Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1575 Transaction

Faced with Toru Amuro's seemingly cooperative attitude, Wakasa remained silent, and the silence lasted for a long time.

A full half minute.

Toru Amuro was still wearing a disguise and kept an expressionless face at this time, but he was already muttering secretly in his heart: "Is he putting pressure on me... Tsk! Even if she knows this, she has to say, It did work.”

Yes, Toru Amuro felt the pressure.

This pressure did not come from Wakasa's silence. This level of interrogation skills was not enough to sway Toru Amuro.

The pressure he felt was the sound of an approaching siren.

If the police arrived, it would not be difficult to escape with Wakasa's skills, but it would be different for him.

Not to mention that Wakasa could further disable his mobility before leaving and use himself as a tool to attract the attention of the police present.

Once his identity falls into the hands of the police, there is no need to worry about his safety, but it will definitely disrupt the entire plan!

He was anxious, but Toru Amuro still maintained his expression, looking like he was waiting silently.

The Fengjian police officer's ID card had basically revealed their identity as a police officer. At this time, they looked calm, which might mislead the other party's judgment.

While Amuro Toru was thinking, Wakasa finally spoke, and the first question made Amuro Toru's heart tremble!

"How many years have you been an undercover agent in the organization?" she asked calmly.

, "Are you deceiving me? Or..." Several thoughts flashed through Amuro Toru's mind.

"Ha! Are you serious?" Ruo Sao spoke again, with a tone that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Amuro Toru's eyebrows jumped, secretly saying something bad.

There was something wrong with my reaction just now!

Just now, I was still expressionless, but this was actually abnormal.

If I were just a pure police officer, I would be instinctively confused about the question she just asked.

Because she didn't mention the specific name of the organization, if she didn't know anything about it, she would have shown doubts, and she wouldn't have deliberately hidden her doubts.

But because he was shocked by the other party's question, he subconsciously maintained his expression to cover it up, which exposed his flaws instead.

"He's really a difficult guy!" Toru Amuro cursed in his heart, but he didn't panic. Instead, he cheered up!

Some people lose control under pressure, but there are also people who explode beyond their normal potential under pressure.

It just so happens that Toru Amuro is such a person.

His thoughts whirled, his expression became extremely serious, his eyes gradually became sharp, and he said calmly: "It seems that you have indeed nothing to do with the organization."

"Oh? How do you see it?" Wakasa asked with interest.

Toru Amuro chuckled: "Since you have already guessed my identity, why do you need to ask knowingly?"

Without waiting for Wakasa's response, he continued: "How about making a deal?"

Toru Amuro pointed to his legs: "Look, it's impossible for me to run away like this. How about you and I evade the police search first, and then find a place to chat slowly."

"I think the information you need to ask for in such a short time is not enough for what you want to do, right?"

When Wakasa heard this, his aura suddenly condensed, and he said coldly: "You know a lot!"

"So, what's your decision?" Amuro revealed a meaningful smile: "Let me remind you that you don't have much time, and the plan has not been finalized yet, and it may be changed at any time."

Hearing this, Ruo Sa suddenly laughed: "Interesting... Okay, I agree to your deal, but the deal must be done with sincerity? What do you think?"

Amuro Toru understood, opened his hands, and said with a smile: "Okay, please do it."

Wakasa nodded slightly, while still holding the muzzle of the gun against Toru Amuro's head, he leaned over slightly and began to search Toru Amuro.

After a while, she searched out all the suspicious items on Toru Amuro, including a dagger, some ammunition, a mobile phone, and a complete set of micro tracking and eavesdropping equipment.

Amuro couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. He originally thought about whether he could reverse the current situation when the other party was searching him, such as waiting for an opportunity to pick up the pistol he dropped.

It's a pity that the opponent's methods are so sophisticated. One hand is searching in an extremely methodical manner, but his eyes are always fixed on himself. The muzzle of the gun has not moved at all, and his finger is still on the trigger.

He had no doubt that any of his movements would not be faster than the opponent's bullets.

Seeing the gun being picked up by the other party, Toru Amuro could only give up thinking about it.

It seems that we can only find another way.

On the other side, after confirming that there were no dangerous items on Toru Amuro's body, Wakasa nodded with satisfaction: "I like people who know the current affairs. I hope you can always be as cooperative as you are now."

As he said that, Ruosa retreated slightly, tilted his head and gestured in a certain direction: "Let's go."

"Okay." Toru Amuro nodded and stood up with some difficulty.

"Say it beforehand." Ruosa's voice sounded again: "I will not deliberately help you avoid the police. If you are caught by the police for your own reasons, I will not save you."

Hearing this, Toru Amuro snorted: "Don't worry! Even if I'm in a bad state now, I won't be able to deal with it even as an ordinary police officer."

Afterwards, the two left the place and walked in the opposite direction from where the siren sounded.

Both of them are masters and want to hide. It would be difficult for the police to find them without prior arrangements.

Two minutes later, the police arrived at the scene, and it took another five minutes to basically confirm that a gunfight had broken out.

The police who reacted at this time finally began to search, but unfortunately it was too late.

Hundreds of meters away, in the sewer.

Toru Amuro was walking staggeringly in front. Behind him, Wakasa held a flashlight in one hand and pointed a gun at Amuro Toru's back.

"There is a sewer opening fifty meters ahead after turning left. There is a barrier between it and the road. You should be able to go up." Amuro Toru said.

"You are quite familiar with this area!" Wakasa said with a smile.

Toru Amuro chuckled: "Those in our line of work should always know something about the city where they work. Maybe it can save your life at a critical moment."

"You're right." Wakasa agreed, then changed the subject: "That's why I refuse."

"Are you so careful?" Amuro Toru asked with a smile, and his tone was not surprising.

"Ha!" Ruosa chuckled: "Keep walking, you don't have to say when you go up."

"I'll just give you a suggestion. It's up to you to decide." Toru Amuro shrugged nonchalantly and said no more.

The question he asked just now was just to add an insurance policy to himself.

To be honest, the sewers in such a remote place are really suitable for killing people, destroying corpses and eradicating traces.

Although the other party would probably not kill him before asking for information from his own mouth, it would only take a moment to change his mind.

Therefore, I need to make the other party afraid in some way.

Just now, he took the initiative to suggest that the other party go up from the sewer entrance, which was sending a message - I was prepared there.

Although it is not the case in fact, once the other party thinks of this, he will definitely act more cautiously.

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