Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 172 Sekiguchi Yoshio’s expectations

"Look over there!" Yu Gongming pointed in a certain direction outside the window.

Conan and Mengyu looked in the direction pointed by Yu Gongming.

"What's wrong? It's There seems to be a person standing on the guardrail on the roof of the building opposite!" Meng Yu said in surprise.

"It seems to be a woman, and she is still observing here with a telescope!" Conan said solemnly.

"I remember just now I heard the little girl named Xiao Gong say that she is playing with a [good big sister] now..." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"I remember there seemed to be a small children's playground on the roof of that building, right?" Conan said.

"Why do you even know about this kind of children's playground on the rooftop?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"If you stay with those brats for more than a month, you will know the location of Tokyo Jiujiu Children's Park." Conan's tone was full of complex meanings.

"It looks like your extracurricular life is very exciting!" Meng Yu couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Conan rolled his eyes and did not answer. Instead, he turned to look at Yu Gongming:

"Currently, the woman looking here with the telescope is most likely the robber, and Mr. Sekiguchi's daughter is probably there too!"

"Well, there are many people in the hospital and in order to ensure the smooth operation, it is completely reasonable for one person to observe the overall situation from the opposite side while holding hostages!" Yu Gongming nodded.

"Since so much information has been deduced now, shouldn't we take action?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Akira Hanamiya and Conan both nodded, and they began to discuss specific action plans.


"Okay, let's split up!"


Conan came to the toilet on the fifth floor.

He saw Sekiguchi Yoshio walk in here with his own eyes.

Pushing open the toilet door, Conan happened to see Officer Megure washing his hands.

A police officer was debriefing him.

This information was roughly the same as what Akira Hanomiya had. While Conan was distracted listening to this information, his eyes turned to the inside of the toilet.

Sekiguchi Yoshio just passed Officer Megure and walked towards the inside of the toilet.

"Now while Officer Megure is here, should I contact Yoshio Sekiguchi directly... No, after all, we don't rule out the possibility that there are undercover robbers in the police. It's better not to alert the enemy."

Conan thought of this, and while Officer Megure was listening intently to the report, he also came to the inside of the toilet, opened the door of the innermost compartment and walked in.

However, he did not close the door, but left a gap in the door.

From this gap, he could observe the police such as Sekiguchi Yoshio and Officer Megure.

"Okay, let's go back to the bureau first. If Akabane can be interrogated, you can let me know."

After listening to the police officer's report, Officer Megure gave instructions.

"Yes! Team leader!" the police officer responded loudly.

From Conan's perspective, we can see that Sekiguchi Yoshio paused as he was about to enter the cubicle, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Officer Meguchi.

He hesitated for a moment, then finally plucked up the courage to speak: "That... team leader..."

"Oh?" Officer Memu, who was about to walk out of the toilet, turned back in confusion.

"Um..." Sekiguchi Yoshio was about to reply when a policeman suddenly stopped in front of him:

"Well, what's the matter with you?" the policeman asked.

"That's it, I..." Sekiguchi Yoshio was about to continue speaking, but unexpectedly the policeman suddenly approached him and whispered:

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Sekiguchi Yoshio's face changed drastically when he heard this!

The policeman showed a sneer and continued: "My brothers should have told you, right? Our people will monitor your actions at any time!"

Sekiguchi Yoshio's face became extremely pale!

"Um, what's wrong with him?" Officer Megure asked doubtfully.

"Ah! It's nothing. He said he felt a little uncomfortable and asked if we had any medicine." The policeman turned back to Officer Megure.

"Oh! That's right. You shouldn't go to the police for this kind of thing. You should go to the doctor. This is a hospital, haha!"

Officer Megure smiled and waved his hand, then left the toilet with his colleagues.

The [policeman] turned his head, showed a ferocious smile to Sekiguchi Yoshio, and then turned and left.

Sekiguchi Yoshio looked at the closed toilet door, holding the puff box in his hand, his body trembling uncontrollably, and muttering to himself

"It's's really over now..."

"Don't be so pessimistic, Mr. Sekiguchi." A childish voice came from behind him.

Sekiguchi Yoshio suddenly turned his head and saw a little boy about 7 or 8 years old wearing glasses walking out of the innermost compartment.

"Is that policeman just now one of the robbers?" Conan asked with a smile.

"Little brother, you..." Sekiguchi Ryōo looked at Conan in surprise.

"Although I didn't hear clearly what the policeman said to you, judging from your change of expression and the policeman's lies to Officer Megure, he must be a bank robber who mingled with the police, right?" Conan smiled. road.

"Um, but how did you know about the robbers?" Ryōo Sekiguchi asked in confusion.

"Because Brother Hanomiya installed a bug on your back, we heard everything about your conversation with a certain robber just now, as well as what happened to Xiao Gong."

"Brother Hanomiya...a bug?" Sekiguchi Yoshio's eyes widened!

"Yes, that's the person who patted your back! He is Tokyo's famous detective Akira Hanomiya. He felt there was something wrong with you in the ward, so he installed a bug on you." Conan laughed.

"This...this..." Sekiguchi Yoshio was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

After being stunned for two seconds, he suddenly knelt down towards Conan, held Conan's shoulders, and looked at Conan expectantly:

"Now that you know everything, can you help me save Xiao Gong!?"

"Don't worry, we have initially locked down the place where Xiao Gong may be. Brother Yumiya has gone over to carry out the rescue. Now we need your cooperation to help us catch the robbers in the hospital." Conan said.

"No problem! As long as you can rescue Xiao Gong, I will fully cooperate with you, even if it means risking my life!" Sekiguchi Yoshio said with excitement when he saw that there was hope for his daughter's rescue.

"Well, first of all, let me confirm how many robbers there were who robbed the bank at that time. Can you tell the truth now?" Conan asked.

"Well, a total of five people rushed into the bank at that time." Sekiguchi Yoshio said matter-of-factly.

"Five people... one for Akabane; one for the robber you met with; one for the undercover police officer; and one for the female robber who was with Xiao Gong; that is to say, there is another robber we don't have control over... and you Can you describe the appearance of the robber?" Conan asked.

Sekiguchi Ryōo quickly described the appearance of the burly man to Conan.

"Well, I understand." Conan nodded and stared at Sekiguchi Yoshio:

"Next, you do as I say..."

After a while...

"Okay, I understand!" Sekiguchi Yoshio nodded heavily.

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