Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1739 President Karasuma’s response

In Tokyo's Minato District, inside a gorgeous mansion.

Boom, boom, boom!

President Karasuma's secretary gently knocked on the study door.

"Come in!" came the faint response from inside.

The secretary pushed open the door and stood respectfully in front of the desk.

Behind the desk, Karasuma Tsuneichi was leaning slightly against a high-backed chair, flipping through a book in a leisurely manner.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the secretary: "What's the matter?"

"It's about what happened last night." The secretary replied respectfully.

"Oh? Have you found out who interfered with our actions?" Karasuma Tsuneichi asked calmly.

"No, not yet." The secretary's voice was slightly lowered: "The other party's movements were one step faster than ours. The only team that had encountered them was subdued and lost consciousness before they had time to see their appearance clearly."

"Although a suspicious person was later found near a secret mansion in Toyokawa, he was obviously disguised and had strong anti-tracking capabilities. Our people did not follow him in the end."

Karasuma Hisashi's face darkened slightly: "You mean, there is no progress at all?"

The secretary quickly said: "Currently we have two suspects. One is that the people behind Toyokawa knew the news of Toyokawa's arrest for the first time, and then came to erase the traces;"

"Second: It was someone from the Metropolitan Police Department or the Public Security Bureau who took action."

"Continue." Karasuma Tsuneichi signaled.

The secretary quickly continued: "Although those people launched an attack on our people, they did not kill them, but found them in a remote alley."

"According to their account, they woke up in that alley without any interrogation. When the group encountered them, they attacked directly without any probing or dialogue."

"And judging from the details of the attack, it was the sentry hidden outside the house that was attacked first, and then the people who sneaked into the house."

"There are various signs that they were aware of our actions last night in advance."

"And judging from the opponent's skills, he is definitely not an ordinary person."

After a pause, the secretary continued: "Our layout for Fengchuan is quite secretive. It is almost impossible for unrelated people to know without in-depth investigation."

"The people or forces involved in the whole thing include Toyokawa, the police, and Kumiko, who we use as a pawn."

"Kumiko was kept in the dark from beginning to end. I heard that she went to the company to convene a meeting with the bidding team this morning to review the possible reasons for the failure of the bidding."

"I heard that she hired detectives to guard against Toyokawa?" Karasuma Tsuneichi suddenly interjected and asked.

"Yes! And it's the famous Tokyo detective Akira Hanomiya." The secretary replied immediately. It was obvious that he had put a lot of effort into this investigation.

After a pause, he continued: "However, after investigation, it was found that Akira Hanomiya and the others just happened to rescue Kumiko, and then accepted Kumiko's protection entrustment."

"But after catching Toyokawa, he and Kumiko left the Metropolitan Police Department. When Toyokawa was arrested, he and Kumiko had already arrived at the dinner venue, and they stayed at the venue after that. , without any prolonged absence or other suspicious behavior.”

"In other words, he probably didn't get any follow-up information from the police, so he had no way of knowing our target. Naturally, he had no motive and no time to take such decisive action."

"Therefore, I think that Akira Hanamiya and Kumiko are just uninformed outsiders, and their suspicions are really not worth mentioning compared to others."

After hearing this, Karasuma hesitated for a moment and said, "Then why do you think it might be the Metropolitan Police Department or the police?"

The secretary replied: "On the surface, their suspicions are not serious. According to common sense, if they were responsible, our people should have been arrested by now, instead of just being thrown into the alley."

"But considering the recent situation in Tottori, it cannot be ruled out that the police are watching us specially and are aware of our intentions. This kind of thing is not suitable for ordinary police to participate. Therefore, it is likely that the police or the police will take action. The secret power of the theater."

Karasuma Hisashi's face darkened slightly: "You mean... the group that attacked the archives?"

"Yes." The secretary nodded: "As for throwing people into the alley, maybe you want them to tell us the details of the attack and mislead us in the direction of the investigation."

After a pause, the secretary continued: "Finally, there are the forces behind Toyokawa. Their suspicions are undoubtedly the greatest."

"As Toyokawa's backers, it is reasonable for them to pay attention to Toyokawa. It is not difficult to know that Toyokawa was arrested as soon as possible."

"And this morning, the police car escorting Toyokawa was attacked. Toyokawa was almost shot to death. This is undoubtedly a very strong evidence."

"Yes!" Karasuma Tsuneichi responded calmly, basically agreeing with the secretary's speculation.

Knowing the news; investigating the police's handling of Toyokawa; arranging the killer to launch an attack; each of these will take time.

If the news had not been known immediately, it would have been difficult to launch such a precise attack the next morning.

Then, it is logical that after learning that Toyokawa was arrested, he immediately sent people to Toyokawa's residence to transfer or destroy the sensitive evidence in Toyokawa's possession.

Karasuma Tsuneichi frowned: "But, are their actions a little too hasty? Although Toyokawa was arrested, we have carefully screened the crimes involved and did not touch their sensitive interests."

"Are they not even willing to try to fish out Toyokawa?"

"There are only two possibilities." The secretary replied: "One, Fengchuan is of no importance to them and can be treated as an abandoned child at any time; second, Fengchuan is too important to them, and they are not willing to bet that Fengchuan remains secretive."

"Hmm..." Karasuma Tsuneichi narrowed his eyes slightly, tapped his fingers on the desk, and fell into thought.

For a moment, the only sound left in the study was the crisp sound of "dong-dong-dong".

After a long time, Karasuma Tsuneichi said: "Although there were some accidents along the way, at least Toyokawa has been brought in by us. Now that Toyokawa is not dead, even if he originally wanted to keep it secret, he should now disclose relevant information to the police. "

"You pay close attention to the police's movements, combine it with the intelligence collected from the Toyokawa safe house, and try to get in touch with [Zepira]."

"Yes! Do we need to continue to investigate what happened last night?" the secretary asked.

Karasuma Tsuneichi pondered for a while and replied: "There is no need to investigate. The matter is over. Whether it was done by the police or [Zepira], it will not affect our next actions."

"After successful contact, you can test it out based on the situation."

"Understood." The secretary replied respectfully.

Karasuma Hengyi waved his hand: "Okay, if nothing happens, you can go down."

"Yes!" The secretary bowed slightly and respectfully withdrew.

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