Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1582 Third Party

The silence lasted for a while, then Kuroda said: "I did come to the hotel at the time agreed with Ms. Amanda, but just when I was about to go in, I received a phone call."

"The number that called was the number that Ms. Amanda had contacted me before. It was also Ms. Amanda's voice on the other end of the phone. She claimed that she had temporarily changed the meeting place and asked me to go to another restaurant ten kilometers away from the hotel. Meet."

"Impossible!" Asaka said flatly: "My mother has never made such a call since entering the hotel, and she has no intention of leaving!"

"Unfortunately, I had no idea about this at the time." Kuroda looked a little complicated.

After a pause, he continued: "When I rushed to the restaurant and asked the waiter about it, I realized something was wrong and returned immediately."

"Unfortunately, when I came to the hotel and arrived at Ms. Amanda's room, Ms. Amanda had been poisoned and died."

"By asking the hotel waiter, I learned that Ms. Amanda had had afternoon tea with Japanese shogi master Koji Haneda before, and I immediately felt something was wrong."

"I rushed to Koji Haneda's room as quickly as possible, and happened to see Rum's men wiping the fingerprints on the door handle."

"Perhaps Rum was too confident and only one person was left to deal with the aftermath. I easily knocked him out, entered the room, and found Haneda Koji's body in the toilet."

Hearing this, Qianxiang pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but hesitated for a while and remained silent.

Kuroda didn't notice Asaka's expression and continued: "The scene was very messy at the time, as if there had been a fierce fight."

"But this is obviously not normal. With the force of Rum's people, it is impossible for Haneda Koji to be able to resist."

"So, I think the messy scene is probably a death message intentionally left by Haneda Koji before he died!"

Kuroda turned to look at Asaka: "While I was deciphering the death message, you appeared behind me and asked me the question [Did you kill Koji?]."

"You should know what happens next."

"Later, you took advantage of me being attracted by the information on your phone and attacked me from behind and knocked me unconscious." Asaka said lightly.

"Yeah." Kuroda didn't plan to talk more about this topic and continued: "After that, I was afraid that Rum would come back, so I stuffed you into the suitcase and left the hotel."

"However, Rum found me in the end and arranged a car accident for me, which made me lie in the hospital for ten years." Kuroda said this, his face became obviously gloomier.

Asaka was silent for a while and said, "So, have you figured out the code at the scene?"

"The code left by Haneda Koji has been solved." Kuroda briefly explained the interpretation of [Karasuma]'s code to Asaka.

"What about mother?" Asaka asked, "She should have left some message!"

"She did leave some messages." Kuroda replied: "She left hickeys on the dial of her watch and put the watch on a knight chess piece. The eyes of the chess piece were stained red. Mark of."

"Unfortunately, so far, I still haven't been able to decipher the meaning of this message."

"Be careful with someone's eyes." A voice suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two.

The two of them turned their heads almost at the same time, looking sharply at the source of the sound.

A boy wearing glasses and casual clothes was looking at them with a squinted smile.

"Are you...Conan?" Kuroda quickly recognized the identity of the boy in front of him.

"Ah! Manager Kuroda, Mr. Wakasa, good afternoon!" Conan greeted them warmly.

"Conan, why are you here? When did you arrive?" Asaka asked in a cold voice, no longer pretending to act like a confused elementary school teacher.

Conan spread his hands: "I was getting ready to go home from school, and when I was passing by the playground, I happened to see Teacher Wakasa and Administrator Kuroda chatting."

"I thought there was some kind of case, so out of curiosity, I came over to listen to what you were talking about, and I happened to hear Manager Kuroda talking about the secret code."

"Oh? Is that so?" Asaka showed a playful smile. She didn't believe a word of what Conan just said.

She has been observing Conan for a long time. After Conan goes to school, a few brats from the so-called juvenile detective team will definitely follow him. She has never seen Conan go back alone.

Therefore, even if he happened to find himself with Kuroda, he should have found them with those brats.

Coupled with what he just said, the interpretation of the suspected code, she is more willing to believe that Conan is coming for them than a "chance encounter"!

Asaka turned to look at Kuroda: "What? Did you actually involve the child?"

Kuroda shook his head: "No, Conan's appearance was definitely not what I expected."

He looked at Conan solemnly: "You just said: [Be careful with someone's eyes], right?"

"Yes!" Conan nodded: "The watch is placed on the chess piece, which can also be interpreted as the watch being on the outside, that is, [watchout!] Be careful, and with the red marks specially left on the knight's eyes, the meaning is also It’s not hard to guess.”

"Are you careful with your eyes..." Kuroda murmured, gradually showing a look of surprise: "I see."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asaka frowned.

"Seventeen years ago, when I met Rum, he was wearing a monocle in his left eye." Kuroda said calmly.

Qianxiang was startled, then realized: "You mean..."

Is there something wrong with Rum's eyes?

After glancing at Conan, Asaka didn't understand what she was saying.

"Not bad." Kuroda nodded slightly, but then changed the topic: "However, judging from the current situation, his eyes seem to have suffered serious injuries, making them less dangerous."

As he said that, he looked at Conan: "Conan, what do you think?"

Conan shrugged: "You two parties don't know, so how can I know?"

"Hmph! You kid is really not that simple!" Asaka sneered.

"Wakasa-sensei, isn't it the same?" Conan replied.

Ruo Sa snorted, and his expression became a little sinister: "Are you planning to have a showdown with me when you come here this time?"

"That's right." Conan admitted frankly: "After all, it's quite a headache for me to have a seemingly harmless but actually quite dangerous person as our teacher."

Asaka pointed at Kuroda: "Did he give you the confidence to show off?"

Conan laughed: "Yes! Manager Kuroda is still very reliable!"

There's not a single word of truth in this kid's mouth!

Wakasa twitched the corner of his mouth, and the urge to teach this brat a lesson welled up spontaneously.

Kuroda's eyes flashed slightly and he said, "It seems that Conan you know much more than I thought. I want to confirm that you came to us in your own name?"

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