Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1579 Analysis and Report

On the way back.

"Ah! As expected." Mengyu tapped the tablet gently: "The coordinates of the transmitter stopped at a certain place, and as far as I know, it was just a relatively remote road. It seems that she did abandon it. He fled in the car."

"I know." Yu Gongming nodded slightly.

Meng Yu put away the tablet and showed curiosity: "I wonder what Ruo Sa will do after what happened tonight? Give up this identity?"

"Normally it should be possible," Yu Gongming replied.

"Oh? So that's not normal?" Meng Yu blinked.

Akira Hanomiya chuckled: "Looking at Wakasa's actions tonight, we can find that although she planned to ambush Mr. Amuro and the Kazami police officer, she did not do it absolutely, and she obviously left room for leeway."

"Hmm..." Meng Yu thought for two seconds and then said with a clear look: "Indeed, with her skills, she can knock out Officer Feng Jian, so she can also directly kill him." ’

"And the sneak attack on Mr. Amuro didn't hit the fatal part."

"In addition, even though she had controlled Mr. Amuro, she did not take off Mr. Amuro's disguise."

"You are observing very carefully!" Yu Gongming praised with a smile.

"That's right!" Meng Yu's lips curled up, and she was very pleased with Yu Gongming's praise.

However, she soon showed a thoughtful look: "She doesn't seem like the kind of person who can't do anything..."

"Just like the plastic surgeon who was suspected of being killed by her." Akira Hanamiya said in a deep voice, "Not to mention that she is very likely to be one of the murderers in the Haneda Koji case."

"Is she afraid of offending the police and interfering with her plan?" Meng Yu guessed, then shook her head: "No, if you are really afraid that the plan will be affected, it would be easier to kill both Mr. Amuro and Officer Kazami."

"At worst, she just hides in the dark afterwards. Since she chose to ambush the stalker, she should have been prepared."

"What would you do if you were followed by a group of unknown people?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Me? Of course I will try to find him out and ask him why he is following me... Oh! Wakasa thinks so too, right?" Meng Yu suddenly said.

Akira Yumiya replied: "Judging from their conversation in the B\u0026B. At least she has achieved this goal, and even obtained quite valuable information!"

"How do you say it?" Mengyu became interested.

The conversation between Toru Amuro and Wakasa in the folk room was not loud. Mengyu only listened to some of it intermittently, but Akira Hanomiya, who had a keen ear, listened to the whole thing.

"Mr. Amuro's undercover identity should have been discovered by her." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"Hey!" Meng Yu suddenly showed a look of surprise: "Mr. Amuro's background was exposed in such a short time?"

"I'm not surprised by this." Yu Gongming replied: "She may have a different stance from the organization, but she has always been paying attention to the organization. The list of APTX4869 in her computer is the best proof."

"And in the process, we may have learned information about the [undercover]."

"Of course, she may have obtained the information through superb interrogation skills, but in any case, this is already a considerable bargaining chip."

"Mr. Amuro is now the person in charge of the organization's Tokyo affairs. He has half a foot in the upper echelons of the organization. Kuroda cannot easily let him withdraw."

"If Wakasa is pushed into a hurry and she directly informs the organization of the news, it will be great fun!"

"Wasn't Mr. Amuro's disguise never taken off from beginning to end? Wakasa shouldn't know his specific identity, right?" Meng Yu was a little confused.

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "For a top agent like her, the information is enough."

"To judge a person's identity, face is important, but it is not the only criterion. Other physical characteristics, body movements, language habits... these can all be used as the basis for judging identity."

"In addition, the officer Feng Jian was not careful enough and even carried his police card with him when performing such a task."

"If we follow Officer Feng Jian's line of investigation, we can still find something."

Meng Yu nodded thoughtfully: "Looking at it this way, the meaning conveyed by Ruo Sa's doing all this should be relatively clear - I will be merciful this time, and you don't push people too much, otherwise everyone will not be able to have a good time."

Yu Gongming nodded: "Absolutely."

"Ha! You're quite brave!" Meng Yu sighed.

"The reason why she dared to do this should be because of her delicate relationship with Kuroda." Akira Hanomiya analyzed.

"Tracing back to the root cause, it's still the Haneda Koji case!" Meng Yu also followed Han Gongming's train of thought.

"Things are getting more and more interesting." Yu Gongming smiled, but the look in his eyes became more solemn.

"So, we have to be more prepared." Meng Yu nodded slightly.


The next morning, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department searched the office of the 1st Section Administrator.

Kuroda glanced at the last line of the email and let out a breath.

Many of the contents of the email were unexpected.

"Choose to actively ambush, but leave room for everything..." Kuroda muttered, lost in thought.

After a while, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

After a while, the call was connected.

"It's me." Kuroda said calmly.

"Ah! Are there any new instructions? Let me tell you first, my current condition is not good." Toru Amuro's voice came, and his tone could not hide his fatigue.

After leaving the B\u0026B, he successfully contacted Feng Jian. As Wakasa said, Feng Jian was indeed fine.

Feng Jian quickly drove to pick him up and sent him back to his residence.

There was no time to rest. After briefly treating the wound, he immediately began to edit the email and describe tonight's events in detail.

The injury to his hand slowed down his editing speed significantly, and he didn't send the email until it got slightly light.

Just after catching up on two hours of sleep, Kuroda called.

"I already know what happened last night." Kuroda said straight to the point: "The investigation mission has been cancelled, and the relevant surveillance work has been taken over by Kazami."

"In the next period of time, while ensuring your own safety, pay attention to the movements [over there] and try your best to obtain intelligence."

"Yes, I will try my best." Toru Amuro responded.

After a pause, he asked hesitantly: "How are you going to deal with Wakasa's matter? There is no doubt about her danger."

"I will take care of it." Kuroda said calmly.

"Okay, I'm talking too much." Seeing Kuroda's vague words, Amuro Mochi wisely stopped asking.

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "By the way, the two men in black robes who rescued me last night..."

"It should be one of our own." Kuroda replied.

"Should?" Toru Amuro was startled.

"I will confirm the specific situation." Kuroda replied.

"Okay." When Toru Amuro heard this, he understood that this involved information that he should not know, and decisively ended the topic.

After confirming that there were no new instructions, the phone hung up.

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