Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1590 Tracking and Counter-tracking

Inside a black Toyota. Two

"It should have been thrown away." The policeman from the driver's seat said.

"Well, the [Flower of the Metropolitan Police Department] in the back is pretty good!" the co-pilot policeman said with a smile: "Unfortunately, I heard that she is already married to a famous woman."

"It's no pity. Those who work in our industry should be cautious when looking for a partner." The driver replied: "At least I don't think that my wife is also a policeman."

The co-pilot police officer shrugged and didn't discuss the topic further.

The small talk just now only relieved the mood a little.

They all know that the enemy will never give up.

They chose to temporarily stop tracking, probably planning a bigger operation! Two

Silence returned in the car, and the escorts also returned to a state of high vigilance.

At this time, a slight collision sound reached the ears of several people.

"What's the sound?" The co-pilot police officer frowned slightly. The sound just now seemed to come from the side and rear of the car.

He tilted his head and looked back, and saw a motorcycle driving sideways outside the car window. The front of the car twisted slightly, slowly opening a parallel distance from the Toyota.

The rearview mirror on the side of the motorcycle close to the Toyota car showed an unnatural deflection, and the rider on the car was readjusting the angle.

The rider glanced at the Toyota, then released the accelerator and gradually fell behind.

Seeing the motorcycle's figure gradually getting smaller, the co-pilot policeman looked suspicious. Two

"That motorcycle just now..." the driving policeman muttered, obviously having some doubts.

"It seems that the sound just now was caused by the collision between this motorcycle and our car." The co-pilot police analyzed.

The driving policeman's eyes gradually became sharp: "I really want to believe this is just a coincidence, but since we have been targeted, any abnormality cannot be ignored."

The co-pilot police officer nodded slightly: "Indeed, assuming that the motorcycle just now belongs to them, but what's the point of such a painless collision?"

The two were silent for a while, and then spoke almost at the same time: "Tracker!"

"It is much better to install the tracker on the car under the cover of collision than to follow it directly. Do you want to deal with it?" asked the co-pilot police officer.

"No need." The driving police officer said flatly: "We can't park easily at this time, and there is no need to control the tracker for the time being." 2

The co-pilot policeman rolled his eyes, nodded and said, "That's right."

Afterwards, they acted as if nothing happened and continued driving normally.

About twenty minutes later, the black Toyota slowly stopped.

At this time, they had arrived at a police station under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The four men escorted Rum out of the car and transferred into another white Mazda that was already waiting here.

The two police officers who were originally sitting in the back seat with Rum did not continue to follow, but returned to the black Toyota and drove it out of the police station.

Their vacancies were filled by two other police officers. Two

This rotation of escorts can ensure that only a limited number of people know the escort route.

For example, the ace of the Police Department who is responsible for driving and his deputy, as the direct executors of the entire escort, naturally know the escort route.

The two police officers guarding the back row will rotate on the road. Except for the first two people who know slightly more information, the police officers in the back row will simply listen to Shangfeng's instructions.

They don't even know the specific mission content before the mission officially begins.

About five minutes later, the white Mazda also left the police station.


Near the police station, beside a certain road. Two

Kiel, a senior member of the black organization, was sitting astride the motorcycle, silently watching the white Mazda leave.

It wasn't until the white Mazda disappeared from sight that she rang the communicator and said, "Another white Mazda came out of the police station. It's currently unclear which car Rum is in."

A voice came from the other end of the intercom: "It doesn't matter. Others have seen Rum being moved. Photos of the vehicle will be sent to your phone immediately. You will continue to follow the instructions later."

"Yes!" After Kil responded lightly, he temporarily ended the communication. ,

A few seconds later, the mobile phone specially used for internal communications of the organization vibrated. Keir opened the information interface and saw the photo of the white Mazda.

Kil's eyes narrowed slightly and he immediately adjusted his original plan.

As an undercover agent of the CIA, she naturally does not want a dangerous person like Rum to return to the organization. Two

For her, the more backbones who are truly loyal to the organization are arrested, the more likely undercover agents like her are to be employed, and the more likely they are to get closer to the core.

Therefore, for this rescue operation, she originally planned to do nothing, and even secretly made some stumbling blocks.

However, the photo on her phone told her that the organization attached greater importance to this operation than she imagined. There were countless informants of the organization hidden along the entire police escort route.

If she acts rashly, she will be at great risk of exposure.

In line with the CIA's mission priority principle, she decided to focus on hiding her undercover identity and act in accordance with the organization's instructions.

The plan was decided, and as soon as Geer turned on the accelerator, the motorcycle sped up and sped off.


Inside a white Mazda.

The deputy glanced at the rearview mirror and said softly: "There are currently no suspicious vehicles in front or behind the car. It seems that our method is working."

"Don't be careless." The police ace in the driver's seat was not so optimistic: "Those guys are not that easy to deal with."

While the two were talking, the Mazda drove onto a bridge.

At this moment, the communicator in the car rang.

"Attention! Two suspicious vehicles are approaching you from behind at high speed!"

The expressions of the policemen in the car suddenly changed! Two

The deputy immediately looked to the rear and saw two black cars coming into view.

"Tch! Are they planning to do something on the bridge?" the deputy muttered.

"They won't stand a chance." The ace of the National Police Agency said calmly, and then stepped on the accelerator!


The engine roared, and the Mazda instantly accelerated and began to distance itself from the black car behind.

The two black cars behind also reacted quickly and started to accelerate as well.

The two sides immediately started a chase on the bridge. Two

The two black cars were very close to each other, but Mazda relied on its first-mover advantage and kept a relatively safe distance from them.

Not long after, Mazda drove off the bridge first.

The deputy pressed the communicator and asked urgently: "Is support coming soon?"

"Keep on holding on, colleagues from the nearby traffic department are on their way over. We have already said hello to them, and they will cooperate with you when the time comes!"

"Understood!" the deputy agreed, and his expression softened slightly: "It seems that we are well prepared here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, something unexpected happened!

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