Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1602 Returning to daily life temporarily

Hearing this, Yu Gongming smiled and shook his head: "We are also forced to have no choice. Who made us alone and can't afford the price of failure?" Zhuo

Mouri Kogoro was silent, what Hanemiya Akira said was indeed correct.

With the methods shown by the organization, if Fan Yu Gongming and the others were not impeccable in their actions, they would have died countless times.

Mouri Kogoro took another sip of tea, exhaled, and said: "Your idea of ​​using the power of the police is good, and you are very lucky. You know, if the director had not happened to be paying attention to the affairs of the black organization during that time, you You may not be able to contact him initially.”

Akira Yumiya also expressed emotion: "We were also surprised at the time. Fortunately, the director was easier to talk to than we thought. Plus, we found out your identity, uncle, which made things a lot easier."

"Then what are your plans in the future? Will you continue to maintain the status quo?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Let's maintain the status quo for the time being." Yu Gongming replied: "As long as you are willing to help us cover up, uncle, our risk of exposure is not high."

"What about the police? There seems to be cooperation between you?" Mouri Kogoro asked. burn

Hanomiya Akira chuckled: "Our trust in the public security is very limited. Mr. Amuro is not a bad person, but that's all about him personally."

"I think my uncle should also know the nature of the work of the police and its origins, right?"

"Understood." Mouri Kogoro nodded clearly. As an insider of the police system, he knew what Hanomiya Akira meant.

Needless to say, the nature of the work of the Japanese public security, as for the origin, it is the notorious super high school.

Since its establishment, T\u0026T has done countless bad things, both internationally and in Japan.

Although today's public security police are not directly reorganized from the original THT, the two are inextricably linked, and their behavior styles are quite consistent.

Not to mention that I personally dislike some of the police's practices. The Metropolitan Police Department also has a lot of arguments with the police during their work. burn

During the years when Mouri Kogoro was a criminal police officer, he had several encounters with the public security police, and the process was not very pleasant.

He also deeply agrees with Yu Gongming's attitude towards the police.

"Those guys from the police are really not trustworthy." Mouri Kogoro affirmed: "The less information you expose to them, the better!"

"This is natural!" Akira Hanamiya said with a smile: "As long as Mr. Amuro remains undercover in the organization for one day, he and his superiors will be wary of us for one day."

"And we have been hinting at our relationship with the Metropolitan Police, intentionally or unintentionally, and the director is also very cooperative. As long as you, uncle, continue to endorse us, we will have more confidence when facing the police."

"It turns out that this was your plan all along..." Mouri Kogoro suddenly understood a lot of things again.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Yes, so I will continue to rely on Uncle Maori from now on!" Zhuo

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand: "Okay, I will be unlucky for you restless juniors in this stall!"

"Thank you very much!" Yu Gongming thanked him sincerely: "It's almost dinner time, why not stay for a casual meal?"

Maori Kogoro shook his head: "No, Xiaolan is learning new dishes recently, and is planning to make a beer duck today. I have to go back and try it!"

After that, he stood up and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

"Okay, let me know in advance next time uncle comes, we will treat him well!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Then, he sent Mouri Kogoro all the way downstairs and watched him go away.

Half an hour later, Mengyu also came back from school. burn

"Oh? Did you have a showdown with uncle?" Meng Yu was a little surprised.

Yu Gongming nodded: "Yes, it was only a matter of time before he guessed it."

"That's fine." Meng Yu smiled and said, "There's no need to mince words anymore in the future."

"Yes!" Yu Gongming also agreed deeply.


In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

In the past few days, Yu Gongming and the others have not made any big moves, and life has returned to normal for the time being. burn

However, they will naturally not forget some information that deserves attention.

According to Conan's report, Asaka was quite satisfied with their first cooperation and further recognized their strength.

In this operation, Asaka's hand injury had not healed, so she was only assigned to follow, monitor, and provide support. During the entire operation, she only managed to knock down two or three people who were trying to escape.

However, Asaka didn't put forward any opinions on this. After initial cooperation, she herself was not willing to take on too dangerous tasks.

The police have also started interrogating members of those organizations, but according to Kogoro Mori, those people are real dead warriors and have a very strict tone.

Moreover, this time it was a joint interrogation between the public security and the police, and some off-the-table methods were not easy to use, lest the other party would be caught and monopolize the interrogation rights.

Due to various factors, the interrogation did not go smoothly. burn

Yu Gongming didn't care much about this. He couldn't help much in this matter. Even if he could help, he was not interested in getting involved in the contest between the Metropolitan Police Department and the public security department.

It is worth mentioning that Toru Amuro also asked them about the details of the operation when they visited the dessert shop in the past few days.

Naturally, Yu Miyazaki prevaricates as much as he can. Except for the final result of the action, he doesn't give any other information.

The expression on Toru Amuro's face at that time was quite wonderful. He clearly looked like he wanted to punch him, but he had to maintain a polite smile on his face.

At that time, Yu Gongming really wanted to take out his mobile phone and take a photo of that expression as a souvenir, but he still saved some face for him because he helped pay the bill.

In the evening, the restaurant on the third floor of Hanomiya Detective Agency.

"Oh? Did Xiaolan win again? What was it this time?" Yu Gongming looked at Mengyu in surprise. burn

"It's a free meal coupon from Aipido Restaurant. I got it when I met a salesperson on the way to school." Meng Yu said with a smile: "She invited us to have a dinner together tomorrow, just to celebrate the success of our operation again!"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "Since it's Xiaolan who invited us, we can't offend her!"

"Yes!" Mengyu nodded slightly: "Xiaolan has always wanted to help us wherever she can!"

Hanemiya Akira was startled, and then he spread his hands helplessly: "It was okay before, but with the intensity of the operation now, even if we are willing, Conan and Uncle Maori probably won't allow Xiaolan to directly participate in the operation, right?"

"Yes!" Meng Yu thought deeply.

Xiaolan is not weak in karate, and can even burst out with amazing power when Conan is in danger.

But for an operation like this, which one of them is not a well-trained elite? Each person had at least one gun, and the melee between the two sides was extremely chaotic. It was not easy for Xiaolan to protect herself from injury. burn

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "Be careful tomorrow and don't talk about topics that worry Xiaolan."

"Understood." Mengyu nodded.

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