Dong dong dong——

Kuroda gently knocked on the door of the police chief's office.

"Come in." Director Baima said calmly.

Kuroda pushed open the door and entered.

After chatting with Director Baima for a while, he explained his purpose.

"I want to confirm with you whether your people are also paying attention to that Wakasa?"

This was a question and a test, so he did not explain the cause and effect before asking the question, and the question statement was also somewhat ambiguous.

Director Baima was startled for a moment, then his expression returned to normal, and he leisurely asked: "Does what happened in the early morning have anything to do with your people?"

This morning, he received the report from the [informant] and roughly understood the cause and effect of the incident.

This is inseparable from the encouragement of Yu Gongming and others.

To ensure almost round-the-clock surveillance of Wakasa, it is obviously not enough to rely on Akira Hanamiya and the Kudo siblings alone, and other helpers must be found.

In addition to the Akai family who knew the inside story of the matter, Mouri Kogoro was one of their few trusted companions, and Hanemiya Akira also told him everything he could know.

Under the instruction of Akira Hanomiya, Kogoro Mouri reported what happened early yesterday morning to the director early in the morning.

The source of the intelligence naturally continued to rely on the [mysterious force].

Doing so, on the one hand, shows a gesture of close cooperation, and on the other hand, it also whitewashes their actions.

After Toru Amuro returns, he will definitely report the matter. It is almost inevitable that the two [men in black robes] will come into sight.

Therefore, they need someone to endorse them.

With the basis of previous cooperation, Director Baima should pay considerable attention to the information they conveyed and keep it in mind.

If Kuroda came to inquire, Director Hakuba's shrewdness would probably be able to deduce their purpose of informing them of the information.

But Yu Gongming was not worried at all.

The director has always been tolerant and solicitous towards them.

Now that he is actively seeking help, the director should be happy to see the results.

And that's exactly what happened.

After Kuroda asked, Director Hakuba finished sorting out the situation in a flash of thought.

And his answer was just as Yu Gongming expected.

On the other side, Kuroda secretly said that it was true, nodded slightly and said: "Yes, although from her position, my subordinate will not be in danger of life even if no one rescues him, but there will be some trouble."

"His identity is special after all. At this critical moment, it is not appropriate to cause unnecessary complications." Director Baima replied.

He paused for a moment: "It's just that Wakasa is a variable after all. Do you already have a solution?"

"Don't worry, director!" Kuroda said solemnly: "Wakasa is just a small problem, I will definitely handle it before the plan starts!"

Director Baima smiled slightly: "I'm waiting for your good news."

"Yes! That subordinate resigned." Kuroda bowed slightly and left the director's office.

On the way back to his office, Kuroda felt a little more relaxed.

The conversation just now confirmed to him that those men in black robes were indeed from the police and not from other forces.

Now that the storm was about to come, he didn't want to distract himself from dealing with another force.

As for the other meanings represented by the timely appearance of the director's people to rescue [Bourbon], Kuroda doesn't mind.

After all, he represents the [Public Security], so it is normal for Director Baima to distrust him.

"Forget it, let's have a good talk with her before taking action..." Kuroda murmured in his heart.


Wakasa closed the medicine box and looked at the wound that had been bandaged, his expression a little ugly.

This is her dominant hand, and if it is injured now, it will undoubtedly greatly affect her combat effectiveness.

She came to the window, gently opened the curtains a crack, and looked down.

The people under surveillance were still there, but no further action was taken.

"Are you determined to keep an eye on me and not let me disrupt the situation?" Ruosa murmured.

A cold light flashed in her eyes: "But, if I can't end it with my own hands, then what's the point of my life?"

She couldn't help but touch her pants pocket. In the pocket was a shogi piece full of traces of time - one of the few traces he left in this world.

Just as Wakasa was lost in his own thoughts, there was a knock on the door.

Wakasa was stunned for a moment, and then all the muscles in his body tensed up instantly.

She immediately took out her phone and did a few quick operations.

The screen jumped, and a surveillance video appeared on the phone.

What was shown in the picture was the door of her rented apartment!

This is a pinhole camera she secretly installed in an extremely hidden position.

These cameras were scattered around the apartment, and this was how she discovered that she was being watched.

In the picture, there was no one outside the door, except for a mobile phone lying quietly on the ground in front of the door.

Wakasa frowned and switched several more scenes, finally seeing a man in a suit walking downstairs quickly.

Wakasa knew this man and was one of the people who monitored her.

He probably left the cell phone at the door.

Ruosa narrowed his eyes slightly: "Interesting..."

While staring at the screen, she came to the door. After confirming that there was still no one outside, she quickly opened the door and took the phone in.

This is just a common smartphone on the market, and there are no special patterns or text on the body.

Wakasa tried pressing the button on the side. The phone lit up and the screensaver interface appeared.

With a swipe of his finger, Wakasa unexpectedly did not see the password interface, but jumped directly to the desktop.

The mobile phone desktop layout is also very simple, with only a few system applications that maintain basic functions.

Just when Wakasa was about to click on [Message] to check, the phone rang.

Ruo Sa glanced at the caller number, and his heart suddenly moved.

This number was not unfamiliar to her. It was the number used to search the office of the administrator of Section 1!

She had conducted a detailed investigation into Kuroda, and although this information was not the focus, it was still kept in her mind.

After pondering for a while, Wakasa pressed the answer button and tapped the record button at the same time.

Recording starts at the same time as the call.

"Hey, is this Mr. Wakasa? I'm Kuroda from the Investigation Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department." Kuroda's voice could not hear the emotion.

"It turns out to be Administrator Kuroda." Wakasa's tone was very unkind: "Why would a big shot like you call me, an ordinary elementary school teacher?"

"What I'm looking for is indeed not the elementary school teacher Rumi Wakasa." Kuroda said calmly: "What I'm looking for is Ms. Rachel Asaka, the adopted daughter and bodyguard of the American bourgeoisie Amanda who was murdered 17 years ago."

Ruo Sao's hand holding the phone tightened immediately, and he said coldly: "Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

Kuroda sighed: "Although I asked my subordinates to investigate you, from the beginning to the end, I have not disclosed your true identity."

"Others think you are actually a former member of the organization, or even the murderer of the Haneda Koji case 17 years ago. But as a witness to the incident, I know your role in that incident very well."

Ruo Sao listened to the other party's narrative, his expression became colder and colder, he was silent for a while, and asked: "What do you want?"

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