Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1738 This person is still alive?

"I have an impression of this." Meng Yu said this, and Conan had already recalled: "I remember that because of that case, several killers from Black Sakura targeted Hanomiya, and then a mysterious man sneaked into Hanomiya's detective work So, put the audio CD of the killers’ conspiracy on the desk.”

"Yes." Yumiya Akira nodded slightly: "At that time, I had just returned from investigating Sawaki Koi. I met the guy on the second floor and chased him all the way to the entrance of a nearby alley. In the end, he used a plastic knife to persuade me to kill him. , escaped successfully.”

After a pause, he continued: "I had already doubted whether that guy was related to my late father, and even doubted whether my father was dead."

"Do you think your father chose to fake his death for some reason?" Conan immediately understood what Yu Gongming meant.

Yu Gongming lightly tapped the table with his finger: "At that time, Mengyu and I investigated and found some abnormal phenomena. When we made a deal with Belmode and helped her invade a Black Sakura base, I got some information from it.”

"In that document, we found a list of undercover suspects that Black Sakura is investigating, and the last name of one of them is [Hanomiya]."

Conan was startled: "So, you think your father was an undercover agent of a certain force who infiltrated Black Sakura, and his [death] was because he realized that his identity was about to be exposed, so he could escape?"

"This possibility is not low." Yu Gongming said calmly: "If my father's death was due to Black Sakura's operation to eliminate undercover agents, then as his only son, I might not live such a stable life."

"Indeed." Conan agreed.

From Black Sakura's perspective, since it was decided to eliminate the undercover, the people around the undercover naturally cannot be ignored.

There is no doubt that Yu Gongming has quite frequent contact with his father. Who knows if he has mastered any secrets, or what information the undercover agent gave him before he died?

In particular, after the death of his father, Akira Hanomiya gave up going to college and instead inherited the detective agency. This is actually very suspicious in the eyes of interested people.

Therefore, if the death of Akira Hanamiya's father was caused by Kuro Sakura, Akira Hanamiya should have been targeted by them long ago.

Conan thought for a while and said, "The possibility of an accident is very low. Your father shouldn't have a history of heart disease, right?"

"As far as I know, no." Yu Gongming replied: "Furthermore, as long as the person who sends the undercover has a normal mind and has a choice, he will not let a person with a heart disease be an undercover."

"I wouldn't do it anyway." Meng Yu nodded and said, "The work of being an undercover agent is so stressful. You are always on tenterhooks and face unexpected situations very frequently."

"Let a patient with a heart attack pass by. Who knows which accident will make his heart unable to bear it? If he fails, he will die immediately. That will be a big loss!"

"One more thing." Yu Gongming continued to analyze: "It actually only took two days from the last time I saw my father to the time I received the death notice. After receiving the notice, I immediately rushed to the hospital to check the situation."

"When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor had confirmed my father's death. All diagnostic materials were complete, and all indicators were consistent with the characteristics of a heart attack. Judging from the materials alone, it can be said that there are no flaws."

"This is obviously well prepared!" Conan understood instantly.

"So that's it!" Meng Yu also showed a look of surprise: "Accidents naturally catch people off guard, and there will be no time to prepare such a series of cover-up measures."

At this point in the analysis, the conclusion is already obvious.

The three of them fell into an eerie silence.

After a long time, Conan finally spoke: "Tell me, is it possible... that Ying Yi is Yumiya's father?"

Yu Gongming rubbed his chin and thought seriously about this possibility.

To be honest, his mood is still a bit complicated now.

There are various signs that his cheap father does not seem to be dead, but has changed his identity and is hiding in the dark, doing things that few people know.

This also means that unless something unexpected happens, they will have to recognize each other again sooner or later.

"Perhaps this is also the reason why Uncle Maori revealed this deliberately?" Yu Gongming couldn't help but guess.

He took a breath and said: "All our speculations are ultimately based on Uncle Maori's words. There is still a lack of conclusive evidence, but at least we can be sure that the Kage 1 should have a certain degree of goodwill towards [Hanomiya Akira] .”

"Do we need to investigate this matter?" Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming pondered for a while and nodded slightly: "You can try it."

After a pause, he continued: "Mengyu and I have investigated the study room at home before and found limited clues, but this is not surprising. If I were a member of the shadow, I would not leave relevant clues at home. of."

"Therefore, if you want to drop the investigation, there are two directions for the time being."

Yu Gongming raised two fingers.

"The first is to get in from Uncle Maori. He should know my father. Since he gave hints today, we may be able to continue to gather information around the corner."

"Leave this matter to me." Conan took the initiative to take over the task.

Yu Gongming nodded: "Yes! If there is any progress in the future, or if you encounter any difficulties, please contact me. This is my business after all."

After a pause, he looked at Meng Yu: "Then secondly, assuming that my father really faked his death, then the doctor who examined him at the time and the person who handled the body transport for cremation are all suspects."

"I'm going to ask Mengyu to help you check whether they and their families received any benefits of unknown origin before and after my father passed away, such as suspicious transfers, transfer of real estate, or information about further education and work. The more detailed, the better.”

"Okay!" Naturally, she would not shirk Yu Gongming's request.

"Then let's do this for today." Yu Gongming finally said.

When Conan heard this, he didn't stay long, said goodbye and left.

In the living room, Akira Yumiya lay lazily on the sofa, drinking a can of Coke taken out of the refrigerator.

Meng Yu also sat next to him with a can of Coke and said, "If your father hadn't died, he would have returned to this family sooner or later, right? Have you figured out how to face it?"

Yu Gongming shrugged: "Don't worry, I have memories anyway, and my personality and habits haven't changed much. I can explain the past by being affected by my father's death."

Mengyu shook her head slightly: "I'm not worried that he will find any problems! I'm asking you how to handle the relationship with him."

Yu Gongming pondered for a while and replied: "Let nature take its course. I definitely can't regard him as my real father now. As for whether I will recognize this family relationship in the future, it depends on how we get along with him later."

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