Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1714 Commission

It was noon, in a high-end restaurant.

In the end, Yumiya Akira and others were too kind to refuse, so they accepted Kumiko's invitation.

"This is a restaurant I often come to. I hope it can suit your taste." Kumiko smiled.

"I believe in Miss Kumiko's taste." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

Although he has a certain pursuit of delicious food, he has no taboos. As long as it is not really unpalatable or too unconventional and dark, he can accept it.

Afterwards, several people chatted while eating. Kumiko was a very talkative person and could find suitable topics with everyone. The atmosphere during the dinner was always very harmonious.

After everyone had finished eating, Kumiko looked hesitant and hesitated several times.

Hanamiya Akira naturally noticed the change in her expression, and took the initiative to say: "Miss Kumiko, what's bothering you?"

Kumiko pursed her lips, hesitated for a while, and then said: "That's right, you all saw what happened today. I always feel that the two people who wanted to take me away by force were not the real masterminds behind the scenes. "

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? How can you see it?"

Kumiko sighed: "Because the timing of their actions was such a coincidence!"

After a pause, she further explained: "Tomorrow, I am going to attend a charity dinner, and this dinner is related to the next big project of our company."

"Of course, our company is not the only one who is interested in this project. After many layers of competition, in the end, only us and another design company are left."

"At tomorrow's charity dinner, the project sponsor will announce the final ownership of the project."

"In other words, this charity dinner is actually the sponsor's final inspection of you?" Hanemiya Akira confirmed.

"That's right." Kumiko nodded: "In the previous competition, although our company had a slight advantage, the other company's strength was not bad."

"Once I miss this dinner, even if our company can send other representatives there, the chance of winning the project will plummet."

"Miss Kumiko suspects that this kidnapping was arranged by a competitor?" Conan asked.

"Yes." Kumiko said bluntly: "Those two people called out my name at the same time, obviously they were coming for me!"

"At this point in time, the only people who have the most motivation to take action against me are people from another company."

When Yumiya Akira heard this, he already had some guesses about Kumiko's intentions, and asked directly: "So, do you want to entrust me with something?"

"Yes!" Kumiko nodded: "I want to entrust Detective Hanomiya to temporarily protect my safety until the charity dinner is over."

"Is it okay until the charity gala is over?" Akira Hanomiya confirmed.

"It will be enough after the charity dinner." Kumiko affirmed: "By then the project will already have an owner, and it will be meaningless for them to take action again, and they may even offend the sponsor."

"Although the president of that company has a radical behavior style, he is a typical businessman who only acts for profit."

"I understand." Yumiya Akira showed a clear look, roughly understanding Kumiko's thoughts.

Once the project is vested, it will be nothing more than a choice between Kumiko and its rival company.

If a competitor gets the project, as the winner, there is no need to target Kumiko.

On the contrary, if Jiumei's subsidiary gets the project, the other party may indeed continue to take action because it is unwilling to do so.

But this time the situation is different.

At this time, Kumiko has established a cooperative relationship with the project sponsor. Once Kumiko is taken action, it is likely to affect the progress of the project, which will also touch the interests of the sponsor.

After offending the sponsor, even if the project sponsor chooses a partner again due to Kumiko's personal reasons, there is a high probability that he will not choose that company.

In Akira Hanamiya's view, Kumiko's idea does make some sense, but it is still a bit too optimistic.

Among other things, if another company can pay enough benefits afterwards, the attitude of the project sponsor may not soften, and it does not rule out the possibility of the other party continuing to take action.

Even whether the company was behind the kidnapping is still open to question.

Thinking in his heart, Yu Gongming did not express his opinion. At this point in his career as a detective, there is no need to take on business in a hurry for quick success.

Only by fully respecting the wishes of the client, completing the task without compromise according to the client's requirements, and not doing unnecessary things unless necessary, can we minimize our own risk.

After pondering for a while, Akira Hanomiya said: "I have accepted this commission. I wonder if Miss Kumiko can go to my detective agency to discuss the specific details and sign a formal commission agreement?"

"Of course! This is what it should be." Kumiko smiled and agreed readily.

Afterwards, everyone left the restaurant and went to the Hanomiya Detective Agency together. Even Conan went to join in the fun. According to him-it was idle time anyway.


Hanomiya Detective Agency.

"Then, the entrustment fee is determined to be two million yuan, is that okay?" Yu Gongming confirmed.

"Yeah! No problem! The price is very fair." Kumiko nodded.

Yu Gongming signaled to Mengyu, who immediately tapped the keyboard to revise the agreement.

"Then there are some details about the fulfillment of the commission." Akira Hanomiya continued: "The charity dinner should require an invitation letter, right? How do you plan to let me enter the venue with you?"

"This is not difficult." Kumiko replied: "I originally planned to bring a few assistants with me to the venue. I have already informed the organizer about this. Detective Hanomiya can just accompany me in as an assistant."

"Understood." Yu Gongming nodded clearly, sorted out the information in his mind, and asked: "By the way, who is the initiator of this dinner? What is the donation project?"

He just habitually understood the background of the entrusted location in order to adjust the specific execution strategy, but Kumiko's answer was somewhat unexpected.

"It was initiated by Kyōji Karasuma, the chairman of the Karasuma Foundation. The money raised from the dinner is said to be used for the rescue of street children and the research and development of specific drugs for rare diseases."

"Karasuma Consortium!?" Conan couldn't help but exclaimed, and Yu Gongming and Meng Yu also looked surprised.

"Eh? Little brother, have you heard of the Karasuma Consortium?" Kumiko looked at Conan in surprise.

"Uh... I just heard my dad talk about it, haha!" Conan was shocked to realize that he had lost his composure and quickly made a fuss about it.

"That's right!" Kumiko didn't think much, and looked at Hanomiya Akira: "Then, I'd like to ask for my safety these two days."

"Don't worry, Miss Kumiko, we will do our best!" Akira Hanomiya solemnly replied, beginning to really take this commission seriously.

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