me! "

Mengyu hurriedly hid behind Xiaolan, and the two of them played a game of chasing each other around Xiaolan like children.

"Dream Whisper! Sonoko! Stop making trouble! Senior Hanomiya and Conan are watching!" Xiaolan grabbed her two friends with one hand and said angrily.

"Obviously Mengyu started the trouble first!" Lingmu Yuanzi said angrily.

"I'm just stating the facts. After all, you are very beautiful. I can't be unconscionable by saying you are single because of your appearance. But it is a fact that you are single, so I can only say that you are single because of your strength!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Logic genius!" Yu Gongming silently complained in his heart.

" that so?" Lingmu Sonoko was unexpectedly bypassed. She was a little confused for a moment. After a while, she realized what she was doing and yelled:

"You are confusing the topic! The point is not at all why I am single, but that you are causing harm to me as a single person!"

"Then you go find your boyfriend!" Meng Yu held Yu Gongming's arm with a narrow smile on her face.

"Ahhh!! Xiaolan, Senior Hanomiya, get out of the way! I want to teach Mengyu a lesson!" Suzuki Sonoko became angry again.

"Okay! Yuanzi, Mengyu, I know you are trying to make me happy, I'm fine." Xiaolan said with a smile.

Suzuki Sonoko's angry expression suddenly returned to normal. Meng Yu held Han Gongming's hand but did not let go, but the narrow smile on her face also subsided.

"Xiaolan, I will discuss your thoughts with my brother. However, I don't want you to fall into a dangerous mood. I hope you can understand." Meng Yu said.

"Well, I know Shinichi is doing it for my own good, but I still hope to share the danger with him..." Xiaolan said softly.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things after we just solved the case. It's dinner time, let's go to that Chinese restaurant for dinner, I'll treat you!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Eh? That's what you said. You stole the show today, I'm going to kill you!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite!" Suzuki Sonoko also agreed.

Xiaolan looked at the few people, showed a warm smile, and nodded lightly.

So, a few people headed towards the Huaxia Restaurant!

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