Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1712 Director White Horse’s Plan

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Office of the Inspector General.

"Well! I already know the situation. You should be more careful. After all, it is their base camp. There is no guarantee that they will not engage in some dirty tricks." Director Baima said solemnly.

"Yes! Director, I will report again if there is any new situation!" Odagiri Toshiro replied on the other end of the phone.

"Okay." After saying that, Director Baima hung up the phone.

Putting down his phone, he quickly thought about what Odagiri had just reported.

Under his arrangement, Odagiri and others had already set off for Tottori after the [Shadows] took action, and at the right time, they intervened in the pharmaceutical factory incident.

Of course, the investigation into the incident itself was just a cover. The real mission of Odagiri and others was to find evidence of collusion between the Tottori police and the organization during the investigation.

At present, Odagiri and others have initially targeted several high-level officials of the Tottori Prefectural Police, and have obtained substantial evidence that two of them have colluded with organizations or committed other serious crimes.

However, they did not take immediate action to alert the enemy. Instead, they adopted an attitude of giving up, allowing these targets to feel the pressure while still having a sense of luck.

As long as this sense of luck remains, they will not sit still and wait for death under pressure, and further actions can be expected.

As long as they take action, there is a high probability that more people and information will be involved.

When the time is right, we can close the net in one fell swoop and bring those people to justice!

Of course, this is only the first step.

Later, as a large number of Tottori Prefectural Police officers, including high-level officials, were arrested, a large number of positions in the police headquarters would inevitably be vacated. At this time, they could legitimately deploy manpower there, and truly have a group of people within the Tottori Prefectural Police. A solid and reliable force!

"The current plan is going quite smoothly..." Director Baima murmured, but the expression on his face did not show any relief.

He understood that the current situation was entirely because they struck first and caught the opponent off guard.

When the other party reacts, there will inevitably be twists and turns.

Especially now that he has reached out to Tottori, even that old crow may no longer be able to sit idly by.

Old Crow's methods, even if it is him, must be dealt with solemnly.

"However, before that, I still have to cause you some trouble..." Director Baima's eyes flashed, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number,

After a moment, the phone was connected, and Ying Yi's voice rang: "Hello!"

"It's me." Director Baima said calmly.

"What's the matter, boss?" Ying Yi's tone suddenly became serious.

"Have the shadows settled down?" Director Baima first expressed his concern for his subordinates.

"Thanks for your concern, everyone has returned to a safe point. The seriously injured have been given priority treatment, and the other lightly injured are also in good condition."

"Well! You did a good job this time. The corresponding credit will be recorded and the rewards will be issued in the near future." Director Baima said with a smile.

"Director, you have a thorough plan. We just completed our work." Ying Yi said modestly.

"Okay! We are all old friends, so there is no need to engage in such nonsense." Director Baima pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Okay, do you have any other instructions?" Ying Yi stopped being polite and asked directly.

He didn't think that the director, who was busy with everything, made a special call just to care about his subordinates.

"There is indeed one thing." Director Baima said calmly: "Black Sakura also suffered heavy losses this time. Their hatred of the organization has only increased. Can you see if you can take advantage of it?"

Upon hearing this, Yingyi immediately understood what the director meant: "Are you asking me to instigate a conflict between Black Sakura and the black organization?"

"Yes." Director Hakuba affirmed: "After this incident, their relationship will inevitably deteriorate sharply. With Kuro Sakura's past behavior style, the possibility of revenge is very high."

"But they have just suffered a defeat at the hands of the organization, so there is no guarantee that they will not be afraid. Therefore, someone must give them another push."

"I understand." Yingyi already understood the director's thoughts and immediately said: "I will arrange it as soon as possible."

"Yes! I can rest assured that you will do the work." Director Baima said with a smile.

After the two exchanged a few words, Director Baima ended the call.

He came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked into the distance, and murmured in his heart: "Next, let's see whose method is better!"


The next morning, Narita International Airport.

"Have a safe journey!" Mengyu shouted, waving to the Kudo couple who were about to board the plane.

"Yeah! You should take care of yourselves too~" Yukiko also responded enthusiastically, while Kudo Yusaku's reaction was much calmer, and he just nodded slightly.

Later, under the watch of Akira Hanomiya and the Kudo brothers and sisters, the Kudo couple entered the boarding passage and finally disappeared from the sight of several people.

"Phew! Finally gone." Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems like mom has tortured you quite a lot these past two days!" Meng Yu chuckled.

Conan rolled his eyes at her: "Isn't it?"

"Can you tell me more?" Yu Gongming looked curious. He had been dealing with some backlogged affairs in the office these two days, but he didn't pay much attention to Conan's movements.

"I know this!" Meng Yu said with a smile: "It is said that my mother made him wear several sets of women's clothes, held him to sleep at night, and even wanted to help him take a bath!"

"Hey!" Conan glared at Mengyu, how could he say such a thing casually?

"Okay! At least I won't tell Xiaolan, which will affect your glorious image in Xiaolan's heart!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Conan made a sound of displeasure, but did not dare to say anything else.

Based on his understanding of his sister, what he just said was more of a threat than a comfort!

If he keeps insisting, these things may be spread to Xiaolan's ears!

He and Xiaolan are now under the same roof, and they can't see each other without looking up. If she finds out about this, he might not be able to live in Maoli's house anymore.

"Haha! Sister Yukiko is really... childlike!" Akira Hanamiya couldn't help but laugh. After thinking for a long time, he finally found a less rude adjective.

"Obviously it's disrespectful!" Conan retorted loudly.

"You just dared to say that while she was gone, right? You were so cowardly when she was here!" Meng Yu mocked.

Conan curled his lips, thinking it would be better not to continue this topic, and then said: "By the way, mom's [old friend] has also left, right?"

Of course he was talking about Belmode.

"Probably? At least there is no trace of her in Mihua Town for the time being. Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility of her disguising herself again." Mengyu replied.

"It doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to show up in front of us, we will treat her as leaving." Yu Gongming said lightly: "She also needs to digest this harvest, and it will not have any impact on us for the time being."

"That's true." Conan nodded slightly, agreeing with Yu Gongming's judgment.

While everyone was talking, they had already walked out of the terminal building.

"Eh? Look over there!" Conan suddenly exclaimed and pointed in a certain direction.

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