Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1584 Asaka’s temptation

Conan sat down next to Asaka at a distance.

He glanced at Asaka's bandaged right hand: "Teacher, what's wrong with your hand?"

"What do you think?" Asaka asked with a smile.

Conan shrugged: "If I were to guess, he should have been injured because of the investigation into Rum, right?"

Asaka lowered her head slightly and looked at Conan: "It seems you know what rum means..."

"I know." Conan nodded: "Rum belongs to an organization whose senior members are codenamed after alcohol. He is the organization's second-in-command. He was recently arrested by the police on suspicion of multiple economic and violent crimes."

Qianxiang's face condensed slightly: "A child shouldn't know this."

"What's wrong?" Conan said with a smile: "Brother Hanomiya took me as his apprentice, not just to play house like Ayumi and the others. He is really seriously training me to be an excellent detective. "

"Although that organization is dangerous, it is not so dangerous that even a little information cannot be disclosed."

Asaka sneered: "If he really knows that organization, he should understand that fighting them is far beyond the scope of detectives."

"Even if he really wants to train you, he will not reveal this dangerous information to you easily unless he is willing to let you participate in it."

"Let a child participate in this, no matter how smart or mature the child is, it is life and death. After a little consideration, normal people should not take the risk."

A playful smile appeared on Asaka's lips: "Or is it because of other considerations that he let you know about it or even participate in the investigation against that organization?"

When Conan heard this, his expression did not change at all, and he smiled and said: "The teacher's reasoning is very interesting. He is indeed a person who can become the bodyguard of a presidential candidate."

"So?" Asaka asked.

Conan chuckled: "So, if you think so, will the people in the organization think so too?"

"Huh?" Asaka was startled.

Conan raised his hand and pointed at his immature face: "If I didn't come to see the teacher today, teacher, what do you think the probability is that I am related to the organization?"

Qianxiang's expression changed slightly, she was silent for a while, and replied: "You... no, it should be that your disguise is indeed good. You are indeed different from ordinary people, but considering your relationship with Detective Hanomiya, there are other things It attracted my attention and made me hesitate in your judgment."

"So, maybe letting children participate can achieve unexpected results?" Conan said with a smile, and then his voice sank slightly:

"Besides, from what the teacher said, you came to Didan Elementary School really for me, right?"

Asaka snorted: "Now that you've shown your cards, I have nothing to hide. Yes, I came here as a teacher to observe you."

"Why are you targeting me?" Conan looked curious.

"It's because of a list." Asaka said lightly.

"List?" Conan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes." Asaka nodded: "Seventeen years ago, the police did not find out the specific cause of death for either my mother or Koji. This made me very confused when I saw the news at the time."

"After many investigations, I learned that what killed my mother and Koji was a drug developed by an organization. This drug seems to be still in the experimental stage, and the use of the finished product is unknown."

"The test product taken by mother and Koji has a direct effect of killing the person who takes the drug, and no drug ingredients can be detected from the deceased."

"I continued to investigate along this clue, and gradually mastered a lot of information about Rum's organization, and that list was one of them."

"What is the content of that list about?" Conan asked in a deep voice.

"That is a list of people who have taken the medicine." Asaka said calmly: "The name of Koji is on the list, and his and other people's names are marked with [Dead] after them."

"But one of them caught my attention." Asaka looked at Conan meaningfully: "It is the famous detective known as the savior of the Japanese police and the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era - Kudo Shinichi."

At this point, she paused and observed Conan's reaction.

Conan had experienced so much mental quality and had developed it. He pushed up his glasses very calmly and asked leisurely: "What next?"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Asaka's eyes, and then she quickly calmed down and continued calmly: "The reason why I paid attention to Kudo Shinichi is because although he was marked dead, there were no relevant reports in the news."

"Logically speaking, for a celebrity like him, once the body is discovered, it shouldn't be so quiet."

"Although there are many explanations for such anomalies, such as the organization suppressing the news; the place where he died is too remote and no one has discovered it yet; or... he is not actually dead yet!"

"With the mentality of finding out what happened, I launched further investigation."

"Yeah! Then what did the teacher find out?" Conan held his head with his right hand, looking like he was listening with great interest.

Asaka was a little unsure about what Conan was doing, so she could only continue: "I found that the people around him didn't seem to have much reaction to his disappearance."

"They neither called the police nor posted a missing person notice. It was as if nothing happened. This only heightened my suspicions."

Conan remained calm on the surface, but secretly rejoiced in his heart.

If he had acted recklessly and let the organization notice him, then he might not be able to be as leisurely as he is now.

However, it wasn't that they were negligent about the missing person notice. It was just that he was in a hurry to report to Xiaolan that he was safe, and he couldn't tell her the truth. Posting the missing person notice would be difficult to explain if she saw it.

Moreover, posting a missing person notice or even calling the police would leave traces on the police records of passers-by he saw. At that time, he knew nothing about the organization, so it was better to keep a low profile as much as possible.

In the final analysis, if it weren't for someone like Asaka who was a dead horse and was unwilling to let go of any clues, this anomaly would actually be innocuous.

Conan's thoughts were wandering, and Asaka's narration did not stop.

"I have a firmer guess - Kudo Shinichi is probably still alive!"

Afterwards, Wakasa mentioned Akira Hanomiya and Kogoro Mouri who became famous at a special time, as well as the "little followers" who suddenly appeared next to Kogoro Mouri. Based on the existing information and some intuition, he focused on Conan.

Conan twitched his lips: "So, what does your investigation of Brother Shinichi have to do with me? I'm just a slightly smarter seven-year-old boy!"

Asaka curled her lips, took out two photos from her arms, and turned the photos to Conan: "This is a photo of you and Kudo Shinichi."

"Although you are not the same age, you two do look alike."

At this point, Asaka suddenly reached out and pulled off Conan's glasses before Conan could react!

Conan was startled, then realized and shouted: 'Hey! Give me your glasses back! ’

Asaka stood up lightly, took a step back, avoided Conan's snatching, and said with a smile: "Sure enough! It looks even better after taking off the glasses!"

Conan's face suddenly became a little ugly.

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