Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1713 The road is rough

Akira and Hanomiya looked in the direction Conan pointed.

I saw three figures walking towards the parking lot near the exit of the parking lot.

Two men and one woman, the woman walked between the two men.

The woman looked to be in her twenties, well-dressed, and her clothing and jewelry were expensive. The men on both sides of her were in suits and sunglasses, and looked like bodyguards.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing unusual about these three people.

But now that Conan has spoken out, things will obviously not be that simple.

Yu Gongming looked at it carefully for a few seconds and realized something was wrong.

The woman's expression was very stiff and her eyes flickered, which was a sign of being unstable.

Moreover, her progress was sometimes delayed, as if she was reluctant to move forward.

What's even more interesting is the [bodyguard] on her left.

He was holding a woman's coat in his hand, and the style seemed to match the women's clothes.

The coat covered his right hand and hung down naturally. The hem of the coat swayed slightly as the man walked.

Yu Gongming saw a hint of black between the slightly swaying hem of his clothes.

"Is this...the butt of a pistol?" Akira Hagong immediately recognized the item represented by black.

His eyes moved slightly upward along the black, and he immediately noticed the very abrupt and suspicious outline on the lady's coat.

"It's the muzzle of the pistol. The direction the muzzle is that woman!" Yu Miyazaki thought to himself.

"That lady... seems something is wrong?" Meng Yu said hesitantly, and she also noticed the abnormality.

"She must have been held hostage." Yu Gongming whispered.

"I agree." Conan also said. He was the first to notice these three people, so he was naturally very aware of the anomaly.

Meng Yu was startled when he heard this, and then glanced around the three people: "No cameras or other suspected crew members were found around, so the possibility of filming a movie has been ruled out for the time being."

"Now that we have encountered it, we can't let it go!" Conan said solemnly.

"Aren't we already heading towards them?" Yu Gongming said with a slightly helpless tone.

While the three of them were talking, Conan had already led Yu Gongming and Meng Yu towards the group of three.

Yu Gongming had already observed that there was no one else around these three people, and judging from the behavior of the two men, they did not look like professionally trained agents.

If they were just two ordinary kidnappers, there would be no threat to them at all, and Akira Yumiya wouldn't mind meddling in their own business.

"I'll test it out later, and you guys can act accordingly." Conan whispered, then slightly quickened his pace and temporarily left the team.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu also tacitly slowed down their pace and put a little distance away from Conan.

Not long after, Conan had arrived not far behind the three of them, and then he lightly pressed his belt, and the football popped out instantly.

Conan narrowed his eyes slightly and kicked the football!

The football immediately sped towards the two men and one woman, and then hit the woman on the back!


The woman suddenly exclaimed, staggered, and looked back instinctively. The two men also turned their heads almost at the same time, with strong vigilance on their expressions.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Conan shouted as he trotted up to the three of them and picked up the deflated football. His face was full of apology: "Sister, are you okay? I'm really sorry. I accidentally kicked it wrong..."

Before the woman could reply, another voice came: "Hey! Kid, have you caused trouble to others again?"

The three of them followed the sound, and a pair of very handsome young men and women also ran over. Yu Gongming looked at the three of them with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, my brother is naughty and has caused trouble for you!"

When the woman heard this, her eyes rolled slightly, then she knelt down and smiled at Conan: "It's okay little brother, sister is fine, but it's because of me that your ball seems to be broken."

"Yes!" A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Conan's face: "This is a birthday gift from my mother..."

Just as the woman was about to respond, the man holding the woman's coat spoke: "Miss, the master is still waiting for you, please don't waste any more time."

"But..." The woman seemed to want to say something else.

"Miss!" The man interrupted the woman directly, with obvious impatience in his tone.

"Okay." The woman looked helpless and said to Conan: "Okay little brother, sister is leaving, so be careful when playing football in the future!"

"I know!" Conan responded innocently.

"Thank you for your understanding!" Akira Hanemiya said with a sincere expression, and then gently tapped Conan's head: "Be careful next time you play football, let's go!"

Yu Gongming said hello, and then continued to move forward with Mengyu Conan.

Just when they were about to pass by the three of them, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu almost took action at the same time!

Yu Gongming grabbed the wrist of the man holding the gun and twisted it hard!



The crisp sound of bones shifting was accompanied by the man's scream!

Umiya Akira slid his hand downwards and snatched the jacket from the man's hand, as well as the pistol hidden in the jacket, and then hit the man's neck with a sharp elbow.

The man's screams suddenly stopped, his body fell to the ground, and he passed out.

On the other side, Mengyu had also used a standard grapple to pin the man to the ground, unable to move no matter how hard he struggled.

On the side, the woman was frightened by this sudden change. Her eyes widened and she looked at Yu Gongming and Meng Yu in shock.

Yu Gongming clapped his hands gently and smiled at the woman: "Don't worry, you are safe."


Twenty minutes later, the police arrived and took the two men away.

The woman faced Ming Yu and others in severe pain: "I really appreciate your help, otherwise I don't know what I will face in the future..."

"It's just a small effort, Miss Yotsui is too polite." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

After a brief conversation, they already knew the general information about the woman in front of them and the cause and effect of the incident.

The female name is Kumiko Yosui. Despite her young age, she is already the president of a clothing design company.

She originally came to the airport to see her best friend off the plane today, but when she was about to leave the airport after seeing off her best friend, she met the two men in a secluded place.

They threatened her with pistols and asked her to go with them. Kumiko Yotsui was naturally unwilling, but frightened by the black hole of the gun, she had no choice but to do so.

Later, I met Hanomiya Akira and others in the parking lot.

"Maybe it's just a small effort for a few people, but for me, it's a life-saving grace!" Kumiko Yosui said with a sincere face: "I don't know how to thank you all!"

After a pause, she continued: "It may be a little abrupt, but please allow me to at least treat you to a meal so that I can express my gratitude."

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