Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1591 Escape and Doubts

boom! Yan

The white Mazda driving at high speed shook violently, and the smooth body suddenly appeared to be out of control!

The ace of the Police Department shrank his pupils and instantly realized something was wrong.

No, the tire was attacked!

Although the shell of their car has been bulletproofed, the toughness and hardness of the tire component has its limits even if it is strengthened.

Ordinary pistols and even small-caliber rifles may be able to withstand it, but more powerful weapons are hard to say.

From the shock just now, the Ace of the Police Department was almost certain that the opponent was definitely using a powerful sniper rifle, and he fired from two sniper points at the same time, blowing out the two rear wheels of the car instantly!

The ace of the National Police Agency had rapid thoughts and kept moving his hands, stabilizing the steering wheel, operating the clutch, and pressing the brakes to prevent the Mazda from completely losing control. Yan

He is also worthy of the title of the ace of the Police Department, and his driving skills are very good. After a period of bumps, the Mazda finally returned to a relatively stable state.

However, the sudden drop in speed caused the two black cars that had been chasing behind him to quickly close the distance.

At the same time, two more black cars were coming in front of the Mazda, blocking the road ahead.

"Tch! We're in trouble!" The ace of the Police Department looked gloomy.

"We have been attacked! Please provide support as soon as possible!" The deputy opened the communicator again and spoke quickly.

"Hold on a little longer! My colleagues in the traffic department were stopped by them..." The tone on the other side was also a little anxious.

"Damn it!" the deputy cursed, suddenly turned his head and looked at the back row, suddenly reached out his hand, and pressed Rum's mouth and nose under the astonished eyes of the two policemen in the back row. Yan

After the two were stunned for a moment, they noticed that the deputy's hand was holding a handkerchief.

The blindfolded Rum was obviously unable to defend against such a sudden attack. After his body struggled instinctively for a while, he gradually softened and leaned on his seat.

"It's just an anesthetic." The deputy explained, and then focused on the surroundings again.

The two people in the back row were stunned and did not ask any more questions.

Along the way, they have also learned how dangerous the person they are guarding this time is. Now that the enemy is facing them, they really cannot let the other party stay awake.

The ace of the National Police Agency glanced at the deputy and didn't say much about the deputy's arbitrary assertion. He could naturally think of what the two people in the back row could think of.

He looked around, taking in the surrounding environment and quickly going through it in his mind. Yan

His expression became more solemn.

After crossing the bridge, there is a green belt on both sides of the road, and there is no shelter to avoid the maneuvers.

"It seems we can only rely on this bulletproof vehicle to hold on. I hope support can arrive soon..." the ace of the Police Department said helplessly.

There's no way around this, but it's worth a try.

Now that Rum is still in the car, the other party will not take extreme measures such as destroying the entire car when they have a huge advantage.

In this way, he might be able to buy some time.

He silently took out his gun, turned on the safety, and prepared for battle. Yan

However, just when he was ready, something unexpected happened again!

Ahead, the two cars that were originally approaching them suddenly began to sway left and right like drunken men, and their driving was obviously out of order.

The ace of the Police Department was startled, and then his eyes narrowed!

what happened? Has support arrived?

Although he was doubtful, his ace qualities allowed him to immediately realize that this was an opportunity!

He put his hands on the steering wheel again and stepped on the accelerator!

boom! Yan

Quack quack——

The Mazda, which had lost both rear wheels, began to accelerate again. As the speed increased, the body vibrated more and more violently, and it made an unpleasant and strange sound while driving.

However, under the precise control of the ace of the National Police Agency, the car still remained stable enough.

The Mazda and the two runaway cars in front were getting closer and closer.

"It's now!"

The ace of the National Police Agency opened his eyes and turned the steering wheel.

call! Yan


After a harsh scratching sound, the Mazda passed through the gap between the two cars!

Further back, in two black cars that were still driving normally, the expressions of all the organization members changed!

The man in black in the co-pilot immediately reported: "Report! The intercepted car suddenly lost control and was suspected of being sniped!"

The man in black in the driver's seat was controlling the steering wheel, trying to avoid the out-of-control companion vehicle ahead.

In the end, they passed the out-of-control vehicle after paying the price of having the car body scratched and one of the car's rearview mirrors knocked off.

The ace of the Police Department saw this scene through the rearview mirror and sighed: "It's not that simple after all!" Yan

"It's much better than before..." the deputy comforted: "Without the interception from the front, even if we have to abandon the car later, we can still continue to maneuver."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black car chasing behind him also showed signs of losing control.

The ace and deputy of the Police Department looked at each other, both looking thoughtful.

"It seems that our support has arrived early." The ace of the Police Department said calmly.

"Yes, but..." The deputy hesitated to speak.

The ace of the Police Department made a silencing gesture and pointed at Rum, who was motionless in the back row.

The deputy understood and said no more. Yan

Although Rum was knocked unconscious by himself just now, the dose of anesthetic was not too large. With the current bumpiness of the vehicle, there was no guarantee that Rum would not wake up.

Just in case, it would be inappropriate to expose their concerns.

Yes, doubts.

Although they have finally turned the corner, the incident just now revealed something fishy.

As the direct executors of this operation, the ace and deputy of the National Police Agency knew a lot of inside information.

As far as they knew, the police had indeed made many preparations for possible attacks and even had a complete ambush plan.

But there is still some distance from the planned ambush point. Yan

There, in their original plan, they would deliberately expose a flaw to lure the other party to take action, and then counterattack.

However, the other party's actions were unexpected and they directly chose to take action here.

There is a long straight road before and after this place without any forks.

If you do something here, even if you rob someone, they will easily be intercepted by the police.

Therefore, in the police's prediction, this place was excluded from the possible places where the other party would take action.

But the other party happened to take action here, and judging from the formation, it was definitely premeditated.

What's even more surprising is that the opponent's unexpected move was met with a head-on blow just after it was executed. Yan

Logically speaking, since the police have excluded this area, they should not deploy forces for defense.

But the loss of control of those cars just now undoubtedly shows that the police had already anticipated the enemy's actions!

The ace of the Police Department's eyes flickered slightly, and he gradually began to have speculations in his mind.

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