Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1574 The situation is not good

Another five minutes passed.

The scene remained the same, Toru Amuro didn't move, and there was no movement on the other side of the wall.

Suspicion gradually arose in him. Could it be that the other party had already left?

But at this moment, he only had suspicions and could not conduct any verification.

The situation was unknown. It was impossible for him to leave the gravel as a bunker and go to the wall to check. If the other party did not leave, it would be the same as seeking death.

And the gravel he was hiding in, no matter what angle he looked at, couldn't hit the bullet behind the wall, otherwise he might be able to detect something through the bullet.

Assuming that the opponent is hiding behind the wall, he may move instinctively after the bullet is fired. This will cause some noise.

And as long as there is a little noise, Toru Amuro is confident that he will never miss it.

Unfortunately, now he can only continue to stand still.

Although his current condition is not very good, he can still hold on for a few hours.

Of course, the premise is that no police will come before.

Another ten minutes passed.

Amuro Toru's ears twitched slightly.

He faintly heard the sound of police sirens.

"Sure enough, it's still here..." Amuro Toru felt shocked and knew that he had to make changes.

He scanned the surroundings again, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his arms and waist began to exert force at the same time, rolling forward.

After several consecutive rolls, Toru Amuro moved to the low wall, his back pressed against the wall, his eyes wary of the surroundings and above.

After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that no abnormality occurred, Amuro Toru followed the same pattern and continued to roll and move.

After a while, he came to the end of the low wall. The head popped out quickly and then retracted like a spring.

Although it was only for a short moment, he had already seen the situation on the other side clearly.

At a glance, no one was seen.

Amuro Toru's eyes flickered slightly and his figure moved to the other side.

Looking around, I still didn't see anyone.

"Did she really leave?" This thought flashed through Amuro Toru's mind again, but she still couldn't be sure.

The fact that the other party disappeared behind the low wall not only meant that the other party had moved its position, but more importantly, before that, he, who was on full alert, had not noticed any clues.

To do this is not impossible, but it is also quite difficult.

Although there is a concrete floor around it, due to long-term neglect, soot and sand are attached to it. If you step on it with ordinary shoes, you will make some noise.

Of course, if you move slower, the movement will be much smaller, but as Amuro Toru listened intently, he didn't think he would ignore such movement.

Therefore, the other party left with a smaller voice than this.

"There shouldn't be anything special about the other party's shoes. There's nothing unusual about her footsteps following her all the way... Could it be that she took off her shoes, only wore socks, or even left barefoot?" Toru Amuro analyzed in his mind.

If you don't wear shoes, the sound of movement will indeed be further reduced. If you are a person who has received relevant training, it is not impossible to hide it from yourself.

With this thought, Tohru Amuro suddenly became vigilant!

The other party went to such great lengths to conceal his whereabouts, maybe because he was afraid of his own pistol to reduce the risk of escaping, but it was also possible... that he was hiding in the dark again, waiting for him to relax, and waiting for an opportunity to attack!

Toru Amuro's eyes immediately scanned several possible hiding spots ahead, and his ears listened carefully to the situation in the direction of the warehouse behind.

With full concentration, if the opponent moves quickly, he will never be able to escape his perception!

"Tsk! This is still too passive..." Toru Amuro muttered in his heart, his eyes continuing to wander around and watch the surroundings.

Suddenly, his eyes paused slightly.

"Huh? This is..." He took two steps forward and reached out to grab something from the ground.

The dim light made it difficult for him to see clearly, but judging from the feel, it seemed to be a document.

Amuro Toru's heart was slightly shaken, and an ominous premonition immediately arose.

He did not turn on the flashlight to check the specific appearance of the ID, but just gently rubbed the surface of the ID with his fingers.

After a moment, he made a judgment and his expression suddenly darkened.

This is a police officer's ID card.

And coincidentally, this tracking was also accompanied by a police officer.

He is his most capable subordinate and a friend he has known for many years—Feng Jian!

When confirming Wakasa's situation before, Kazami lost contact, and now his police officer ID appears here...

All kinds of bad possibilities immediately flashed through Amuro Toru's mind.

Just at this moment, something unexpected happened!


The sound of a gunshot sounded so harsh in the surrounding silence.

Amuro Toru's mind was shaken, and his body moved instinctively.

It's just that he was distracted before, so his reaction was a little slow after all.


The hand holding the gun suddenly burst into blood, followed by a sharp pain.

If Toru Amuro hadn't held the gun firmly enough, he might have lost his hand at this moment.

Before he could take the next step, another gunshot sounded.


The bullet hit the pistol, and the impact that could not be ignored made Toru Amuro unable to hold the pistol anymore.


The pistol fell and slid some distance on the ground.

In the process, two more gunshots rang out.

Toru Amuro, who originally planned to catch the gun with his other hand after losing his grip, had no choice but to give up and instantly fell down and rolled to avoid the incoming bullets.

Fortunately, his reaction was decisive enough and neither bullet hit him.

Before Toru Amuro had time to rejoice, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded in his ears from far away.

"She's approaching quickly!" As soon as Toru Amuro turned away from this thought, the footsteps were already close at hand.

Toru Amuro propped himself up with his uninjured hand and was about to move again.

The cold barrel of the gun was already pressed against his forehead!

Amuro Toru's movements paused for a moment, and he sighed in his heart: "This is not good..."

He raised his eyes slightly and saw the figure holding a gun.

Although the other person was wearing a mask and a hat, Toru Amuro recognized it at a glance. It was the Wakasa he had been following for the past few days!

"Your companion is still alive. Answer my questions truthfully. I won't embarrass you." A hoarse female voice sounded. It was obvious that Wakasa deliberately changed his voice.

Amuro Toru's eyes flashed slightly.

Since the other party had prepared tonight's ambush, it meant that she had already discovered that she was being followed.

Then, she should know that there is no use in disguising her voice at this time.

"She is leaving room for both parties..." Toru Amuro said silently in his heart.

Even if the other party knows that he already knows his identity, he still chooses to disguise himself, which may be sending a signal that he does not want to completely break his face.

The information revealed in her words also seems to support this.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is the opponent's psychological tactic. What he said just now is all a lie, but it is just to break down his own psychological defense.

Thoughts were spinning in his mind. Two seconds later, Toru Amuro also spoke in a lowered voice: "What do you want to ask?"

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