Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1740 Investigation Direction

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Meng Yu opened the door and walked in, holding a stack of information in her hand and placing it on the desk. "The information you asked me to check on the relevant people before and after your father's death is all here."

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work." Yu Gongming put down what he was doing, took the document and looked through it.

There is no need to doubt Mengyu's professional level.

This information contains all the information from the staff who carried his father into the ambulance to the cemetery employee who finally took the urn from his hand.

This information is not limited to the transfer records, work, and study information he requested, but also includes their Internet browsing records for the past three months, as well as contact information with financial and government institutions such as banks and post offices.

Frankly speaking, he may not be able to use all this information, but with more information, there are more possibilities.

"It's okay! It's not technically difficult for me to get this information, it's just that the amount is relatively large, otherwise it wouldn't take that long." Meng Yu said with a smile.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Yeah! It will take me a lot of time to read these information. If you don't want to wait, you can do your own thing first."

Meng Yu smiled and nodded: "Okay! I happened to see a discount on seafood this morning. I'll go take a look now."

After saying that, she turned around and went upstairs, ready to go out, while Akira Yumiya continued to read the information.


dinner time.

At this time, four dishes and one soup were already placed on the dining table. Even if the appetites of the two of them were not small, these were already quite sumptuous dishes.

Yu Gongming took a bite of the braised prawns, feeling the sweet shrimp meat wrapped in oil and aroma rolling in his mouth, and narrowed his eyes with enjoyment.

"How does it compare to what you did last time?" Meng Yu held her face in her hands and looked at Yu Gongming expectantly.

Yu Gongming swallowed the shrimp meat in his mouth, exhaled, and said with a smile: "If you continue like this, I'm afraid I will be raised by you to be a piece of trash who doesn't know how to cook or know how to eat animals."

"Glib tongue!" Meng Yu laughed and cursed, but it was easy to see from her slightly arched eyebrows that she was quite impressed by Yu Gongming's words.

"After all, I just ate the braised prawns you made!" Yu Gongming returned calmly.

"Just be poor!" Meng Yu rolled her eyes at him, and then changed the subject: "By the way, have you gained anything from reading the information all afternoon?"

"Of course there are." Yu Gongming replied while holding dishes: "There are currently two most suspected targets."

"First of all, it's the doctor who confirmed my father's death and issued the death certificate. His suspicion was basically established before your investigation."

"After all, even if there are any drugs that can temporarily make people fake death, the rescue will not end in an instant. With so many sophisticated instruments monitoring and under the eyes of professional first aid personnel, it is almost impossible to completely conceal a simple drug."

"And your investigation has further confirmed another guess of mine."

After a pause, Yu Gongming continued: "In your investigation, the doctor did not have any suspicious transfer records before and after my father's death, and there were no abnormalities in the life trajectory of himself and his relatives."

"I was a little surprised at the time." Meng Yu interjected: "Issuing a death certificate and confirming a person's death is not a trivial matter. Once a misjudgment or fraud is discovered, the responsibility is not small."

"Any doctor with some experience will take it seriously and will not easily agree to illegal operations by relevant parties."

"That doctor seems to have gained nothing, yet still takes such a huge risk. What is he trying to do?"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "There are only two possibilities. First, he has something in someone's hands and has to help with the fraud; second, he can obtain benefits that we cannot see, and the risks are not as high as we imagined. So big."

"But since he can be threatened to issue a false death certificate, he can naturally tell this matter under threat. I think the person who helped my father fake his death will not let such a person participate in this matter."

Meng Yu's eyes turned slightly, and she said tentatively: "Do you suspect... that the doctor himself is a member of the [Shadow]?"

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded and said: "If he is a shadow, then everything makes sense. Issuing false medical certificates and death certificates is the task of the superiors."

"He cooperates with the action. With the style of a director, he will naturally not forget his contribution, and the risk will be borne by the superiors. With the background of the shadows, it is not difficult to do this."

"That is to say, this doctor's information needs further investigation?" Mengyu confirmed.

"Of course!" Yu Gongming affirmed.

"What about the other person?" Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming said calmly: "The second one is the crematorium staff who was responsible for pushing the body into the incinerator for cremation."

"At that time, I escorted my father all the way from the hospital to the crematorium. Naturally, I confirmed his identity. Before pushing into the incineration room, he was still the same person. After entering the incineration room, he escaped from my sight."

"If you want to switch the package, the incineration room is the only possibility."

"Indeed!" Meng Yu suddenly said: "At that time, if you continue to pretend to be dead, you will be pushed to be cremated. But if a [corpse] suddenly jumps up, people who don't know will definitely be shocked. At that time, in the cremation room You can’t know anything about the outside world.”

"Therefore, it can only be that they have colluded beforehand!"

"What's more coincidental is that the staff member resigned from that crematorium a month later, and several social accounts on the Internet also stopped updating."

"Is there any way to find out his whereabouts after that?" Yu Gongming asked.

"There are no clues yet." Meng Yu shook her head slightly: "He must have assumed someone else's identity. I found the person in the police's internal missing persons file who has exactly the same information except his appearance."

"I tried to check the social worker database using the photos I obtained, but I couldn't find any information. Either a colleague had already processed it in advance, or his face was simply fake."

Yu Gongming said "ha": "As expected of the official, it is convenient to have such a thing!"

"That doctor, on the other hand, is still working in that hospital." Mengyu added.

Yumiya understood clearly: "It seems that this is a long-term cover-up of identity, at least a relatively stable direction of investigation."

After pondering for a while, Yu Gongming gradually began to think about it, and said: "Next, we will focus on the investigation of that doctor, the one at the crematorium. You can continue to try. If you really don't have any clues, don't force it."

"No problem, I'll do my best." Meng Yu readily agreed.

After a pause, she asked: "Then how do you plan to investigate? Overtly or covertly?"

"Well..." Yu Gongming touched his chin: "Then you have to think about it carefully."

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