The next evening, in a European-style castle in Tottori Prefecture.蜭

The middle-aged housekeeper walked slowly in the corridor. The dim sunlight outside the window became increasingly dim, making the already claustrophobic castle look even more eerie.

He came to the end of the corridor, stood silently in front of the door for a long time, and finally raised his hand and rang the doorbell.

"Come in." An old voice responded in the room, and there was no hint of joy or anger.

The middle-aged housekeeper took a deep breath, opened the door and walked into the room.

"My lord." The butler bowed ninety degrees and spoke in a low voice.

"The mission failed?" the old voice asked.

The middle-aged butler lowered his head: "It's because my subordinates are incompetent!"

"Just know that you are incompetent." The old voice sounded slightly stern.

"Yes! I am willing to accept all punishments!" The middle-aged butler expressed his attitude.

The old voice snorted coldly: "Punishment? If you punish me now, can you bring Rum back? Can you guarantee that Rum will not reveal the secrets of the organization?"

The middle-aged housekeeper didn't speak, he just kept his posture of bending down and bowing his head, as if he was letting himself be dealt with.

The old voice also fell silent, and this silence put a lot of pressure on the middle-aged housekeeper.

After a long time, the old voice finally spoke: "Tell me, how did this mission fail?"

The middle-aged butler, as if he had received an amnesty, straightened up and spoke respectfully: "That's it..."

He first briefly explained the general process of the action, and then began to analyze:

"According to reports from Kiel and others who escaped by chance, they were unable to receive any communications in the middle of the operation. Based on various details, the police may have counter-intruded into our communication channel, disguised their voices, and led our people into a trap. .”

"Now that I think about it, those escorts were probably tricked into getting into our police car on purpose to lure our people out."

"Ha!" The old voice chuckled: "Then tell me how our communication channel was invaded?"

"This... subordinates are still investigating." The middle-aged butler was a little unsure.

Although he has some understanding of electronic communications, he is by no means a hard-core technician. If he wants to figure out the details, he needs to have technical personnel within the organization check them.

"You'd better give me a satisfactory explanation!" the old voice said coldly.蜭

"Yes!" the middle-aged housekeeper responded quickly.

After two seconds of silence, the old voice continued: "I hope you will take this incident as a warning. You must handle the next two things for me, otherwise..."

The middle-aged butler said quickly: "Yes! I will never let you down again!"

"Yes!" The old voice responded lightly, and then said: "The first thing is to change the operation to rescue Rum, with getting rid of Rum as the first priority."

"The second thing is to find Belmod's whereabouts as soon as possible. She has been out there long enough."

"I'll do it right away, my subordinates!" the middle-aged housekeeper responded.

However, in my heart, the priority of finding Belmod was much higher than getting rid of Rum.蜭

On the one hand, the incident has just ended, and the police are at their most alert. At this time, it is most difficult to take action. You have to wait for a while and slowly look for opportunities.

At the same time, as the top operative of the organization, Belmode would undoubtedly be much more certain to assassinate Rum if she could return to the organization and have her participate.

Her ability to disguise herself and change her voice is simply a magical skill for sneak assassination!

Moreover, her anti-reconnaissance capabilities and judgment are also first-class. If she were to take charge of this operation, the other party's disguised voice might not be so easy to deceive us.

"Let's contact Black Sakura later..." The middle-aged housekeeper already had a plan in mind.

Then, after confirming that the old voice had no other instructions, the middle-aged butler respectfully withdrew.


Miwa Town, Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Yu Gongming put down the book in his hand and looked up at the time: "Well... Mengyu is about to finish school. Let's prepare dinner after get off work."

Muttering in his mouth, he stood up and went to the door, hung up the closure sign, and went upstairs to prepare dinner.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs.

"Oh? This it Uncle Mouri?" Akira Hanamiya turned his head and looked, and sure enough he saw Kogoro Mouri walking up.

"Hi! Why did Uncle Maori come here when he was free?" Yu Gongming smiled and said hello.

"It's nothing, I just want to chat with you." Mouri Kogoro said calmly.蜭

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows, sensing something was wrong in the other person's tone.

Rolling his eyes slightly, Yu Gongming asked with a smile: "Uncle, do you plan to chat in the office or in the living room on the third floor?"

Mouri Kogoro was silent for two seconds and said, "Let's go to the third floor."

"Okay." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile, leading Mouri Kogoro to the living room on the third floor.

The two sat down separately, and Yu Gongming deftly made each other a cup of black tea.

"Thank you." Mouri Kogoro thanked him and took a sip.

Yu Gongming chuckled: "We are all acquaintances, uncle, if you have anything to say, you can just say it."

Mouri Kogoro glanced at him meaningfully and said, "Then let me tell you directly, what is your relationship with that mysterious organization that has been dealing with the director?"

Akira Hanomiya was startled when he heard this, and then looked at Kogoro Mouri with interest: "Why does Uncle Mouri think that we are related to that mysterious organization?"

"It's so similar." Mouri Kogoro said calmly: "The acting styles are similar, the abilities are similar, and the targets are exactly the same. I have no direct evidence, but I don't believe this is just a coincidence."

"Also, I have always wondered why they chose me by name as the middleman, but now, I seem to have found a very reasonable explanation."

Mouri Kogoro stopped talking and looked at Hanemiya Akira.

Bang bang bang!

Yu Gongming clapped his hands gently and said with a smile: "As expected of the former No. 1 detective, he does have skills."

"So, you admit it?" Mouri Kogoro's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded: "We were the ones who contacted the director from the beginning."

"You?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "We are all acquaintances, I don't think I need to introduce them more, right?"

The expression on Mouri Kogoro's face changed for a while, and then he rubbed his forehead helplessly: "What you did is more dangerous than I imagined. I really regret getting Xiaolan involved now."

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "I can't help it, who made Xiaolan fall in love with this restless master like Shinichi?"

"Hmph! That boy!" Mouri Kogoro also had an unhappy look on his face.蜭

Why is my daughter, who is as beautiful as a flower, staring at that brat?

After adjusting his emotions a little, he looked at Yu Gongming with a complicated look and sighed: "Even now, I can't completely equate you with those guys."

"Are those things really something you little guys can do?"

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