Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1583 Compromise

Hearing Kuroda's question, Conan was stunned for a moment, and then replied with an unchanging smile: "Half and half, I do have some personal questions to ask Mr. Wakasa. Of course, I am also running errands for others."

"Is it Detective Hanomiya?" Kuroda asked directly without avoiding Asaka.

"That's right!" Conan admitted frankly that his appearance here was indeed the result of discussions with Akira Hanomiya and others, and the exposure of relevant information was naturally expected by them.

"Is that famous detective also interested in the case 17 years ago?" Asaka asked tentatively.

"Yes." Conan nodded: "Some time ago, Brother Hanomiya received a commission to investigate the case of Haneda Koji, and he has been pursuing this case."

"Who entrusted him with the investigation?" Kuroda asked in a deep voice.

Except for Rum and the members of the organization, not many people knew about what happened back then. However, he and Asaka were obviously investigating in their own way, and Asaka's reaction didn't look like he had been in contact with Akira Hanomiya.

So, who will entrust Yu Gongming to investigate?

"You should also know this person." Conan smiled and said: "It is Mr. Haneda Hideyoshi, the current Taiko celebrity."

"Is it him?" A look of surprise flashed across Kuroda's face, and then he suddenly realized.

He knew some of the connections between Haneda Hideyoshi and the Haneda family. It seemed reasonable that Haneda Hideyoshi wanted to investigate the truth behind his adopted brother's death.

"It's been so many years, why did he suddenly entrust an investigation to the detective?" Asaka frowned slightly and asked.

Conan spread his hands: "I don't know about this. His main contact is Brother Hanomiya. Maybe Brother Hanomiya can give the answer?"

After a pause, Conan raised his head slightly: "So, can you two describe what happened that year in detail? This way we can make a report to the client."

"It's better not to involve irrelevant people casually." Asaka said lightly.

"Okay, just think of it as your reward for helping to unlock the code." Kuroda had a completely different attitude.

Asaka frowned and looked at Kuroda, then a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

Next, Kuroda recounted the events of that year to Conan, which was similar to the previous conversation with Asaka, except for adding some insignificant details.

"That's it." Kuroda finally said.

"That is to say, in the end, Manager Kuroda was involved in a car accident caused by a person codenamed Rum and fell into a coma, and Mr. Wakasa... Well, or Ms. Asaka took the opportunity to escape, right?"

"That's right." Kuroda confirmed.

Conan pondered for a while and asked: "What about Miss Asaka's whereabouts after that? Did you meet other people investigating the Haneda Koji case?"

Asaka raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why do you ask that?"

Conan smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just asking for a friend. It doesn't matter if Ms. Asaka doesn't want to say anything."

"Really?" Asaka stared at Conan, obviously not satisfied with Conan's perfunctory statement.

Conan waved his hand: "Okay, my task is completed. Do you mind if I continue to listen to what you are going to talk about next?"

"I'm afraid not." Kuroda immediately shook his head: "Old things are fine, but what I'm going to talk about next is a current secret. It's better for you, a child, not to know about it."

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first." Conan didn't seem to mean to force it. After waving to the two of them, he turned and left.

It wasn't until Conan's back completely disappeared that Kuroda spoke again: "Let's continue talking about us."

"I think you have already made your own judgment about what happened back then. I hope you won't act out of emotion."

Asaka said coldly: "With Rum's energy, it's hard for me to believe that you can let him get the punishment he deserves!"

"Then what do you want?" Kuroda asked.

"I just want him to disappear from this world completely!" Asaka said harshly.

Kuroda frowned slightly, was silent for two seconds, and said, "Is that enough?"

This statement made Asaka startled: "What do you mean?"

"Do you remember what I just said?" Kuroda said lightly: "The meaning of the death message left by Haneda Koji - [Karasuma]."

"This surname is not unknown in Japan, you should have an impression."

Asaka rolled her eyes and her face changed slightly: "You mean... Karasuma Consortium?"

"Exactly." Kuroda nodded and said: "The organization that Rum belongs to has close ties with the Karasuma Consortium. Various signs indicate that the organization was probably founded by the deceased rich man - Karasuma Renye. .”

"The reason why Rum wants to deal with your mother is actually because he received an order from the leader of the organization. The purpose should be to prevent your mother from participating in the upcoming presidential election that year."

"Therefore, although Rum was the direct murderer, he was not the mastermind behind it."

"Now, we finally got hold of Rum and controlled him, and we are about to ask him for key information about that organization."

"If you kill him now, the clues will be cut off again, and it will be impossible to completely destroy the organization."

Kuroda stared at Wakasa: "Or are you satisfied with just this?"

Asaka glanced at Kuroda unkindly and didn't reply.

Kuroda's method of provoking generals is not clever, but I have to admit that it does make some sense.

She also knew that Rum was not the real mastermind behind the scenes, but her investigations into the organization over the years also made her understand how powerful the organization was.

It would be extremely difficult for her alone to completely destroy the organization.

After a moment of silence, Asaka said: "Of course I know the importance of information, but with your police's [civilized] interrogation method, can you really get any important information?"

"Furthermore, Japan should be the base camp of the organization. If the Karasuma Consortium really stands behind the organization, how long can you control Rum?"

"At least for now, Rum is still in our hands." Kuroda said calmly: "And the information Rum possesses can only be of greatest value in our hands."

Asaka was silent for a while and nodded slightly: "Okay, I believe you for now. Tomorrow morning, I will pack those things and put them in the garbage recycling place downstairs in the apartment."

"Okay, I'll have people take the things away as soon as possible." Kuroda's serious expression softened slightly: "If you have any information about that organization later, you can also contact me."

"We'll see what happens then." Asaka was noncommittal.

Kuroda didn't care, and after a few casual conversations, Kuroda took the lead and left.

Asaka didn't seem to be in a hurry and continued to sit on the bench, quietly looking at the empty playground in front of her.

Suddenly, a burst of footsteps sounded from behind her.

Asaka tilted her head slightly, and a little boy wearing plain glasses came into view.

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