Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 171 The threatened Sekiguchi Yoshio

Sekiguchi Yoshio turned into the safety staircase with a worried look on his face.

The flow of people in the general hospital in the afternoon is not very dense, and most people on the fifth floor choose to take the elevator, so the entire safety staircase seems very quiet.

Sekiguchi Yoshio also needed a place like this to calm down.

His steps were frivolous, his body swayed as he moved forward, and his eyes were empty. From a distance, he looked like a walking corpse.

After walking up a flight of stairs, he couldn't help but put his hands on the wall to prevent his weak body from falling.

He lowered his head and murmured to himself: "'s impossible, I can't do such a thing at all!"

"Hmph! What? Have you only learned to be afraid at this juncture?" A sinister male voice came from behind, scaring Sekiguchi Yoshio to the point of trembling!

He suddenly turned around and saw a tall man with a half-bald head and a ferocious expression looking at him with a sneer.

"Did you know that the famous detective Mouri Kogoro lives in that ward! And there are police patrols everywhere around the ward!"

"You don't have to worry about those policemen, we have already made arrangements..." The man's sneer remained unchanged, and he walked towards Sekiguchi Yoshio step by step. His burly body made his approach very oppressive.

"As for the detective, when you take action at three-thirty, he will also leave the room, because at three o'clock, he will go to his idol's concert, and those who came to see him will also push him to leave. Those people have now gone to borrow wheelchairs.”

"But, you want me to do such a thing in front of my father..." Sekiguchi Yoshio wanted to shirk, but was interrupted by the man:

"Didn't you give him sleeping pills? Don't worry, he can't see or hear anything."

"What about my daughter Xiaoyong? Is she okay now?" Sekiguchi Yoshio suddenly became excited. He overcame the fear in his heart and grabbed the burly man's shoulders and asked.

The man in the haunted house pushed him away fiercely and said coldly: 'You're such a long-winded guy...'

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

After a moment, the call was connected, and the man said coldly: "That guy wants to know how his daughter is doing now. Let him hear his daughter's voice."

About ten seconds later, the man turned the phone towards Sekiguchi Yoshio and turned on the speakerphone: "Listen to yourself!"

"Dad!" A little girl's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Little Gong!" Sekiguchi Yoshio said excitedly.

"Dad, I am playing here with a good big sister now. You have to pick me up after you finish talking to the doctor!"

"Xiaoyong, Xiaoyong!" Sekiguchi Yoshio wanted to step forward and take the phone, but the burly man retracted his hand and hung up the phone.

"Little Gong... Little Gong..." Sekiguchi Yoshio murmured his daughter's name and knelt down directly on the ground.

"Is she very good?" The man looked condescendingly at Sekiguchi Yoshio who was kneeling on the ground, and handed him a puff box:

"Take this box of snacks, and your chance to take action is just before the patrol starts at 3:30, while the police are confused and take action!"

Sekiguchi Yoshio took the box and opened the lid doubtfully.

What was in the box was not a puff at all, but a black pistol and an equally black magazine!

Sekiguchi Yoshio shook his hand and almost threw the box out!

He quickly stood up and said emotionally: "But, I don't know how to use a pistol, I haven't even looked at it!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" The man came closer to him and shut up Sekiguchi Yoshio with his cold eyes:

"Don't worry, as long as you stick the pistol to his body, then pull the trigger and shoot out all the bullets in it, it will be over soon!"


"Okay!" The burly man seemed impatient:

"Go to the bathroom now, wash your face and calm down. Remember, this is all for your daughter!"

After the man said this, he turned and left, leaving only Sekiguchi Yoshio who stared blankly at the puff box.


On the fifth floor of the hospital, on the bench at the end of the corridor.

"How is it? Seeing that you are listening so intently, have you gained something big?" Meng Yu looked curiously at Conan and Yu Gongming, who were both wearing listening devices.

"Yes, the harvest is so great that I am confident that last week's bank robbery will come to an end today." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"Oh? What did you hear?" Meng Yu became more and more curious.

"The daughter of Yoshio Sekiguchi was kidnapped by a group of bank robbers. They asked him to sneak into the ward at half past three and kill the man named Akabane with a pistol." Conan explained.

"Huh? This is to silence them and find a scapegoat!" Meng Yu instantly understood what the robbers were planning.

"Absolutely, and their conversation also revealed very interesting information." Conan smiled.

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded:

"The robber who talked to Sekiguchi Yoshio mentioned that my uncle would go to Miss Yoko's concert at three o'clock, and he even knew that we were going to borrow a wheelchair."

"Wait a minute, apart from us, there were only three patients including Uncle Maori, right? It's impossible for Uncle Maori and Akabane to reveal the news."

"It shouldn't be that old man. If he is an accomplice of the robber, then there is no need for the robber to go to all the trouble of asking Mr. Sekiguchi to assassinate Akabane. Moreover, that old man was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago...etc. Wait! Could it be..." Meng Yu's brows jumped.

"Bugging device!"

The three of them said these three words at the same time.

"If a bug is installed in the room, another problem will arise." Hanemiya Ming said:

"Akaban was sent to the hospital by the police. He is crucial to the police's detection of the robbery. The police will be guarding the ward 24 hours a day."

"Then the question is, how did the robbers enter the ward and install a bug under heavy police guard?"

"One more thing..." Conan added:

"The robber once said that when Mr. Sekiguchi took action, the police's attention would be diverted. Where did they get the confidence?"

"So, we suspect that there may be robbers among the hospital staff or the police!" Yu Gongming finally concluded.

"I understand, what are you going to do?" Mengyu asked.

"Currently we have to face two problems..." Yu Gongming said calmly:

"First, determine the location of Mr. Sekiguchi's daughter so that she can be rescued. Second, determine the location of the robber so that she can notify the police to arrest her."

"It's not difficult to locate the robber. We just need to find Mr. Sekiguchi and ask him to describe the appearance of the man who met him, so that we can easily find him. After all, making too many disguises in a place like this will arouse suspicion. Once you find one, the rest will be much easier to handle.”

"But the location of Mr. Sekiguchi's daughter, I'm afraid we won't be able to find out until after the robber is captured." Mengyu analyzed.

"However, it is currently confirmed that there is a robber next to the little girl. Once the arrest is too loud, or the robber in the hospital urgently notifies his associates to threaten the hostage, it will also be very troublesome." Conan frowned.

Yu Gongming was also deep in thought, his eyes wandering around aimlessly.

At a certain moment, Yu Gongming's eyes suddenly froze!

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